All posts by Indigo Moon

Six Innovative Ways To Help Make Your Office More Eco Friendly

Whether you are the boss or an employee, there are so many ways to create a more planet friendly office space, and they don’t even require much effort or any major changed. We’ve compiled a list of six simple things you can do to help save the earth from your office chair.

Get Real Living Plantsshutterstock_266491322

So many offices have synthetic plants, and apart from zero maintenance they do nothing good.

Having real plants in your office will help purify the air all while giving off oxygen and consuming carbon dioxide.

According to The NASA clean air study, 15-18 decent sized plants per 1,800 square foot is a good ratio. Make sure you choose air cleaning and oxygen producing plants such as Aloe, Spider Plant or Snake Plant.

Stop Printing Things

There usually isn’t much real need for printing anymore. We store all data on computers now a days, we don’t even need to print things to sign them anymore, thanks to digital signatures. Continue reading

The Fundamental Differences Between Your Ego And Your Soul

Do you know the difference between your Soul, and your Ego? The moment you do, it can be a huge transformation!

Your ego is the mask you wear, the false image you have of yourself and your labels and position in society.

Your Soul is the true you, the you behind the mask and labels, your spirit and essence. It cannot change as your soul is the you, you are born as.


When your ego is in charge you find yourself repetitively thinking and doing. You negative emotions consume you and you seek outside validation. Inside your mind you constantly think about the things you are failing at, you have much self-doubt and self-criticism.

You feel that you are only as good as what you have, like money or your job, and what other people think matters more than anything. If anyone says something that hurts your ego you are easily bruised.

You cannot handle any outside criticism. We all need our ego and it has a purpose, but don’t allow it to rule and run your life. It’s not the real you. Continue reading

The Science Behind An Introverts Brain: What Makes Them Introverted?

Introverts would rather stay home than attend that party and be surrounded by loud people, they would far rather have a nice soak in the tub or read a book and have no fear of missing out!

Thanks to the internet most of us already know if we fall into the introvert category, but, did you know that introverts brains are physically different to their extroverted counterparts? These differences are why introverted people choose to be alone or in quiet environments rather than in loud crowded spaces with vast amounts of energy.

In the 1920’s, Carl Jung came up with the introvert and extrovert terms to help differentiate between personality types and how people energize in different ways. He explained that while the extroverted person gains energy from being in social environments, Introverted people felt more energized by being alone or in a quiet surrounding.

Extroverts feel anxious when alone while Introverts are overstimulated by demanding and busy environments.

While it is very common to move up and down the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum, most people tend to prefer one over the other.


One of the biggest brain differences between the 2 personality types is their reaction to dopamine, which is the chemical that is released into the brain, it has many functions and one of them is mediating pleasure and the reason we seek our external reward and pleasurable activity. Continue reading

6 Common Habits Of Highly Miserable & Unhappy People

Choice. Every day we make a choice to be grateful and happy, or we choose to see the bad in everything and be miserable. No matter what may come our way, we choose how to react and how we allow it to effect us. It’s okay to be sad and unhappy sometimes, but it’s not okay when it becomes a habit.

This state of mind unfortunately does becomes a habit if we allow it. Many times, unhappy people are stuck in that way of life, thriving on the pity and sympathy of others.shutterstock_262888328

When someone is unhappy or just plain miserable it’s pretty hard for them to see the good around them or even see that they are in this negative cycle caused by only themselves.

Instead, they blame, complain and moan at every chance they get.

They are the victim

In every story an unhappy person tells, they are the victim. To them, their lives are too hard to tolerate or control, and that’s everyone else’s fault. They will never accept responsibility for their actions. Feeling helpless doesn’t make things better and subconsciously, unhappy people start to thrive on others pity and sympathy.

They love to complain

shutterstock_333914579Unhappy people love to moan about how terrible their lives are. In fact, almost all they ever do is complain. Continue reading

4 Reasons Why It’s Okay When You Lose Friends As You Get Older

Does losing friends sound like a bad thing to you? Have you noticed your friend circle getting smaller? Well it’s time to stop worrying and realize it’s probably a good thing!

Staying connected with friends who don’t really “get” us or share our interests becomes more frequent as we get older, we choose to spend our time with those who we have actual connections with instead. Loyal and genuine friends are hard to come by and we learn to recognize who should stay in our lives and who shouldn’t.

Here are a few things you may be experiencing as you get older and your view of friendship changes, they will help you understand that the “friendship” elimination process is totally natural and normal!

You don’t tolerate insincerity anymoreshutterstock_289271069

As we grow older and wiser, we stop ignoring faults and incompatibilities with the people in our lives, we start to lose patience for insincere and false friends. We learn that “quality over quantity” applies to friendships too.

You’d rather have a genuine and sincere conversation with a good friend rather than put up a front and be with superficial people.

You’ve got less time Continue reading

Henry Ford Made a Hemp Car in 1941, But No One Knows About It

As much as we like to think biodiesel is a modern breakthroughs, biofuel really isn’t a new development at all. In the 1941 the first prototype car made from and fueled by hemp was constructed by Henry Ford. 70% of the cars body was made of industrial hemp and resin binder along with other cellulose fibres.Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 9.11.35 PM

Back in the 20th century marijuana was forbidden in order to suppress the inexpensive hemp fuel and fibre production, so that profits could be made by using petrol, all for tiny groups of people who wanted control and money.  They knew that using hemp would withdraw our economic system and enable the majority of the population to return to wealth and power.

Marijuana and hemp both come from the same plant, cannabis sativa. But Hemp is not smoked. It is the fibre from stalks, stems and sterile seed. By claiming marijuana to be a dangerous drug they effectively prohibited hemp. It has only ever been about control and money.

Video Source: RevCannabis for President 2012