All posts by Jeff Wilson

16 Signs That You Have Hidden Healing Abilities

Everyone has the potential to be whatever they want and influence the world in whatever way they desire. There is no denying that each person has certain attributes that have been nurtured more than others. Whether done on purpose or subconsoucly, its imprtant that we be able to diagnose our strengths and attend to our weaknesses.

Healers are present in every society and never really sought out until circumastances force us to seek them out. This lack of focus has left potential healers in a state of non recognition. We need healers more than ever, I would surmise, regardless of the fixationn on characters like leaders. Below is a list of traits common to healers. Examine your own character and see if this archetype fits you!

  1. You are frequently told how soothing it is to be around you.
  2. You and the people in close physical proximity of you rarely get sick.
  3. You are constantly thinking of how to improve people’s lives
  4. You have probably been diagnosed with anxiety, panic or mood disorders.
  5. You are highly empathetic, to the point that it disrupts your social life.
  6. You have a family history of healers. You’re elders may have been doctors, therapists, medical workers, humanitarian protesters, veterinarian workers or guidance counselors. Anything to help people with the human condition.
  7. You walk in public spaces with butterflies in your stomach and heightened senses.
  8. You have a way with animals. They react to you more calmly or are just happy to see you.
  9. Strangers spill their life to you with very little prompting.
  10. You are great at massages, though you may have never been to school for it.
  11. You experience neck and shoulder pain often. You hold your stress there.
  12. You revel in being outside.
  13. You are attracted to crystals and are interested in their meta physic properties.
  14. You are interested in spiritual sciences: Reiki, energy healing, shamanism, acupuncture, among others.
  15. Your high level of awareness means you are sensitive to certain foods and drinks. You may often have headaches or digestive issues
  16. You sometimes feel random chills, warmth radiating from your core, or your palms tingle and pulsate.

The main elements of a healer boil down to high sensitivity on multiple wave lengths, the ability to manifest energies, highly emphatic feeling and  a desire to help those around you. There is no blanket theory or agreed upon path for you to take to develop these feelings. You will have to examine where you are in life and strike out as your resources allow. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to get the ball rolling in terms of healing. Everything in the universe strives to be healthy and happy, we just need to be reminded every so often.

Have You Been Seeing Repeating Numbers? THIS Is What They Mean

Do you have a tendency of seeing repeating numbers? It could be on a clock, on the radio or even street signs and addresses. If it happens a lot to you then it could mean that a non physical entity is speaking to you. Being a member of this third dimension, means I can only guess at who or what is trying to communicate with you. It could be a demon, angel, spirit, ghost or deity. As the different potential entities operate above or below our plane of existence, they are forced to communicate through indirect means.

Spiritual specialists have surmised the meanings behind these repetitions. Like other forms of divination, this interpretation is going to be very personal. While these guidelines will provide the general map, it will be up to you to highlight what it means to you and your life.

Seeing 1’s

Repetitions of this number show that you are on the ‘right’ path for you. It is an affirmation of positive energy and productive decisions.

Seeing 2’s

This number means that you are coming up on an obstacle. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. Upon seeing this number gather your strength and push away fears and negative people.

Seeing 3’s

Three is a very powerful number indicative of dynamic elements. Spiritual guides have been summoned to help you in your endeavors. Seeing this number frequently is an affirmation of your protection against negativity and non productivity.

Seeing 4’s

A heavy congregation of fours in your life means that you are gathering many resources. If you have been experiencing financial or emotional strains, this signifies the end and will point you towards a beneficial time.

Seeing 5’s

Fives reveal an end of stagnation or a negative rut. Your life is or will be given a universally forward moving energy. Past plans that have been held up will buckle under this productive pressure. Prominent and fantastic elements are about to enter your life.

Seeing 6’s

Sixes are normally credited with demonic powers and influence. This is not always the case. Mathematics are a universal language used by any sentient being. Seeing this number everywhere doesn’t have to mean that you are about to possessed or anything that dramatic. Sixes are a general warning though. It means that you are being influenced by negative energies and need to take time for yourself. Take the time and monitor your emotions and thoughts. Are they uncharacteristically dark or unproductive? Start making moves to breathe healing into yourself and the people around you.

Seeing 7’s

Sevens are seen as an omen of good energies and possibilities. The gate to growth and compassion are near so take advantage of the energies and sources available.

Seeing 8’s

Eights are normally a bit of a rarity. They indicate a strong connection to a hidden realm of the universe. This realm is related to shamanistic,, healing, and cosmic powers. From this ‘place’ is where angels reside and deep truths are made clear.

Seeing 9’s

Nine is the last single digit number, so it makes since that it appears as one chapter closes and another opens. Acknowledge that job you no longer need or that relationship that has turned toxic. Stick your unique path and walk with the knowledge that as one door closes another will open. Nine also favors the opportunity to learn important lessons specific to you.

11 Things Your Soul Wants You To Realize

Our souls are so much more than the sum of all other aspects of ourselves. Let that statement sink in. Our soul is more than the totality of our minds, hearts, chakras, energies and thoughts. It will always be like this as well. Inherent to your soul is the potential for growth and connection to others. People have infinite possibilities and abilities in them.

With today day and age its hard for us to hear our inner voices. Multitasking is about to become an Olympic event, or so you would think the way everyone is constantly training for this eventuality. If you can’t take the time to listen to your soul right now, we have taken the privilege of passing along the general notes and desires of the soul.

Be Kinder

Your actions and intentions have far reaching effects. Your soul can sense the rippling effect more than you can mentally conceive. Every act of compassion and kindness will cascade through your community. Spread it around and help others deal with their situations. Your soul knows better than your other aspects of self that we are all in this together.

Stuff Won’t Make People Happy

Your soul doesn’t care about that fancy gadget or a flashy sports car. Don’t let society’s enticements make you lose focus on the needs of your soul. The happier you make your soul, the better positioned you’ll be to combat negativity in the other aspects of yourself.

You Need To Release The Past And Future

Holding on to past experiences and expectations of the future not only fatigue your mind but are damning to your soul. Stop procrastinating on this practice.

Value Your Perceptions More

Perception is reality. Develop and open your perceptions up every moment you can. If you have difficulty examining, isolating or communicating with aspects of your self, a poorly developed perception could be a major factor.

Life Is Hard And Tough

Life is hard, full of trials and obstacles. All suffering is an important part of growth and compassion. Every element of life can be turned into a productive and pleasant end. Your soul has the terms of the infinite in it, so don’t be afraid. Have faith that even if you can’t see the development of a solution in yourself, it only because you have so many possibilities locked away.

It’s Alright If You Don’t Succeed At Everything

Success is over rated. Donn’t be one of those people that when you are winning your ego flourishes. When you’re not doing ass hot then your ego suffers. Your soul’s opinion of your ego probably follows that is that it is like a spoiled child. We learn more in ‘failure’ than in ‘success’. Don’t let your ego make you feel any sort of crazy way. Your soul is simply happy that you are trying.

Don’t Waste Your Time Trying To Please Everyone

The same that is true of you is true of others. We are more than our egos. Don’t bring anymore attention to the egos of others than necessary. Even if making everyone happy was a productive goal (and it definitely isn’t), it could never be achieved within reasonable means.

Fear Is A Necessary and Pertinent Part of Life

‘Fear is the mind killer.’ This is an exaggeration, fear is what keeps our perceptions relative to our situations and desires. It is necessary to live a truly productive life. It keeps our ambitions in check. Like every emotion, it will come to pass. Fear has no truly truly long lasting harmful effects.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

Our words have a different influence than our actions or intentions but they are just as powerful. Don’t use the truth as a weapon to harm or check others. Don’t dissect it for anyone’s advantage. Speech is the second stage of intention before it becomes action. If you aren’t careful abusing your words will skew the results of what ever you are doing. Keep your speech clear and honest to ensure that there is room for your soul’s intentions to compete with the other aspects of yourself.

Blending Into the Crowd Isn’t Good For You

You are disrespecting your soul and your distinctive nature by attempting to fit in with the social ‘bell curve’. You will always succeed more thoroughly if you play to YOUR strengths and weakness.

Don’t Let Loss Stop You From Loving

Your heart is built to experience and create emotions. Don’t let its sometimes maddening range of feelings stop you from pursuing your goals. All emotions will fade and morph with time and awareness.

Hoax Or Visitors From The Stars? Crop Circles Are Still Shrouded In Mystery

Crop circles are designs that have been imprinted in crop fields. Sounds simple until we get into the nitty gritty details. The creators of these designs are a mystery for one. While a handful of humans have come forward to claim responsibility, there are many more instances that humans couldn’t have accomplished.

There are only so many hours in the night and many crop circles are huge (some spanning over a kilometer). It would take a massive team of people of people using GPS, lasers, and advanced, localized microwave emitters to produce the typical crop circle. This would be a very noticeable night time event. Even if a group of people were that organized and ninja trained, they would still very likely leave foot prints.

It was originally thought that a team of hoaxsters could use planks attached to ropes could bend the stalks. The manner that the more mysterious circles have been formed reveals a difference in how the stalks can be bent. Any physical means of forming the stalks breaks or deforms them. Only intense heated microwaves bends the stalk without deforming it. There is no hand held device that could do this on the such a large magnitude.

Over the crop circles that have no obvious creator,there is a strong magnetic resonance to be found lingering for a couple of days. We have no applicable knowledge of what could magnetize an entire field of crops or for what purpose. Scientific research has been conducted but no conclusions have been drawn. We gather facts of the after math but scientists would need information during or before the event to truly qualify what is going on.

The lack of obtainable information on the how is fairly is more than perplexing. There is a message being projected from some sort of entity and we are clueless as to what it is. If its aliens why would they choose such an indirect manner of communication. With their advanced technology there would be many avenues available for them to communicate to us.

There are theories that crop circles are communications from inter dimensional beings, or other supernatural entities. What really gives the latter theory clout is they have to use indirect means to contact us. Kind of like how entities use repeating numbers or other omens to communicate. They have restrictions placed on how they can cross ideas from the immaterial to the physical. As time goes on and more testing methods are employed to gather information we are more likely to glean new information.

Studies Show People Who Are Awakened Can Telepathically Influence Others’ Dreams

Dream telepathy is the event in which a person influences or sends specific images to a sleeping person via telepathy. This form of para psychological (PSI) phenomena has been documented through out the ages. While it has been a interesting subject as long as people have been communicating, the theories behind this phenomena started to solidify with the psychoanalytic movement. Great thinkers like Freud, Tesla, and Jung were greatly interested in and believed in non physical abilities of people.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

shutterstock_228583069 (1)Once technology caught up to the idea of the human potential we started testing the theories. Most notably, Dr. Montag Ullman, experimented in the mid 60’s to test the ideas that people could send randomly selected and specific material.

Conducted at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, test subjects attempted to send images of photographs and paintings. Dr. Stanley Krippner joined the experiment shortly after it began, Krippner is still actively experimenting in this field. The experiments lasted more than ten years, yielding statistically significant results. Continue reading

4 Uncomfortable Changes That Happen When You’re On Your True Path

When you’ve worked hard enough to find your path, you’ll find yourself in a ‘cloud nine’ feeling. All that work and perseverance has payed off! You finally can see that glimmering light at the end of your tunnel. Enjoy this feeling, share it with the people you love. Make full use of this feeling of empowerment and faith in yourself. Do not stand around waiting for the other shoe to drop or for the shit to hit the fan as it were. More obstacles are bound to fall in your path so please, please, please congratulate yourself. This feeling, like all things will not last.

Granted you have been bold enough to find and open the door to your next chapter, but now your goals have the addendum of not falling off. You have new resources and better practices then you may have ever experienced. This spiritual ‘rising through the ranks’ means you will now face elements you have no precedent with. Emotions that used to be a simmer now a roaring bubble. People turning to you for support like never before. The list is endless.


What happened? Just a moment ago the world was at your finger tips! Are you really doing what you want? Will your actions carry the intended effect? You’ve dealt with uncertainty in the past but now it’s different. You may be fearful that you’ve wasted all this energy and time for something that you no longer desire.

Have no fear. We are naturally always on the hunt for our happiness. Happiness is something every person has the ability to recognize. Focus on the here and now. Thank yourself for having the insight and discipline to get as far as you did. I believe that all experience is only a waste if we choose to view it as such.


Welcome to the dark side of success. Everyone talks about how bad the days can get but no one mentions the agony of the endless evening sent alone. Day break is on it’s way, so stay strong. Those thoughts in your head seem to be invigorated by the night sky.

All the tasks you never finished send their harshest reminders in the dead of night. Build a plan to handle what you need to. Breathe. Occupy your mind with books, movies, or mediation. Make a snack. The most important thing is that you spend as little energy as possible, you still have things to do tomorrow.

Social Polarities

You’ll find yourself in different and new social situations. You seem to be surrounded by people or alone. People flock to you to share in the strong, positive and productive energies you radiate out. To get anything done you strike out alone. This flux of social attentions is dizzying.

You will need to set new boundaries on many different levels. As your priorities change so to do you. What was acceptable or fun two months ago may no longer fit into your plan. As you set these new parameters be aware of people’s feelings and tread carefully. There is no need to burn bridges.

Keeping the Balance Productive

Your life has been given new-found energy, momentum, and influence. Tread with care and mind the gap. It’s easy to let your professional life over shadow your personal, your spiritual taking precedent over the physical. Remember you are part of a community, lean on others when you need to. Be as alert as you can for hang ups and obstacles. You are moving faster than you ever have, these problems will build like none before.