All posts by Kasim Khan

This Video Will Change The Way You Look at Prescription Medicine Forever

Pills decorated with dollar billsLearning the truth about the pharmaceutical industry is like finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real. Its heartbreaking, disappointing, and makes us question everything we’ve ever been told. Nonetheless, we must wake up at some point for the sake of our own truth.

To hear that an industry, we have entrusted to care for us so that we can live happy and healthy lives, is a participant of atrocious acts designed to yield gluttonous profit, is gut wrenching. For some, the idea is literally unbelievable.

I too, was skeptical; I was convinced that a doctor knew best.

Pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars a year from prescribing medication. A great amount of profit is being made by the number of illnesses people suffer from. These statements are facts, and they should at least question your thoughts about the medical industry, but if they don’t, this video clip is sure to do so.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”- Soren Kierkegaard Continue reading

16 Qualities of A Conciously Aware, Modern Day Hippy

The hippy era was a time of spiritual awakening and freedom from conformity. Hippies were known to go against the grain of society’s expectations, and most of them were well awake.

Though consciousness goes much deeper than the list below, here are some clues that may suggest you too are a conscious minded hippy.

You Pay Attention to Your Breath:  The number of times you consciously take a deep breath might be more often than those around you, and not necessarily because you’re stressed, but because you are aware of the importance of breathing.shutterstock_311531093

Alone Time is Perfectly OK With You: Ah yes, there’s no time like alone time. You value your alone time and genuinely enjoy it. Alone time is a break from the energies of the people around you, which can sometimes be challenging to ingest.

You Give Zero F@#ks: You do what you want and you no longer allow others to influence how you live. Your life is led by your hunger to grow and the desire to expand your mind, rather than inauthentic fillers.

You Are Not a Fan of Planning: You’re tired of the question, “So what are your plans for the future?” You much prefer to go with the flow and see what happens.  The word “maybe” is a word you use often. Continue reading

The Top 10 Essential Oils For Healing Your Body Naturally

Pharmaceutical companies are being exposed left and right, of their vile practices that include selling medications that continue to keep us sick. For those of you who are up to date on Big Pharma, you know that pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars off of sick people, and have no interest in seeing people recover from the detrimental illnesses they suffer from. The “Truth About Cancer,” documentary series, does an incredible job of explaining the eye-opening, ugly truth behind prescription drugs.

So who can we trust, if not the drugs that are meant to be helping us? Ah, Mother Nature of course. For every ailment, disease or mental suffering, Mother Nature can help.

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that are derived from plants, flowers, herbs, fruits, and other gifts from the Earth. They are widely used for health wellness, aromatherapy, cosmetic desires, and deep spiritual awareness.

While there are over 90 essential oils to choose from, I have listed 10 that I personally use.essentialoilsfeature

Lavender– Perhaps one of my favourites. You can apply it directly to the forehead, chest, temples, or the bottom of your feet. It is also great to drink in lemon water or add to your bath tub. I also use it in my face wash and moisturizer.

  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Heals burns and wounds
  • Improves sleep
  • Restores skin complexion and reduces acne
  • Slows aging with powerful antioxidants
  • Improves eczema and psoriasis
  • Alleviates joint pain
  • Has been linked to reversing diabetes

Lemon: I use this oil in my lemon water, in my cleaning products, hand soap, toothpaste, and as a breath freshener.

  • Cleansing and Purification(cleaning products)
  • Oral health(breath freshener)
  • Digestion(lemon water)
  • Remedy for abdominal colic pain
  • Cough relief
  • Calms stomach and relieves nausea
  • Nourishes the skin(cleanser)
  • Promotes Weight loss(lemon water is a natural aid for weight loss)

PeppermintPerhaps one of the most versatile. I have used this oil on friends and family who suffer from migraines, and muscle pain; now its all they use.

  • Muscle pain relief
  • Sinus infections(after inhaling this, there is immediate relief)
  • Freshens bad breath(another good one to freshen breath or add to toothpaste)
  • Relieves headaches and migraines(apply to temples, forehead and back of neck)
  • Anti-itch(mix with lavender oil and apply to itch)
  • Natural bug repellent
  • Contributes to hair growth and fullness
  • Sunburn relief
  • Teething(mix with coconut oil and apply to baby’s gums)
  • Fever reducer
  • ADHD support(improves concentration and alertness)
  • Has been shown to aid in cancer treatment, click here for more information

frankincenseFrankincense: Ah, frankincense. I use this beauty to restore a grounded state during meditation. Its called the king of oils for a reason, its a special one. 

  • Relieves stress
  • Aids in Meditation
  • Crazy good for anti-aging and wrinkles
  • Reduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks
  • Helps boost the immune system

Oregano: This is one you MUST dilute before using. It is a great anti-bacterial agent and fights infections effectively. I have used it to get rid of skin tags, just don’t forget to dilute!

  • Fungal infections(ie. athlete’s foot)
  • Bruises
  • Arthritis pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tendonitis
  • Cysts
  • Warts
  • Candida (yeast infections)
  • Shingles
  • Herpes

Cinnamon: A really awesome oil that has helped my family members with diabetes.

  • Blood sugar regulation (diabetes)
  • Brain function (helps with memory loss)
  • Heart health
  • Blood circulation
  • Menstruation pain and cramping
  • Indigestion
  • Improves the health of the colon
  • Can help be a natural birth control( it naturally delays menstruation after child birth)

Helichrysum: A pricey, yet very effective oil. Family members of mine have used it for liver health.

  • Allergies
  • Skin inflammation
  • Wound healing
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion and acid reflux
  • Liver diseases
  • Gallbladder disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach-aches
  • Bloating

Tea Tree: I use this oil for ingrown hairs and it works marvellously.

  • Acne (tea tree oil was used in the famous acne cleanser, proactiv)
  • Bacterial infections
  • Chickenpox
  • Cold sores
  • Congestion and respiratory tract infections
  • Earaches
  • Fungal infections (especially candida, jock itch, athlete’s foot and toenail fungus)
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Head lice
  • Psoriasis
  • Ingrown hairs

Chamomile: This oil comes in handy when I’m having one of those days.

  • Relives anxiety and depression (decreases irritability, over-thinking, anxiety and worry)
  • Muscle spasm treatment
  • Natural anti-dandruff agent
  • Moisterizes and softens hair
  • Aids in kidney and urinary tract infections

Sandalwood: Another personal favourite. I use this oil everyday for mental clarity.

  • Relaxing and calming
  • Mental clarity
  • Memory booster
  • Natural aphrodisiac (always fun)

The uses for essential oils are endless, and I have only mentioned a handful compared to what’s out there. Research on the effects of essential oils, is continuing to be conducted and so far, the results are promising.

“There’s an oil for that.”- Every person who has benefited from the use of essential oils.

(Due to the high concentration of the oils, I recommend using coconut oil to dilute the oil when applied to the skin, in case of a potential allergic reaction. Its also important to research how to use the oils before using them.)

Modern medical technology proves the benefits of essential oils in the video below:

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Kasim Khan, Team Spirit

This Research Reveals The Incredible Benefits of Hemp You Haven’t Heard of Before

What if I told you its OK to change your mind based on new information?

The knowledge of marijuana’s benefits is on the rise, the high rise if you will. Pun intended.

More and more research is proving that marijuana isn’t the gateway drug that we are all made to believe it is. In fact, many of the negative things told to us about marijuana have proven to be false according to many recent studies. An increasing number of states in the U.S. are recognizing these new studies and changing history in the process.

U.S. states started recognizing marijuana for it’s medicinal purposes, and a few states have now legalized cannabis recreationally. So why are these states legalizing it? What do they know that the rest of the great US of A doesn’t? Or, better yet, why are they willing to take the “risks” associated with legalizing weed?


Since legalizing marijuana, Colorado has been faced with a huge problem…just what will they do with all that extra tax money? Last year legal marijuana was a $700 million dollar industry for dear Colorado. And Washington’s legal marijuana market is also bringing in more tax revenue than the state predicted.

While new roads and better education is great, let’s get to the good stuff…health perks.

Are you ready? Here are just some of the proven health benefits of marijuana

Slows Down and Stops Cancer Cells from Spreading– A study published in the Molecular Cancer Therapeutics journal shows Cannabidiol has the ability to stop cancer by turning off a gene called Id-1. The American Association for Cancer Research has also found that marijuana slows down tumour growth in the brain, breasts, and lungs, considerably. It should also be noted that according to the data presented at an annual meeting of the American Academy for Cancer Research, people who regularly inhale cannabis smoke do not possess an increased risk of lung cancer compared to those who either consume it occasionally or not at all.  And guys, the government bloody knows this. You can read more about why they try to keep it a secret here

Decreases Hepatitis C Side Effects and Aids in Treatment– Hepatitis C causes unpleasant side effects that include fatigue, nausea, muscle pains, loss of appetite, and not surprisingly, depression.  A 2006 study in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology discovered that 86% of patients using marijuana successfully finished their therapies, while only 29% of the non-smokers completed theirs. There is no surprise that because marijuana helps with the side effects, it also helps with the actual treatment of the disease. 54% of the Hepatitis C patients who smoked marijuana lowered their viral levels while only 8% of the non-smokers lowered theirs.

Prevents Alzheimer’s– A 2006 study led by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute, discovered that THC, the beautifully active ingredient in weed, could halt or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. THC slows the formation of amyloid plaques which are what lead to Alzheimer’s.

Treats Glaucoma– Are you seeing the benefits yet? Pun intended. Glaucoma is the eye disease that increases pressure on the eyeball, which damages the optic nerve and causes loss of vision. The National Eye Institute’s studies showed that marijuana, when smoked, lowered the intra-ocular pressure in patients with glaucoma.

May Protect the Brain After a Stroke– Though further research is needed for humans, research performed on mice, rats and monkeys by scientists at Nottingham University, showed TCH may help protect the brain by reducing the size of the affected area.

Helps People Suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) – PTSD is the number one reason veterans in New Mexico have obtained licenses for medical marijuana.  Cannabinoids help control fear and anxiety in the brain. One war veteran states, “I’m now 80 and I’m still a Holocaust child, but I’m finally able to better cope.”

Cures Chron’s Disease– Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder that causes pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, and more. A recent study in Israel showed that smoking marijuana reduced symptoms in 10 out of 11 patients; 5 of those 10 patients were completely free of chron’s disease after cannabis treatment.

May Help the Brain after Concussion and Trauma– The Cerebral Cortex journal showed possibilities that marijuana can help heal the brain after a concussion, or other traumatic injury. The study performed experiments on mice, and revealed that marijuana lessened the bruising of the brain, and helped with healing mechanisms after a traumatic injury. It is no wonder that Harvard professor, Lester Grinspoon recently wrote an open letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodall. In his letter he writes that the NFL should stop testing players for marijuana and should instead fund for research on marijuana’s ability to protect the brain.

Relieves Arthritis- It has been said that marijuana has been known to help with pain and aid in sleep, so it’s no surprise that studies have shown that the miracle plant helps relieve arthritis, a disease that is painful, so painful that it keeps sufferers awake at night. Though research is limited, there was research done in the Rheumatology departments at several hospitals around the country. The departments gave their patients Sativex, a cannabinoid-based pain-relieving medicine. After two weeks, patients who took Sativex had significant reduction in pain and gained improved sleep quality, compared to those who were given a placebo.

Controls Epileptic Seizures-A 2003 study performed by Robert J. DeLorenzo M.D., PhD, at the VCU Neurology Department found that TCH controls seizures by binding the brain cells responsible for controlling excitability and regulating relaxation.

Eases the Pain of MS- Canadians do it again. A study published in the Canadian Medical Association suggests that marijuana may ease painful symptoms of MS. Though a very small study, 30 MS patients who did not respond to other medications reported that they had less pain after smoking marijuana.

Helps Decrease Anxiety- Though dosage is very important when it comes to using weed to treat anxiety, researchers at Harvard University found that marijuana may actually reduce anxiety and improve the smoker’s mood. And most stoners can definitely agree with this.

Soothes Tremors Associated with Parkinson’s Disease- This benefit is one of the many reasons the legalization of medical marijuana exists in Israel. According to research performed in Israel, smoking marijuana has been shown to dramatically reduce pains and tremors in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Boosts Creativity– Though this benefit isn’t exactly a health benefit, it’s my personal favourite.  Any time I have a mental block or just simply can’t shut my brain down to relax, cannabis has proven to be a friend in need. And a damn good one. There has been little research done on how weed affects creativity, but you can read about one study here. And I for one can definitely attest.


And Now, Some Benefits of Hemp…

Hemp is the same plant as marijuana; its scientific name is “cannabis sativa.” Hemp was used to make paper, rope, textile and canvas for thousands of years until it was wrongfully banned. It is believed that hemp was banned because it was a competitive threat to the wood products industry.

Hemp is Awesome for the Environment- According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, one acre of hemp can produce 4 times more paper than one acre of trees. And there is not a tree or other plant species that is capable of producing more paper than hemp. What does this mean? Making paper products from hemp can eliminate the need to chop down billions of trees, which means more clean oxygen and more preservation for wildlife habitats. There are also fewer caustic and toxic chemicals when making paper from hemp, than from trees.

Hemp Can be Substituted for Cotton- Hemp fiber is 10 times stronger than cotton and can be used to make clothing. Cotton only grows in warm climates and requires enormous amounts of water. Hemp requires little water and can grow just about anywhere. The plant also decreases air pollution because it is naturally resistant to pests and does not need pesticides to grow; clothing made from hemp does not contain any residual chemicals.

Hemp Can be Used for Fuel- Hemp is a very leafy plant and contributes a high level of oxygen to the atmosphere during its growth; between 20% and 40%. This makes up for the loss of oxygen when it is burnt as fuel, which in turn, reduces the unwanted effects of global warming, acid rain and the depletion in the ozone layer.

Hemp Seeds are Incredibly Good for You- 

  • Excellent source of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, 6 and GLA in the perfect balance
  • More digestible protein than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk, cows milk or any other high protein food
  • Rich in Vitamin E
  • Can be eaten by those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose or sugar; there are no known allergies to hemp foods

“Make the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere.”-George Washington


There is so much research claiming that marijuana is actually an amazing plant, so why are people so resistant?

Change is something that the human race has an incredibly hard time embracing. I think we can all relate to that, right? In fact, Andrea Simon Ph.D., Cultural Anthropologist tells us that early lessons in life keep people from seeing things in fresh ways. Our brain hates change because it must work very hard to experiment with unfamiliar ideas. She tells us “to ignite change, you need to do it yourself first-new ideas come from trying new solutions.”

If you have resistance to believing the benefits of marijuana, maybe you should try it out for yourself.


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Kasim Khan, Team Spirit

This Short Video Scientifically Explains Why Hugging is Good For You

hug-friend-day-38-cute--large-msg-136699832208What is that desire humans have to give someone a hug when they are feeling down? There is a natural knowing to hug someone when they need that physical connection. It turns out humans need social contact such as pats on the back, hugs and hand holding.  Even science has confirmed that this all contributes to both your happiness and your health.

Check out this short and informative video which explains things in more detail :

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Hugs really are rather extremely awesome if you think about them. They’re free, they’re quick, you can do them in public , you can hug people of both sexes,  and you can hug people of all ages . Seriously, if you’re not hugging, you’re missing out.

So, to sum it up by hugging more you can increase pleasure, decrease stress, increase human bonding, and all the while decreasing the risk of common heart ailments – sign me up please!

Ok! Straight after you finish reading this my advice to you is to find a cute animal, someone you love, someone you want to love, or just someone that you think deserves a friendly squeeze and give them a big hug. They’ll appreciate it, and so will you.

Kasim Khan, Team Spirit

Real Information They Don’t Want You to Know About Nikola Tesla

Over the years, as more and more people begin to recognize the game being played in our society, Nikola Tesla and his story has been becoming more and more popular. This is natural as the increase in people educating themselves outside of the education system leads them to gaining knowledge and picking up bits of information that would otherwise stay hidden

When he died in New York City, the U.S. government confiscated his notes. Why? Were they trying to steal his technology? Did they ever relinquish the notes?

The morning after the inventor’s death, his nephew Sava Kosanovic hurried to his uncle’s residence. By the time he arrived, Tesla’s body had already been removed. Technical papers were missing as well as a black notebook he knew Tesla kept – a notebook with several hundred pages, some of which were marked “Government!”

P. E. Foxworth, assistant director of the New York FBI office, was called in to investigate. According to Foxworth, the government was “vitally interested” in preserving Tesla’s papers.

The life of Nikola Tesla is yet another example of how history can be manipulated by those in power. It’s a story of how a man who changed the world with his discoveries has been left out of the history books, out of the schools and out of the collective consciousness.

After all, there is no excuse. Tesla is the man who made it possible for us to have electricity in our homes. Tesla wired up entire cities. He transformed the way people live.

To top it all off, he did everything he could to teach society how to create cheap and clean energy. Perhaps that’s why he was metaphorically buried while he was still alive and died poor, living in a hotel room. He threatened too many economic interests.

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After watching these insightful videos I can only come to the conclusion that Nikola Tesla had integrity. His aim was clearly to improve the life of humanity and not his own lot in life. Nikola Tesla is a true inspiration and it’s up to us to continue his legacy.