All posts by Kirsten Cowart

Kirsten is a writer who loves to practice vipassana meditation, yoga, travel, and learning about nature, consciousness, and how to make the world a better place. Her current interests involve studying and practicing flow, staying In Flow, and recognizing the natural flow of the universe. Kirsten loves to learn about the holistic healing arts. She is also interested in ancient cultures and practices such as Druidism. Kirsten is honored to be apart of such an incredible movement of love and heart centered living in this world.

Inside An Anxious Brain: Anxiety Changes Your Perception of Reality

Fear and anxiety have a huge effect on our mind, body and perception of the world. When we are feeling anxiety, it is common to make mistakes that we later regret. While we think that perhaps we should have acted differently at the time, in the end, we have to remember that we do not perceive the world accurately when we are in this survival driven state.

To better explain what I mean I want to show you the findings from a study published in the journal of Current Biology. This study found that people who are struggling with generalized anxiety disorder will perceive harmless things or people as threats on an unconscious level. This, unfortunately, will often cause the anxious person to filter everything through a lens of fear.

If you have ever struggled with fear or anxiety you know how slippery the slope can be and without a good set of rebalancing tools, you can quickly spiral out of control and end up feeling depressed.

Anxious People Tend to worry When There’s “Nothing to Worry About”

GAD or generalized anxiety disorder is the most common form of clinical anxiety which is recognized in the world of psychology.

According to google GAD is officially defined as:anxiety560bf5cc1b00003000dfdeb0

“a psychological disorder characterized by excessive or disproportionate anxiety about several aspects of life, such as work, social relationships, or financial matters.”
“extreme worrying almost every day for six months or more may signal generalized anxiety disorder”
Except here’s the thing:
Fundamentally, anxiety is a result or a symptom of the design of our society. We have created strict lifestyles, jobs and social statuses to constantly maintain. We are emotionally disconnected as a collective and exist in a system that ultimately oppresses us. There is a lot to be anxious about, even if it’s simply the state of the world.  Continue reading

Boriska – This Fascinating Boy From Russia Remembers His Past Life on Mars

Boris Kipriyanovich who goes by Boriska meaning “little Boris”, is an incredibly gifted boy from Zhirinovsk, Russia. He was born in 1996 and ever since he was 4 years old he would visit a mountain known as Medvedetskaya Gryada in order to recharge himself from the world.

Often times children who present themselves with sensitive gifts find refuge in nature and Boriska was no different. At first, Boriska’s parents were worried about him wondering how he would fit in with society. However, they were patient, hospitable, kind and educated people who nurtured their son’s growth.

Boriska’s mother, being a doctor, noticed right away that he was stronger and developed quicker than other children. He was able to hold his own head up only 15 days after being born and was able to start using simple words such as “baba” when he was 4 months old. Other words came soon after.

At the age of 1 Boriska could read newspaper headlines and at the age of 2 he learned how to draw. 6 months after learning to draw he began to paint as well. His incredible memory, language skills, quick wit got him noticed right away by tutors when he started kindergarten at the age of 2.

Boriska Was Learning Otherworldly Skills as well


On top of learning and growing up much quicker than all of the students around him, Boriska was also learning things from otherworldly sources that left his parents baffled. They would often find him sitting in meditation learning from sources they didn’t understand. Continue reading