All posts by LJ Vanier

12 Signs You Aren’t Following Your Inner Truth & How to Find it Again

“How people  treat other people is a direct reflection how they feel about themselves” – Paulo Coehlo

Every relationship we have, can be viewed as a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves and setting the tone for the right relationships, lies heavily upon us.

By trusting ourselves, listening to our own thoughts, feelings and emotions, we become more authentic and this gives us the wonderful opportunity to become comfortable in our own skin. Yet, when we are not comfortable with who we are, we project onto others, what we cannot accept of ourselves.

12. You are “judgy”.

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to thinker what he thinks into it” – Ernest Holmesshutterstock_267450737

Remember that each time you lash out against someone, whether it is behind their back or to their face, you are meeting an aspect of your own shadow. So turn those words back around, because what you just said, is exactly what you need to heal, accept and alchemize within you.

Tongue lashing someone with crude remarks is a sure sign that you’re not comfortable in your own skin; you’re too hard on yourself and you lack self-acceptance.

When we judge others, not only are we bringing forward an aspect of ourselves, we are unknowingly hurting someone else, based on our own perception of the world in how we see others.

11. You seek validation from others.

We seek attention and validation from others when there is something missing. A void that needs to be filled, and without the proper tools and the introspection to understand and alleviate the cause, we search for an external reaction.

You are the cause and the reaction. What you seek in the world is already within you, you already know the answer because you asked the question. Measure yourself by your own standards and set the bar high because you’re worth it.

10. You put yourself last.

Doing things for others can bring us joy and satisfaction, but there is a sacred selfishness that we can’t afford to ignore. When we over-indulge in giving our time, our energy and our good nature, we may think that there’s no harm but be warned, like a car we can’t run on empty and we all need a refill.  Continue reading

8 Ways To Manifest A Positive Relationship Into Your Life

Are you looking to create more authentic, positively charged relationships in your life? It’s something we all need more of and sometimes, it can feel like the relationships we have are dragging us down and down right draining of us of our precious energy.

Even after a spiritual awakening, or a shift in consciousness towards a more spiritual path, we find that we can’t keep the level of vibration that we need to sustain the levels of light, love and soulful expression, we once had attained. We feel like we would do anything to get back to it, but we can’t seem to move forward past these “negative relationships” that are all around us.

Knowing more about energy, will be our key to achieving what we seek.

8. Get Out of the Past

How many times have you heard, “how can you begin a new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one”.

There is nothing that resonates more than this statement. An instinctual reaction, it’s natural for us to formulate an expectation of the future and project it forward based on our memories. However, this precise action is in direct opposition with our own natural biology, as well as the laws of nature and reality itself. Continue reading

5 Signs Your Higher Self is Trying to Get Your Attention

They can come with important messages or just to simply give you their reassuring presence and let you know everything is o.k. Usually though, we tend to overlook these phenomenal events as an overactive imagination and classify it in our minds as grief processing. But if we could all raise our awareness a little bit more, we might just find comfort in knowing that we are never alone.

5. They Appear in Your Dreamslucid-dreaming1

A vivid dream of a deceased loved one is classified as a lucid dream or vision. This is because of the potency of the dream.

Quite often these are so intense that they wake you up in the middle of night filled with emotion.

You may even be consciously aware of the fact that you are dreaming and not even realize it.

4. You Feel Their Touch

Most commonly felt shortly after a loved ones passing, the sensation of being caressed softly, either on the back or the hand is a clear sign of comfort from the deceased. Others may also just feel, that they are not alone and sense the presence of someone else in the room. Continue reading

3 Potent Ways To Achieve An Astral Projection

Astral projection may not be what you think it is. Common use of the words often get misinterpreted when discussing the events of out-of-body travel. But, there is a major difference between an astral projection and an out-of-body experience.

astral proAn out-of-body experience is an event known as a split in consciousness. Meaning that the viewer has achieved dual reality in both their physical presence as well as in a non physical body of conscious reality.

Common out-of-body experiences include hovering over ones own body, (looking at yourself while looking at yourself) as well as being in the same location in this plane of existence, but existing in two different conscious forms.

An astral projection on the other hand is a projection of consciousness that elevates the traveller to the astral plane, that is not locally found in familiar or common places such as your bedroom, home or office.

When travelling the astral plane, you encounter dimensions of reality that are unfamiliar and unknown; these places, include planets in our own solar system, planets in other systems, as well as free travel alike travelling through space like a shooting star. The farther one travels, less and less beings the soul will encounter.

Other more common astral projections include unfamiliar planes of reality that resemble our current dimension and yet, are an alternate version of reality. Through mine own conscious travels, I have experienced both local travel where I could look back at the earth from above, as well as non local travel where it felt as if my soul broke the speed of light and arrived to a place unknown. Many of times have I travelled far and near, learning these planes of reality and still I find that my soul yearns deeper for knowledge, from each of these experiences.

Ones first out-of-body experience, followed by an astral travel will open the mind and illuminate the senses, leaving the seeker ever thirsting for knowledge and understanding. It is an experience that everyone must have at least once and when you do, you’ll be relaxationhooked too! Continue reading

Shadow Work 101: How to Integrate Your Shadow Aspects

It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses- and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this; to him, as an individual, it is incredible that he should ever in any circumstances go beyond himself. But let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster. ~ Carl Jung.

shadow side1Have you ever felt like something just “came over you”? an alter ego that just seemed to take over, leaving you thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that? Or you might be thinking to yourself, “that wasn’t me” or “how could I have done this!.

Well, welcome to your dark side. Let’s dive in.

First off, don’t feel guilty. It happens to just about everybody. The key is understanding why it happened and how we can learn to integrate this alter-ego or shadow self, before it reeks havoc in your life the next time. Continue reading

5 Strong Signs Your Inner Child Needs Healing

Do you run your emotions or do your emotions run you?

It’s a simple question that is loaded with thought-provoking, inner exploration. One that really makes us sit back and think about what really is steering course in the direction our lives are headed. Are you on track towards a collision or are you on sailing on smooth waters? are the questions you need to ask yourself.

emotional healing3Emotions play a major role in shaping the paths in life we take. Therefore it is crucial to be in a place of mind where we can be confident that we are letting our clear intuitive processes have the controls, rather than allowing our emotions to run the show.

Don’t get me wrong emotions are a good thing, they give us the ups and downs on the road of life. To experience joy, grief, sadness and exhilaration are what being human is all about! Yet, it’s all about sitting back and knowing that an emotion is just that: an emotion and by recognizing it, you can control how you feel and take back the seat of power in your life.

1.You’re stuck on repeat

Recreating certain scenarios in your life is a sure-fire sign that you have former emotional traumas that require healing.

You may find that you keep choosing the same partner, the same job or the same living arrangements all of which do not serve your higher good. You may find that you are prone to addictive substances and crowds emotional healing4of people you also are prone to this behaviour. Know that you are not weak, you just need healing. Continue reading