All posts by LJ Vanier

The Ancient Secret of Gold’s Metaphysical Properties

Gold has been worshiped for centuries and until recently we never knew why. Today, research is confirming the advanced understanding of monatomic elements in gold, that cultures such as the Egyptians had thousands of years ago.

gold1Ancient texts have shown that the Pharoahs were fed “sho-bread” containing monatomic gold if they were considered worthy of the spiritual enlightenment. It was thought to be too important to be given to “ordinary” humans, as it was reputed to deliver heightened awareness and increased life span.

Ancient priestly scientists were well-aware of the enhancements, monatomic elements made to the human body and DNA as well as endowing the “chosen one” to transcend the spirit into a higher state of evolution.

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How to Stop Overthinking Everything in Your Life

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu

overthinking1Over-thinking is a problem that affects all of us. It is the constant bombardment of the mind, that takes us out of the present moment, and plummets us into thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

Over-thinking creates problems that may not have even presented themselves, had we not given them so much attention or “built them up in our minds”. It’s the art of making a big deal about something, that never was to begin with.

While we may be thinking that by cycling this information in our minds that we are protecting ourselves somehow, on the contrary, the mind is acting as a defense mechanism to protect the constructs of our own individual identification.

According to Freud, there are three psychological aspects that make up our personalities. The first being the I.D, alike to a child, it is selfish and self-serving fueling the pleasure-oriented portion of the personality. The second is the super ego, which acts as the moral basis determining between what is good and bad, right and wrong and the third is the ego which acts as the moderator between the I.D and the Super Ego, seeking compromise. Continue reading

3 Steps to Accessing and Exploring the Akashic Records

Have you ever wondered how Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Leonardo Davinci, Stephen Hawking or even Steve Jobs were able to create the revolutionary technologies, scientific theories and intricate algorithms as they did?

These men along with many others, were eons beyond their years in problem solving and mathematical thinking. Too far that some would speculate that they must have a secret.

Well, this is it.

They had activated a part of the subconscious mind that directly links to the unified field of consciousness. To put it simply, they possessed the ability to draw from a wealth of knowledge that we are all able to connect with, because it is simply a matter of bringing memory forward deep out of the dusty shelves of the unconscious mind.

When activated, universal knowledge easily flows and then can be drawn out of the memory storage bank in the unconscious and brought into conscious thinking as a tool of the mind. Continue reading

7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Fallen Off Track

No matter your level of conscious awareness or the level of spiritual enlightenment that you have attained, there will come a time on your spiritual journey where you know and feel that you have made great internal progress and then suddenly.. nothing.

regretsPositive thinking has flown out the window, prophetic visions and lucid dreaming have been replaced with normal lower conscious ideals and mindfulness has been replaced with overactive thinking patterns. You simply can’t make the connection that you once felt and it seems impossible to return to the level of light, love and higher awareness that you seek.

Everything you attempt to get moving again seems to fail, as if an invisible road block has been put right in front of you, leaving you wondering, just what is going on? It’s a path that can’t be avoided, but why does it happen?

Spiritual road blocks are designed for you to slow down and take a break. Your initial spiritual awakening, may have been so full-blown, that now your mind needs the time to rearrange itself. A reformation of belief systems, perceptions of the world and perceptions of yourself are in order here.

dark nightThese time periods can be extremely frustrating and sometimes even painful if the cycle is leading you into another Dark Night of the Soul. Navigating this rocky terrain requires, patience and gentleness with yourself, in order to sail the rough waters, safely ashore.

Determining the root cause of spiritual, developmental, stalemates, are crucial to getting you back on the road again.

1.You Need Healing

A spiritual awakening can bring repressed memories and emotions from your unconscious into your conscious awareness. Such as past lives, things you may have forgotten about or things you weren’t even aware had occurred, may come bubbling to the surface. You may even begin to disassociate with these memories, eluding yourself into believing that they are figments of your imagination. Emotional and inner child healing is essential before continuing on your path. Continue reading

Could This Pink Dye Save The Elephants and Dismantle Illegal Ivory Trading?

Recently, pictures of pink elephant tusks have taken social media by storm. Originally published at Yahoo Canada, Kelly Putter, spoke out on the Daily Brew about an out of the box solution, that some conservationists are using in order to stop the poaching for ivory in elephants and rhinos. While the photos themselves are photo shopped portraying elephants painted with pink tusks, the representation of dying tusks and horns are a strategy that is gaining attention. pink rhino

The team at The Rhino Rescue Project in Johannesburg, South Africa have taken matters into their own hands when it comes to the illegal slaughter of these animals; creating an unconventional way to solve this out-of-control problem with poaching. Continue reading

How to Use Synchronicity to Become a Conscious Creator

The great thing about synchronicity is that it is never about whether you believe in it or not. It is an experience and once you have experienced these events, you understand this to be a real functioning level of intelligence that you are creating. A sign from the ‘matrix’ that you are on the right path. Are you experiencing synchronicity?

Synchronicity, a term coined by Carl Jung is known as a ‘meaningful coincidence’ that takes place in our everyday life and characterized by a phenomenal event that occurs that is out of the ordinary spectrum of reality.

For example, you may be thinking about someone and immediately you see a sign or symbol of this thought that can be perceived in your physical reality. Whether it be a vehicle, a license plate, a photo, a phone call, or the actual person.

This cognitive thought process manifesting into reality, is known as the law of attraction. However, the biggest thing we are missing here is this: There are no meaningful coincidences or happenstances and what we are seeing is the return of our own creative manifestation of thought, directly affecting our physical reality. Continue reading