All posts by LJ Vanier

18 Signs That Prove You Are Stronger Than You Think

We tend to give ourselves less credit than we deserve. Always expecting more from ourselves and judging our self-worth by the material possessions that we hold. When in fact, true richness is richness of soul. Happiness comes from freedom and freedom is a gift that you give to yourself.

thoughts dnaThere is subtle strength that lies within us all. A higher consciousness that never gives up and is always seeking for the upheaval from the darkness into the light. A raising of our vibration and the constant forming and reforming of our mind, bringing us back to that in which we ultimately seek.

We are all here together on this wonderful journey and it takes strength and courage to follow this path to freedom.

There will always come times, when we do not remember how strong we truly are and so, here is a simple reminder to shine a little light on the way.

1. You embrace life as a journey

You know that life is an experience and one to be lived to its fullest. Every moment is precious opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Even through the darkest of times, we know that the light is surely to follow and we hold our strength until the light beams from within us once more. Continue reading

3 Powerful Ways to Work Through The Regrets of Your Past

We have all felt since we were young that we need to measure up to something, someone or this imagined version of ourselves that we haven’t aspired to yet and when we fall short, we tend to blame ourselves for the “coulda, woulda, shoulda”scenarios.
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Then dragging these emotions along with us as we continue to navigate through our lives like a ‘big old ball and chain’, known as extra baggage.

When we let the actions of our past determine our future and label ourselves as something that we once were, we withhold the true freedom and happiness we deserve.

And so with each moment in your life where you are holding onto guilt, regret or shame always remember:

1.You are not the person who were in the past

We are not the same people as we were yesterday and the way that we think about ourselves truly determines the outcomes of our future. While a period of reflection can be beneficial, dwelling in the past causes us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Continue reading

How to Ground Yourself When Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out or anxious ever? It’s pretty common in our society today and more and more people are prescribed medication to try to relieve these symptoms. Whether it be from common social conditions or even due to the massive surge of spiritual awakenings. Knowing how to soothe yourself is essential to re balancing.

Personally, I can’t count the amount of times during mine own spiritual awakening, where people told me I needed to get grounded. After much contemplation, I asked myself “how does one ground themselves?”

While the obvious answer is to implore a root chakra meditation, there are a few other ways to easily ground yourself, that will also leave you feeling great!

1. Get Creative

Painting, drawing, and even colouring are some of the best ways to ground. It gives your mind the creative outlet it needs to unleash that pent-up energy you have flowing through you, with no escape route. Continue reading

21 Things That Down-To-Earth People Do Differently

We all think of ourselves as pretty authentic, striving to be the best possible versions of ourselves that we can. Each day we become stronger, wiser, more grounded, more loving and confident.

It’s not easy being an authentic person and it takes courage to stand up for yourself and for your own wants and needs. To follow your inner voice and hearts desires can be an uphill battle. Let alone the societal and religious dogmas that have been thrust upon us.shutterstock_263026931

After working our way through we still, are faced with the challenge of finding out for ourselves what we truly would like to get out of this world while were here.
Authentic people, have mastered these traits and stay true to their hearts– no matter how far off the beaten trail it may lead.

1.They think before they speak

Authentic people are not run by their emotions and they know how to assess a situation before giving their input.

2. They speak for what is right; not for what is popular

Standing up for what is right isn’t always easy to do, especially when faced by peers and elders who think differently. It takes confidence and courage to stand firm in the face of scrutiny. Continue reading

What Happens When You Die: A Personal Experience

The accounts given here today, will resonate with you like nothing else. A collaboration of Taoist, Catholic, Cabala, Egyptian, Hindu, Buddhist and Gnostic teachings that have been passed down throughout history. Many accounts have been shrouded in secrecy and given in code only to chosen initiates, as this immortal path is taken only when the souls progression reaches maturity after many incarnations.

Whether it be a death of the living, known as rebirth or ‘twice born’, or permanent death where the soul leaves the body upon sickness or old age. These 12 steps may be taken, if the seeker is deemed ready to join the Gods as an immortal soul. What we will focus on today, is how to achieve a spiritual rebirth to enlightenment of the living so hold onto your seats, because it a great journey!

1.You are Filled with Light

shutterstock_272544824The light permeates your entire being, but is not without shape or form, in fact it holds a shape of its own and many forms within it.

A like to the microbial of a cell, this light consumes the soul, and temporarily restores it to source consciousness. The light acts as a transmitter for universal wisdom and knowledge and brings the seeker forward to undergo a life review.

There have been many accounts of near death experiences where people attest to seeing a light and speaking to God and return filled with a greater knowledge of themselves and the life in which they exist. Continue reading

Jon Stewart Quits the Daily Show to Open An Abused Animal Sanctuary

The popular TV Show Host, Jon Stewart, stepped down from the Daily Show this past April, to open a not for profit animal sanctuary on the families 12 acre land in Middletown, New Jersey.

Since 2013, the couple has been working meticulously  and in just a few short months, Bufflehead Farm will become home for dozens of rescued cows, goats, turkeys, sheep, pigs and other animals that were once factory farmed.

jon and tracey

For Jon’s wife Tracey, an avid animal activist, the project has been a dream in the making. “If everyone did a bit more, if they fell in love a little bit more, so much could happen,” she said. “It doesn’t have to be going vegan. You can advocate for them. You can show tenderness. You can play music for them. I really hope people can connect with animals the way most of us did as children.”

A former veterinary technician, Tracey has been tirelessly working to promote animal welfare issues, supporting organization such as Farm Sanctuary and now she has a place to call home, for as many as she can save. pig saved1

Throughout the years on the Daily Show, Jon has also been a spokesperson for animal welfare once (1) devoting an entire comedy segment to the foolishness of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s refusal to sign a bill that would end the lifelong confinement of pigs in crates too small for them to turn around.

Currently, the Stewart’s have four pigs including two piglets, (Maybelle and Anna) who were rescued from the side of the road last year in Georgia, after falling out of a truck upon transport.jon stewartt2

While the farm is still awaiting approval as a non profit, the Stewart’s are moving forward with their plans to bring in more animals in desperate need of rescue. A variety of animals including four sheep are set to arrive at the farm shortly.

The Stewart’s plan to eventually open Bufflehead Farm to the public in hopes to educate others about the importance of the sanctuary. “Our hope is to get a lot of school groups in,”.


by LJ Vanier