All posts by Jordan

Daily Div ~ Recognize the Futility, in Order to Transcend It!

Today marks a glorious day. The day that the Spirit Kingdom shift out of a state of being subservient to the Matrix and become creators once again.

For those who don’t know, we (meaning the core of Spirit Science) have been working our butts off for about 3 months now on one fundamental project… Accounting. >__<

I know, its not fun in the least, but it was something that needed to be done, less we risk destroying everything that we’ve worked for because some guys in an office building somewhere said so, and it was something that not a single accountant that we talked to could comprehend what it was we were asking for. It was a very interesting scenario, and looking back its hard to get that 3 years have completely gone by so fast and we STILL hadn’t resolved it. Very strange indeed.. Nevertheless, we had to do it, and so we did.

That time is over, and todays card is symbolic of this, and so much more.

08 - futility 2


The old system doesn’t work, it is futile to stand for it and try and make it work…

But yet, the problem is twofold. We cling to that very old system which no longer works for a reason..

That reason is that the new system MUST be birthed from the old system if we are to have any system at all.

If we have no system then we have ANARCHY.

And while Anarchy can be complete freedom for people with intense survival skills and small communities that group together in the woods to grow food and be awesome, it still leaves the vast majority of people in a very chaotic new world, for you see, pretty much all of us have deep anger and emotional scars, and anarchy is a way for many to vent it. This is the fundamental basis behind a riot.

And while we may appear to be heading for a ‘global riot‘,  we still do not have to IF we are willing to create something new that allows for a higher way of being, more in tune with nature – one that promotes GROWTH (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual), as opposed to suffering.

This is actually what we have dedicated ourselves to creating, and much like everyone doing the same, we are still working out exactly how it can work, given all of the different ways that people CAN help, online, in real life, etc etc.

If you feel the same way in any way, you too are a mind trying to find new ways of living inside of this human matrix, and if enough of us are focused on it, we will begin to penetrate the layers of ‘what is‘ into the realm of limitless possibilities.

We do this by identifying the edges of the structure that keep us in place.

08 - futility 3In this card, is it 6 swords (thoughts) holding back one big sword thought? Or one big sword thought breaking through 6 sword thoughts?

For both sides, the path is blocked. It is futile, going the way we are going.

Identify the energetic edges of your environment, and then expand them in your own consciousness. Soon, you’ll be walking through walls.

With love,

A Reading for Our Ascension

Today’s reading is a yin and yang of each other, and through recognizing these polarities within ourselves can we come to know our own divinity, and shed this mortal skin and become the immortal beings of light that we are.

This isn’t fluffy wordplay, it’s very, very real.

Let’s have a look.

princess of swords and universe

Take some time to actually observe both of these cards. See what they mean to you first, before reading on.


Notice the similarities between the fire the princess commands, and the shape of the snake in the Universe. They are a curved mirror of each other, and their patterns are opposites. Behind them, one background lies in the red section of the color spectrum, and the other in the blue/green section. Though, there are aspects of each variation of color hinted in each.

Now, look at the women. One is a young female with her bright staff, commanding and moving the firey element in a burst of passion and charisma. The princess energies are often in this sense, more focused on what they want to do, without as much attention put towards those of another element.

The Universe, on the other hand, shows an expanded ear-mind, representing that instead of pushing energy outward, she is taking in the voice of God through the Eye of Truth. The wisdom passes through the snake, the representation of the life stream of the universe, and into the consciousness of the individual.

So these two cards together very represent the taking in, and putting out, of energy.

Its basically asking us to reflect on where we put our energies, what we are creating outwardly, and what are we taking in from all dimensions.

If we can recognize each, on this very special Sunday, we may just find ourselves gleaming with that certain special ‘something’ that sparks wisdom and inspiration to flow through all that you touch.

At the end of the day, it is in the complete harmonic balance between the in and the out that creates the phi ratio (between the circle and the square, if you recall from this video here)

The closer we get to Phi, the closer we get to becoming pure light, far more capable and wise and knowing, because we have touched the Mind of God, and returned to this dimension to communicate its thoughts.

Thanks for reading, happy Sunday!

With love,




Daily Divination is posted every day! See you tomorrow!


Daily Divination ~ Opportunity for Incredible Change!

Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Astrological Meaning: It is the day of the Divine Feminine! Let Aphrodite and Love shine! 


Today there is a powerful opportunity for real change to occur.

Every single card today is positive and in support of breakthrough, growth, and transformation. The Queen of Cups, Strength, The Empress and Death. Together they signify a deep emotional stirring which fills us with the strength of our divine feminine.

Death is the breakthrough of the old, what wasn’t working, and the bridge and portal into the new understanding.

Have a look.

06 - Reawakening

What can we learn from this spread today?

The Tarot is a symbology relating to aspects of ourselves, and so each reading, while the person interpreting the cards can describe them, it is up to you to look, question, and understand them as they relate to you in your own way.

The Queen of Cups is on the far left. She describes our deep subconscious, our deepest waters, our most sacred emotions that we hold so dear that sometimes our waking conscious doesn’t even recognize it.

The Empress mirrors it on the other side. She is our bright and shining queen, all 4 elements of “queen” energy united as one. She is that feminine leader within all of us. Yes, even in men! We all have this aspect within us, even if we don’t know its there. For many of us, the Empress is a part of those deep emotional waters in the Queen of Cups. We don’t even know that we have it within us.

Strength is on top, lending support for the entire reading. It is in the suit of Wands, and the element of Fire, so this support comes from a very spiritual place. For those who are seeking wisdom from the Higher Self, it will offer you its strength.

And Death is on the bottom, saying that whatever motion transpires between the emotional body and our feminine side will only yield positive, healthy, personal transformations.

It is saying trust and let go, let those old things fall away, for death is not the end but merely the conclusion of one awareness, and the beginning of another.

It is through our female side, our right brain, and our heart, that we learn about what we really want.

Today, lets not be afraid to go there.

With love,


Daily Divination is posted every morning at 5:26 am pst! See you tomorrow!

Understanding the Decay of the Old World, and 3 Steps to Transcend It!

You never stop doing anything, you only start doing something new. The old falls away on its own.

This was something shared with me many years ago, and stuck with me since as I rounded the solar system learning and growing, year after year, as we all have been…

You’ll notice, when a tree dies, there isn’t really any effort on anyones part in order for it to decay and merge with everything. That process of death, decay, and… consumption by the plants basic materials, is simply a natural part of the  universe itself.

Decay, much like time, continues regardless of all things, whether you like it or not. If there is not life moving through it, there is decay. It’s a perfect Yin and Yang.

parallel universes

Now, if we can take that concept and apply it to other concepts, such as aspects of our lives, we can see some interesting correlations that can, when brought into awareness, can release a lot of anxiety as it relates to the things in our lives that we’re still “trying to get away from”.

For example, take a job. As it often goes with a great deal of jobs that man has created for itself, they aren’t the most fun. Granted, many are, but I would reckon a great deal MORE jobs are boring, stupid, and purposeless, otherwise more people would be employed and more people would be happy with their lives.

Yes, I rambled But the point here is, say you’re working a bad job that you don’t like. The thought of “getting away from” the job brings anxiety. What will you do next? How will you afford to eat? How can you possibly do something different when this is all you know?

Those are some big questions that a lot of people face…

And here’s the flip. If you were to focus on the new thing, rather than how to ‘get away from the old thing’, you would naturally begin to move in that direction, and the old “job” would fall away naturally.

If you started looking for opportunities to do something more enjoyable to you, the moment one came up would be a bridge from here to there. Transitioning from one to the other would now become POSSIBLE, and not only possible, but potentially quite easy.

Not only that, but your very determination to do it would spike because of your enthusiasm to make it so, you wouldn’t be so concerned with the trap of a job that you had, but the direction your ultimately heading!


In summation of the article you just read, here are 3 key points to creating something new, and releasing something old.

  1. Slow everything down

I know its a big concept to plug here but MIND is a fundamental building block of the cosmos, and the Human Mind is a particularly creative wonder in the Cosmos as so far as we know, there isn’t another species on earth just like us

Having said that, through our creations we have also created a LOT of distractions for ourselves. All over the internet: advertisements, facebook, chatting, messaging, snapchatting oh em jee it’s crazy! Life was a lot simpler when we all lived on farms, but now that life is different, we must adapt.


We have to learn a practice of slowing things down which means taking time to breathe… just be calm… even though there are some psychological torments that are haunting you we must learn to be comfortable in the den of our demons because we are expansive beyond measure and ultimately our own minds are mirrors of the great Mind of God… Or, whatever you want to call it ;)

In the stillness of the mind we can tap into that cosmic thought in which our entire reality is a hologram of, and through it… come to understand Life a little bit more, everyday.

2.  Look for Opportunities for Change Actively

archanpaintingeyesOnce we have tapped into our cosmic knowing we need to remember that we are still humans and we still inhabit physical bodies. This body is foreign to our soul, though we get used to it, we must use that knowledge to keep us ready and on our toes for the opportunities to bring our lives closer to Phi.

Ultimately, this is just about staying aware, and staying present throughout the day. Do not let the awareness of your higher self slip away from you… Stay mindful, because when you see the opportunity, you take action with Key number 3.

3.  Take Action when the Moment Strikes!

law of attractionOpportunities will come and go on a regular basis, and when those moments strike often they will require action or the moment will begin to decay, aka: Change into a new moment, much like time and death as we discussed at the beginning of the article.

When that happens… This is the moment for YOU, yes YOU, to take action upon the moment. Make a commitment to yourself to see this through, and not just jump into the vibration but complete it so that it is whole and unique, imbued with your gifts and given to all those around you.

When you practice these 3, over and over, you become a powerful creator

Isn’t that at least part of what we’re here to do?

Thanks for reading!

With love,

Daily Divination April 13/16 ~ A Very Special Day

Todays reading is a very special one. It is the day I opened up the special new Thoth deck with the 3 Magi. I had one before, but that deck left me long ago, and since they they have discontinued it. I was very fortunate to find this one on ebay for a reasonable price.

And so, to start it off right, I pulled out the singing bowl and some sage, and took my time meditating with these cards.

It was a very etherial experience in nature, and when I was done, these were the cards that I drew.

05 - Seed Breakthrough

And here is a cheat sheet for this particular layout!


What the reading is about: Strife. Spiritual conflict. Something blocking your way forward.

On either side, relating to it. The fool. And the Magus. We are blocked by our own new beginnings. What causes us strife, and the way around it, are the going to absolute zero and realizing that we have everything to learn, and nothing to lose.

Top right: What will happen naturally if not tampered with.

Truce. Failure. The Sun.

Together, these cards signify a progression of energies that can happen in any way, but either way its mostly really good. We have truce, a mental balance, and the sun, shining bright with inner light, shining awareness on areas of reality that are broken, or failures, to determine if we should change focus, or dive deeper.

Top Left: What will happen if we take action outside of the natural flow.

The Hermit, Essence of Fire, and Interference and Distractions.

Okay, I think that this is pretty much telling us to not mess with the flow and just be, let its currents take us. If we go off and be the hermit, it may spark a wonderful fire in your own consciousness, but it will ultimately lead to more interference, distraction and ruckus in relation to everything else that’s going on.

Help in making decision. 

The princess of swords, knight of disks, and the emperor.

This part is an indication of the 3 aspects of our consciousness. Our working self that bridges the mind and brings them into the physical. The part of us that does that physical work, and the one of us who is the leader of our own lives!

I believe this reading is about balancing our work and doing it well. This reading could also apply to 3 people, 3 aspects of a community, and etc.

Karma and destiny, working beyond our control: Empress, Virtue and Peace

This one is really simple. God is on our side. There are forces of the universe much bigger than we can comprehend which are spiraling things and conspiring to support us in our every thought and creation. Should only, we let go, and flow.



Daily Divination is posted every morning! See you tomorrow!

So We’re “Awake”… Now What?

The great window of 2012 to 2015 or so was a period of time in earths history when a vast number of people said “I want something else with my life!”, and made a change in their lives. Some made smaller steps and some made bigger ones, but nevertheless, there was MOTION!

But now that we’re on the other side of that window, and all of us are feeling like we have a pretty solid grasp on the world and its ways… We are “Switched ON”, so to speak… Where do we go from here?

What is next for us?

There are a lot of conversations we NEED to have. Conversations about the environment, conversations about the state of our current systems, about the health and basic necessities of mankind and the earth.

It’s obvious the current systems don’t work, economies are collapsing all over the world, there is so much war and malice both on a global and inter-personal level… why don’t we all just change direction?!

That’s ultimately the question, isn’t it? Because no matter how many of us seem to get together and communicate… At the end of the day, we’re still voting for liars, putting up with mind-rape advertising, giving our money to the government every year to go to WAR with…. and spending our days working jobs we don’t want to do! Raise your hand if you fit into that description in any way, shape or form?

Now look at all of the hands.


And yet, despite all of the efforts of brave and powerful souls all over the planet, the IRS doesn’t seem to be shutting down anytime soon. That’s not a revolution, that’s the OPPOSITE of a revolution… It’s a quicksand of energy-sucking that brings EVERYONE down and makes EVERYONE feel bad.

A lot of people will tell you that it is up to YOU to decide how you feel, but that is only half accurate, because I promise you that if I we didn’t have to deal with problems relating to the existence of dollars, and could spend our time making things that we were passionate about, we would be having a very difficult conversation now, wouldn’t we?

And yes, by We I mean You and I. 

But seriously, what are we all supposed to DO?! Bringing it down to the ROOT, like one of the last daily divination suggested, is the concept that brought me to this article today. There are so many of you out there, reading, watching, listening or looking in some way, shape or form. You’re seeing this, it’s entering your field of consciousness, that’s gotta say something right?

Why my voice? Why not someone else’s? Why this moment? For what purpose do we share this communication? What are we meant to do?

A lot of people would then end it here with a plug for their book, kind of like the ending of The Cove. Did you see that movie? They show you an hour and a half of dolphin slaughter and then once you’re all reared up about one of the most purposefully cruel acts humanity has done since the murder of Christ…. Your solution is, go and buy the DVD.

Come on. I secretly plugged my book paragraphs ago, and we’re only just getting started. 

We can’t do this anymore! And hey, I’m even suspect of doing it myself! We’d work really hard on something, put it all together, launch it, and then crash and bail because the vibe wasn’t right, and back to the drawing board. The only difference was, we genuinely tried. This time, We means me and my closest and most cherished of companions… Who you have yet to formally meet.

“Hey, crash and burn what?” You may ask…

Why, building a community of course! You know, it’s not as easy as it sounds… Mostly because, we were doing it differently than we’ve seen it be done before, and had to figure out a lot of things just about the energy between people before we could begin connecting with anyone else.

In the end, it will be the very connections themselves that bring us together, and even that, (making connections) is easier said than done.

But think about it, what is the other option? Are we supposed to be satisfied with the way the governments of the world treat us? Slavery didn’t go away you know, it just changed its form. Are we supposed to be happy with the way people treat each other? And For this, we all need to look at ourselves. WE are the ones treating others the way we are, and we are accountable for that. When we judge, or insult, or insist something be your way without a clear understanding of anothers, it brings the whole vibe down for everyone! WE do this too, it’s not JUST the governments… It’s all mixed together. They perpetuate that behavior, and we perpetuate them existing.

Because we COULD get slightly more conscious jobs but is that the bridge from here to there? If we’re still submitting to a group who claim they are there for your best results and then syphons all of your energy away…  Ugh, not cool! And no, I don’t think it is the solution myself.

It feels to me more like the answer is to translate your JOB into being something that you’re passionate about doing. And sometimes, the pathway from where you are, to “there“(where you want to be) is not clear. Sometimes you have to make a flying leap. That’s a huge step and sometimes scary for people. So scary, that why risk it when you’re safe, despite perhaps, overwhelmed and uncomfortable.

Doing something differently like that WILL change your life, no doubt… But sometimes the direction of the cosmic winds are far more powerful than you can imagine… and lifting thyself from where you were may land you in somewhere you hadn’t expected…

For the truth is, each and every one of us is born with a special, radiant gift. Something we can do, something we are passionate about, it is our own element of FIRE. It is what you live for….

And when LIVED FULLY – That gift creates incredible things here on earth…

We just need the freedom to actually go there, and be it. That takes courage… and strength… Embarking on a new journey is not always easy, as you enter the world of unfamiliar.

This is a world of growth, and a world of magnificence.

And a world where you are the creator along with everyone and everything else.

When everyone steps together, into THAT… will really see things change. If we wait too long, we will undoubtably see some disasters take place first.

This is the conversation we need to have.

What is next for us? What do we want the world to look like? What are we willing to do? How are we willing to change? You will say “I am ready! What can I do!?!” and then you must listen. Not to me – but to You. Not your ego or your thoughts…. but beyond that… the higher self through your Heart…   They, that part of You, are your guiding star, and it only takes listening to your own heart to hear what they say.

Sure, it might sound funny. Of course, it might sound ridiculous. Science will ridicule it, despite my earnest explanation that it is the wavelength of thought and emotion woven together through the center of your being and radiating to a macrocosm inside and outside that creates ripples in consciousness through time and communicates through the same channel. Thoughts and Emotions are non-linear just the same way Atoms are non-linear, and one day a passionate scientist will demonstrate this, in fact, some already are. 

But really, this is all a part of the big conversation we need to have as a species. I say species because the barriers of countries are just… well, they are really separated and that needs to open up a bit, and I know that’s like a HUGE task to even try and discuss how we could all do that would be like… Wow. Huge. That would take someone ascending and then flying around shouting at everyone that things are not the way that they seem! 

And truthfully…. where are we going to have it?

Facebook? Google? Twitter?

Or do we need to build something new?

Because quite frankly the comments section of the Spirit Science website is laughable as a place for beautiful and real conversations that shape the way we think about the world. I’ll be suprised to see comments on it, because mostly its spam!… Regardless, that is something I am very interested in participating in.

At the end of the day, there’s a great big beautiful future right around the corner if ONLY we choose to go there! And we have to go there TOGETHER. It’s not a solo journey… it is unified with All!

Thanks for reading!

With love,