Number 1: Plan A works, period.
If you must have a Plan B, it should be that Plan A works. Think of it as if there is no plan B, because it detracts focus from Plan A. A backup plan is nothing more than a plan for failure.
That doesn’t ever really seem to compute with people. I mean they ‘hear’ it, agree, even cheer, but it doesn’t seem to make it through the computer all the way and out to the ‘output’ devices.
You see, your power is nearly infinite. Really, it is.
A a good friend posted this on facebook today.
With his permission I share it with you here:
Kevin Bujis – Earth We Are One
” I have no more time for people complaining and telling me things cannot be done. Everything is possible. Thoughts become things.
What you hold in your head, you will hold in your hand. When we place our focus on our desires and the outcome we desire, its exactly, and I mean, EXACTLY what the Universe will deliver.
Yes, the Universe Listens to EVERYTHING you say. You hold doubt in your heart, then it will give you reason for doubt. You hold strength and determination in your heart, the Universe Will, and Must bring you what you were determined to receive.
The entire Universe is an Organic Machine. You ask and you Will receive. It can be no other way.
So the next time you say to yourself, this is costing to much, or this cannot be done, or its not possible, or many people have gone before and failed, then I know who you are looking up too. Continue reading