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5 Inspiring Short Stories To Tell Your Loved Ones

For thousands of years, storytelling has been one of the most important arts in every culture. Stories passed down from generation to generation teach us what to value and how to treat each other. Lately, many people have noticed with deep regret that the art of storytelling is being lost in our modern culture. People try to connect through technology but feel more isolated than ever.

So, let us use the connecting power of technology to breathe new life into one of the most important community-building practices of all time. Read these short stories, and learn from them, then teach them to the people around you.

A Father And His Son

An elderly woman boarded a train, as she usually did every day. After a few stops, she noticed a father and his adult son, who looked like he was well into his 20’s, board the train. They took their seats across the aisle from her.Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 11.00.57 AM

Soon, the son started talking loudly to his father, telling him about the clouds that he saw outside and the buildings and trees the train was passing by. The father listened to him, and nodded encouragingly.

After a while, the elderly woman got annoyed by how loud the young man was speaking, and said to his father, “Excuse me, sir, but have you considered taking him to a special doctor?”

The father smiled at her, and replied: “Actually, we’re just coming back from the doctor. You see, my son has been blind since birth, and this is the first day he’s ever been able to see.” Continue reading

The Surprising Health Benefits of Cockroach Milk – The Superfood Of The Future

 I remember growing up in Spain that cockroaches were the epitome of horror. They could fit through the tiniest gaps, climb walls, and were the only insect that ran at you when you try to shoo it away. So trust me when I say that I wasn’t exactly thrilled when I heard that scientists believe that cockroach milk could be a new superfood packed with nutrients! 

The report released by the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in India, suggests that cockroach milk has the nutritional properties to be a healthy supplement to anyone’s diet. The milk contains over three times the amount of protein found in cow’s milk, without the unhealthy fat content.Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 10.35.52 AM

Sanchari Banerjee, one of the members of the research team, was glowing in his statement outlining the benefits of cockroach milk. ‘The crystals are like a complete food – they have proteins, fats, and sugars’ he said. ‘If you look into the protein sequences, they have all the essential amino acids.’ So if the milk is so good for us how do we milk a cockroach?

The answer is you don’t. Although milk as we imagine it is only produced by mammals, cockroach milk works in the same way. Only one cockroach produces the milk – the Diploptera punctata a.k.a the Pacific beetle cockroach. This unique insect produces milk for the sustenance of its newborn roaches. The milk isn’t a liquid like a mammal’s milk; instead, it is fed to the young in crystals. Continue reading

The 7 Qualities of Long Lasting Life Partners

Some of you started reading this article because you’re hoping to find your perfect match to spend the rest of your life with. Some of you are reading this because you’re worried your current partner isn’t living up to what you had hoped for. But before you go any further, you must know this:

There is no perfect partner. And no perfect relationship.

However, psychologists have noticed that almost every marriage or relationship that stands the test of time has a few similar qualities. The truth is, as many long-time couples know, not every relationship started out “ideal”, but with time and committed effort, they became that way.

Here are the 7 qualities that an ideal life partner has. How many of these describe you?

1. The Ideal Partner has “Grown Up”


Now, this doesn’t mean that they’re boring and only have “mature” interests.

The ideal partner is grown up in the sense that they’re not still dealing with any unresolved issues, fear, or unforgiveness from their childhood.

They can recognize the patterns in their life, and have the ability to act outside of them when necessary. Continue reading

Shungite – The Stone of The Empaths

As Empaths and Highly Sensitive People we are not only sensitive to the emotions (Energy in Motion) of others but sensitive to all forms of energy. It’s the vibration of the energy around us that can uplift us or drag us down. Interestingly, the energy of music can affect us greatly as we are sensitive to the energy of sound. Harsh synthetic music can grind against us, while classical music can soothe us. The harsh noise of traffic can make us feel uncomfortable while the sounds of nature comfort us.

So we must consider the energy of electromagnetic frequencies as well. We can sense the heaviness of the energy around cities with all the wi-fi stations and the thousands of mobile phones in use. Compare that to the cleanliness of a large forest or ocean shore.


With all these unnatural energies surrounding us, unless you are lucky enough to live in the country away from these harsh energies of the big cities, how can we support our sensitive nature and bodies? What works for me is the remarkable crystal known as Shungite.

Shungite is only found in a small area in Russia and was formed more the two billion years ago. Shungite has been found to contain fullerenes (the only known natural source), which gives the stone its amazing healing ability. Fullerenes are powerful anti-oxidants and have strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects, which in turn relieves pain and improves immunity. Fullerenes also normalize the nerve processes and improves our capacity to deal with stress. Continue reading

5 Ways To Skyrocket Your Vibration & Make it Last

 Do you find yourself low on energy throughout the day or do you sometimes just feel like going to bed even though the day just started?

If so, then there is a huge possibility that you’re vibrating at lower vibration frequencies.

As most of you know, everything is made out of energy, and I mean, EVERYTHING including you and I.

If you didn’t know that, then guess what? You just learned something new :)shutterstock_167436776

When we are vibrating at higher frequencies, we feel more positive, more connected to everything around us, and we simply feel an overall feeling of stability mentally, emotionally and physically.

But when we are not vibrating at higher frequencies, then we feel pessimistic, isolated, and we have a general feeling of being stuck and drained mentally, emotionally and physically.

I personally love the field of energy and vibration!

I study it in depth and keep myself updated on the latest in the field!

Recently, I came across a video taught by the one and only Esther-Hicks where she explains How to quickly change your vibration and jump from bad feeling to good feeling and quick – watch it here:

I hope you enjoyed the video!

On top of the video, I want to share with you 5 quick ways that you can use to instantly change and raise your vibrations.

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What Came First: Oxygen or Life? This Atmospheric Time Capsule Could Change Earth’s History

 Scientists have taken a huge step in answering one of the fundamental questions about life on earth – what came first: oxygen or life?

Researchers have made the discovery that oxygen in the atmosphere reached much higher levels, much sooner by studying the composition of rock salt in ancient rocks dating back 815 million years, over 100 million years before the earliest evidence of life on earth.

The salt was crushed in a vacuum, and each piece would release between five and 12 puffs of gas. By crushing the rock salt carefully, they were able to analyze the chemical makeup of the air pockets in the salt. The oxygen that was released could then be measured, and it was discovered to have an oxygen composition of 10.9% – over five times the amount that was predicted.

Through this technique, they were able to show that oxygen made up 10.9% of the earth’s atmosphere 815 million years ago.

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