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Abundance Crystals: 10 Crystals to Attract More Luck & Wealth in Your Life

One of the most common things that I get asked about as both a life and a business coach is how to attract more money?

And, with the current economical state around the globe, people are concerned, and they feel like the conventional ways of attracting money are not working.

Personally, I love the Law of Attraction and I use it all the times!

However, most people are using it wrong! Yup, I said it out loud! People are using The Law the wrong way.

People are using the law eagerly and trying their best to attract more prosperity and abundance in their life.

Eagerness is interpreted by The Law as “there is not enough for everyone” and that, in turn, leads to self-doubt and limited thinking.

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So instead of being eager and hopeful, I am going to show you how you can give your old law of attraction thinking a mental boost!

Sounds good, let’s get cooking!

In today’s article, I will help you boost your law of attraction mindset with the help of 10 luck and fortune crystals that have been used by millions around the world to manifest more abundance, wealth, and prosperity!

But before I tell you what 10 crystal you can use to give your LOA a boost, let me explain why these crystals are so effective and how they work? Continue reading

5 Universal Traits of An Consciously Confident Person

Confidence isn’t thinking you’re better than anyone – it’s being your true self so fully. It’s living authentically, without apologizing for who you are. When we can combine our power, confidence, with compassion and love – then we become a living light.

It’s inspiring to see someone be so themselves. Embody your true self, be yourself so fully that you inspire those around you to do the same.

They Lift Others Up


When you’re in a state of pure happiness and confidence in who you are, you want to lift others up! You want people to feel as good as you do, because that’s how everyone thrives together.

A lot of the time, people who are feeling low will want you to come down to their level so you can experience it with them.

Confident people don’t need validation through another person experiencing their misery – they want to spread good feelings!

So lift up those around you and they will inevitably do the same for you.

They Demonstrate Their Happiness

When you are genuinely happy with who you are – you live it, you don’t just talk about it. How many people will talk and talk about how happy they are, but never actually embody it?  Continue reading

The 3 Questions To Ask That Seriously Shifted My Life

Question yourself, your existence and everything! It expands your awareness, challenges your beliefs and drastically accelerates your personal growth when you do. If you’re looking for a new perspective on your life, simply look within; ask yourself these questions:

Why I am Here?shutterstock_264779042

Zoom out. Why are we all here? Do you believe is this one big accident, or that we chose to incarnate on the planet at this time?

Challenge your beliefs, go to the core of what you think is the fundamental truth in this reality.

Now, zoom in a little. Why are you here? If you believe you chose to come here, what is the intention behind it?

What are the root lessons you are learning this life? The people surrounding you, your environment and lifestyle all reflect the kind of lesson and experience you’re learning this life.  Continue reading

New Studies Show Cinnamon Helps Increase The Brain’s Learning Ability

Who doesn’t love cinnamon?!
This spice is extracted from the inner bark from the trees of the genus Cinnamomum and used in flavorings all around the world.
Sort of similar to rosemary’s increased memory abilities, cinnamon has been found to help increase our learning ability! It works by reversing the biochemical changes that happen in our brain and stimulates the hippocampus.
This is a small part in the lower middle part of our brain that is connected to emotion, memory, and our nervous system. shutterstock_92037011More and more studies have been coming out about the beneficial aspect of spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and so many more.A new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology gives all the details in their new July edition.

Tests were done at Rush University Medical Center, where mice were orally fed ground cinnamon to see what the affects would be. It eventually metabolized and turned into sodium benzoate which has a positive reaction in the brain.  Continue reading

How to Meet Your Soulmate Even if They Aren’t Your “Type”

You know those stories of everlasting love, like an adorable elderly couple who has been together for 50 years? Those didn’t all start with love at first site. Sometimes, one person might not think the other is their “type”, or they just don’t feel the chemistry yet.

My first boyfriend was never someone who I ever pictured being my ideal partner, but he was crucial for the development of my soul at the time. Why should we limit people to being a specific type of person or have a certain appearance?


When you truly don’t feel the chemistry with someone, then you know it’s time to let go. But when you feel a spark between you and someone who you never thought you’d be with, why not follow that feeling?

So many soulmates had to grow on each other before seeing each others true being.


Ask Yourself Why You Like Certain Traits

What is it that you like in a person? We all have aspects that we’re drawn to, like things that remind us of ourselves, our environment or perhaps our parents.

If you picture your ideal partner, do you care about the color of their eyes? The shape of their lips? If you met someone in real life similar to that image, but with different eyes; it doesn’t really matter does it?  Continue reading

We See These 7 Ancient Symbols Every Day – But Do You Know Their Original Meaning?

Yoga, along with other spiritual practices, can seem shrouded in mystery to anybody beginning to explore them for the first time. Everyone seems to know what they are doing, there are seemingly strange symbols that appear everywhere, and it can be difficult to feel like you fully understand everything, let alone appreciate the significance and importance of those symbols.

Thanks to the internet, and the increasing ease of travel around the world, and specifically to Asia, where many of these spiritual practices originate, these symbols are increasingly entering popular culture and appearing over and over again in our stream of consciousness.

Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Symbols

Some of the symbols below you might already recognise, some may be completely new to you, but we’ll explore the depths of their roots in history, how they came to be so central to the practice of yoga, as well as how they might help you on your personal journey.

Aum or Om

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This is a sacred symbol that represents the vibration, sound, and consciousness of the universe. It is very widespread, due to its central resonance and importance to yoga, particularly for its sound. If you ask a kid to show you how to meditate, they’ll probably sit, cross-legged, eyes closed, chanting “ommmm”. Continue reading