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7 Steps To Understanding What Your Dreams Reveal About Your Deep Psyche

Jungian Analysis is far more than dream interpretation. Many people believe that dreams offer insight into our inner selves that we may otherwise be unaware of. Dreams are typically expressed in the mythopoetic language of the psyche.

It is said that dreams are symbolic expressions of the deep meaning, needs, and desires of the Self. The most insignificant dreams can often provide the most valuable insight. A single dream can express several truths at once, and can refer to several aspects of our lives through the same images or symbols.

Step One: Associations

shutterstock_312289421Associations are the personal experiences an individual associates with a particular symbol or dream image.

Often people will say this means that, or I dreamt this because XYZ happened during the day.

This may sometimes be true. But it is not always true. It is important to look at the associations you have to any symbol or image in order to obtain its meaning in the context of your dream.

Step Two: Amplification

Amplifications are communally agreed upon characteristics of images, objects, people and animals. You could say that these associations are based upon shared human experiences expressed through books, films, science, religion, mythology and shutterstock_420305578fairy­ tales. Symbols are images or representations from the unconscious that are not completely understood. Continue reading

You Should be Angry About the High Levels of Fluoride Added to Your Water; Here’s Why:

Water fluoridation, the controlled addition of fluoride to public water supplies, is an effort to prevent and reduce tooth decay. However, contrary to popular belief, the evidence that fluoridation or swallowing fluoride reduces tooth decay is weak and largely inconclusive. While fluoride advocates claim that fluoride leads to a reduction in tooth decay, this has yet to be definitively proved.


In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), America currently fluoridates two ­thirds of their public water supply, and consistently experiences higher rates of tooth decay compared to those with that don’t fluoridate their water, like Sweden.

Beyond tooth issues fluoride has consistently proven to be an endocrine disruptor that can affect your bones, thyroid gland, brain and blood sugars.

Importantly, fluoride is a not a nutrient; no human biological proves needs fluoride. This is dangerous. The reason? Once fluoride is added to the water supply, it is impossible to control its dosage, meaning that the dosage is universal, regardless of age, health or weight. Beyond issues of human health and dosage, the fluoridation of public water supplies violates individual rights to informed consent to medical and human treatment is troubling.

shutterstock_280738958The debate over fluoride is ongoing, and despite the fact that studies consistently prove the dangers of fluoride toxicity, there remains a lack of widespread awareness on its health risks. Continue reading

The Energy Cleansing & Magnesium Boosting Health Benefits of Epson Salt Baths

As I soaked in an Epson salt bath this morning, going over different ideas for articles to write, I thought; huh, I should probably do an article on the benefits of these baths!

So, let’s really go to the core before starting.

When you get down to it, everything in our physical reality is fundamentally made of energy. Tiny geometric structures form everything from the design of the cosmos down to a blade of grass. The “energy” of water is clearing and cleansing to us, especially when we are open to receiving it. shutterstock_217900003

Epson salt baths are filled with magnesium, a mineral that has significantly dropped during the last half of the century due to diet and agricultural changes.

Magnesium helps regulate over a staggering 325 enzymes and organizes our bodily functions. It helps with anything from muscle control to removing harmful toxins from our body.

Epsom salt, also known as hydrated magnesium sulfate, is rich in magnesium and sulfate. While taking supplements can only be absorbed through the stomach a little bit, soaking in this stuff can really increase your magnesium levels.

Studies show sitting in a bath with this mineral lets it easily be absorbed through the skin and boost magnesium levels.  Sulfates play an important role in creating brain tissue and projecting our joints.  Continue reading

Cannabis Found To Destroy Toxic Protein That Leads to Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists may have just found an ingredient in cannabis that could help people with Alzheimer’s.

Over 5 million people in the US and around 850,000 in the UK suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. This is a severe condition where a person struggles with memory loss.

Currently, people suffering from this disease are put on symptom management medicines such as Aricept, Exelon, Razadyne, or Namenda. This will help deal with the memory loss while the caretakers have to find a way to help the patient deal with the frustration, confusion, anxiety, and depression that can come with having Alzheimers.


According to a recent study, cannabis may be a useful alternative to the current drugs being prescribed. The research found that one of the major toxins of the disease known as amyloid beta was reduced in patients that used cannabis.

This specific toxin can build up in the brain and cause plaque deposits which lead to inflammation and memory loss. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol which is found in cannabis can help reduce inflammation which may allow the cells to survive. Continue reading

How To Transform Dance Into A Conscious, Life-Changing Practice

I remember a time when I felt lost and didn’t even realize it. In such a time, freestyle dancing became a blessing, a means of guidance. It was through expressive dance that I began to reconnect with my desires, my likes, my dislikes, my own unique movement and my voice.

Dance became a way to express myself when words didn’t exist or failed. It became a way to be completely honest with a Greater Power in the universe, and with myself.

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As I grew older, I began to learn of how I wasn’t alone in recognizing this energy and power of dance. Many other women and men freestyle danced for similar ecstasy, satisfaction, and personal growth.

Throughout time, people throughout the world have recognized this mystical power of dance and its ability to guide you to a different level of existence. The truth is, anyone can dance.

Body-Soul Connection

What is the soul? Is it not the part of us that recognizes our individual and collective presence in this world? The part of us that recognizes how our time on this planet is limited? The part of us that seeks to become aware of our place amongst people, this planet, this universe?

Is it not the parts of us that encourage us to be fearless in our search for, or journey of, truth and authenticity, while being compassionate and respectful of others? Do we not all seek to make peaceful, inspiring, sometimes ground-shaking meaning out of our lives?

Dance can become a vehicle for all that. It may not be the only tool or practice in our journey, but it can be one that has the ability to ground us, bring us back to our hearts, and help us recognize our own soul’s voice. Many spiritual paths and religions teach to look at the body as a temple. Continue reading

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar, Gluten and Alcohol

Sometimes I like to dream. I’m not just talking about casual daydreams that revolve around your future house or dream vacation, I’m talking about the big-time. The life changing dreams like quitting gluten, sugar, and alcohol. It seems impossible, but humans are more than capable of surviving without it, and the outcome is filled with nothing but rewards.

Sugar, Alcohol, and Gluten.Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 12.59.07 AM

The problem with these substances is that gluten, sugar, and alcohol don’t have immediate tangible effects on your body. The real dangers sit in the medium to long term effects.

Not only do they negatively affect your health and bodily functions, but they also contribute to the deterioration of your mind.

It’s obviously much easier to abandon habits that are conclusively “bad” for you. For example, eating something that you know makes you nauseous or ties up your digestive system. Imagine a lactose-intolerant person eating a pint of ice cream. It tastes good, but it makes a negative effect on the body.

The Harm:

It can be harder to give up substances like gluten, sugar, and alcohol because of their indirect effects. However, don’t be fooled, these products will harm you slowly.shutterstock_251750599

Gluten, although controversial, has adverse effects on your digestive system and your brain.

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