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The Dangers of Food Coloring: Why You Need To Avoid Artificial Dyes Like Red 40

Why do we have food coloring?

What is it about America that differs from other countries in the way we dye our food?

Many health-conscious people are already aware of the dangers of certain food dyes like red No. 40. That’s always the one where, if you look at a label and it says Red 40, you know to put that item back.

If you didn’t know that, well now you do, and here’s why. Red 40  actually comes from petroleum distillates or coal tars, sounds tasty right? Along with Yellow 5 and Blue 1, these artificial food colorings are linked to organ damage and even cancer in animals.shutterstock_72680119

In humans, two large studies found that children had increased hyperactive activity after ingesting Red 40 and Yellow 5. In 2007 they evaluated six dyes that seemed to link to behavioral problems in children.

“Red 40 contains p-Cresidine, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says is “reasonably anticipated” to be a human carcinogen.” Source

Things weren’t always this way though, up until mid 19th century, natural food dyes were commonly used. Colors from plants, animals and different minerals were used to color food in the US. This all changed when companies found out artificial dyes were a lot more profitable. Continue reading

Lips Are The Most Exposed Erogenous Zone, Which Makes Kissing Feel Very Good

Sheril Kirshenbaum, University of Texas at Austin

Scientists in the Netherlands have reported that we share about 80m bacteria during a passionate ten-second kiss; a finding that makes puckering up seem cringe-worthy – and downright unsanitary at the start of cold and flu season.

But take heart: we’re more likely to get sick by shaking hands throughout the day than through kissing. And the science behind this behaviour reveals that along with all of those germs, we share plenty of benefits with a partner as well.

Early beginnings.
Sami Taipale, CC BY-NC-SA

Kissing is not all about bacterial exchange or romance. Our first experiences with love and security usually involve lip pressure and stimulation through behaviours that mimic kissing, like nursing or bottle feeding. These early events lay down important neural pathways in a baby’s brain that associate kissing with positive emotions that continue to be important in throughout his life. Continue reading

Why Science Says Lucky Charms Work & How To Choose Your Own

Lucky charms and superstitions, despite being challenged by naysayers have stood the test of time – and with good reason.

While the objects and expressions vary, from “break a leg” and “fingers crossed” to rabbits feet and four leaf clovers, the science behind the psychological powers of lucky charms have gained mainstream attention. Namely, for their proven ability to boost confidence and expectation, and by extension, performance, and situational outcomes.

 Evidently, superstitious people despite being criticized for ill-believing in ‘magic’ or the ‘supernatural’ may be onto something.

Scientific Proof in Favor of the Power of Superstition

In a study of golfers’ superstition, researchers told half of the golfers on a putting green that they were playing with a lucky ball, and the remaining half that they were playing with a normal one. Amazingly, those with the lucky ball sank 6.4 putts of out a possible 10, nearly two more putts on average than the others.shutterstock_142718032

This proved to be an increase of a whopping 35 percent! This study, while specific in its test subjects and simple in its applications sparked huge interest among behavioral psychologists on the mental power of superstitious beliefs and objects. Continue reading

Why Keeping Secrets Can Be Bad for Your Mind, Body & Spirit

As of late, neuroscientists have warned people of the biological hazards of keeping a secret. While they may seem innocent and harmless, withholding things from others, especially your close loved ones, has the power to compromise your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Of course, secrets to a minor degree are normal, and even natural. However, when secrets become an obstacle to your daily life and relationships, it is of the utmost importance that you confront the root emotional cause of this stressor.

Why Secrets Compromise Your Health


According to psychiatrist and author of the “Anatomy of a Secret Life,” keeping secrets or living a secret life, sparks and fosters deeply problematic inner dialogues and conflict.

Dangerously, when left professionally undiagnosed or unattended to, secrets can provoke anxiety and chronic worrying. Continue reading

The Science Of Feng Shui: How The Energy of Your Home Affects You

What do you think of when you think of home? Do you think of sleep after a long day of work? Spending time with your family? A space to wind down and entertain over the weekend? As we continue to grow and change, what home means for us may grow and change as well, yet some parts always remain the same.

As C.S. Lewis so beautifully puts:

“What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government etc. exist for except that people may be fed, warmed, and safe in their own homes?”

A tradition that puts a lot of effort thinking about the home and other indoor spaces is Feng Shui. Some people say it’s just based on superstition. Others say that following it is important for wealth and prosperity. And some seek to understand what Feng Shui can reveal to us about our space design and its affect on our souls, especially based on current scientific research.

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What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese practice, though some say it originated from India. It has specific laws and operates on the fact that furniture and decor, as well as the way that they’re arranged within our living spaces, affect our energy flows. These factors influence our thought processes and behaviour. Continue reading

5 Plants Proven To Bring You Health, Wealth and Happiness in Life

The benefits of surrounding yourself in nature are far stretching and well documented, playing a huge role in calming the body as well as focusing the mind. Nature should be introduced into as many aspects of your life as possible.

However, living in the middle of a large city, especially in an apartment with little to no outdoor space, you could find bringing more nature into your space quite a challenge. The solution? Plants.shutterstock_362623601

By looking for plants that will thrive even when kept indoors, you will experience a wide array of spiritual benefits, alongside the more immediate health benefits such as air purification and microbe filtration.

On top of this, different plants have their own little quirks such as their scent or care routine, which contribute in unique ways to the prosperity of your home and your spirit.

So what are some of these advantages, and which plants should you fill your home with immediately?


This plant, thought to originate in China, is not only very easy to take care of, but grows pretty quickly so you can have a thriving green area in your home in barely any time at all. Continue reading