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Scientists Believe the Universe is Littered With Billions of Dead Aliens

It is a question that has long loomed over us as humans, and has had scientists scratching their heads for centuries… Are we alone in this universe?

Recently, it seems as though two scientists undertaking research at the University of Washington might have come to a conclusion on the matter after reworking a decades-old equation used to calculate the possibility of life on other planets.

 It turns out, we weren’t looking in the wrong place, just the wrong time.

First Calculationsshutterstock_357969482

The Drake Equation was first created in 1961, by Astrophysicist Frank Drake. It was used to estimate the number of advanced civilizations likely to currently exist within the Milky Way.

The Drake Equation calculated of the rate of formation of stars in the galaxy, the fraction of those stars that have a planetary system, and the fraction of civilizations that develop enough to release detectable signals into space, amongst other factors.

The University of Washington scientists, Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan, decided to adapt the Drake Equation, asking “Are we the only technological species that has ever arisen?” rather than “How many civilizations exist right now?” This eliminated a lot of guesswork that Drake’s original equation hinged on. Continue reading

7 Of The Most Powerful Healing Crystals You Need For Your Collection

 In this article we discussed 5 powerful crystals to help you become and stay grounded.

When I wrote that article, I felt such connection to the subject of crystals that today I decide to write another article about the subject.

In today’s article, we’ll explore 7 must have crystals for healing and energy.

Crystals are known for their super powers but with the wide variety of crystals, it can be hard to know where to start.

These 7 crystals are some of my all time favorites. They cover the top areas of life – areas such as love, healing, protection, communication, and so much more.

Let’s dive in:


1. Clear Quartz:

This crystal is my go to one for amplification and cleansing.shutterstock_269236400

This crystal get’s the number one position on today’s list because of it’s versatility!

This transmitting crystal is known for directing and amplifying energy.  It’s also a great stone to use with other crystals as it strengthens and amplifies the energies of other stones.

On its own, it brings pure white light energy from the Divine to help you with any situation; this pure light energy has amazing healing qualities that can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit.

This crystal is connected to your crown chakra, so this makes it the best stone to use to cleanse the crown chakra.

So, whenever in doubt, always go with a clear quartz.


2. Amethyst:


This one is my go to crystal for Divine connection, purification, and protection.

This purple stone varies in color from shades of pale lavender to dark violet.

Amethyst are great during spiritual development times as it enhances connection with the Devine and strengthens psychic abilities.

It also is a protection stone, making both beginners and advanced crystal workers favor the amethyst.

It’s connected to the third eye chakra, so this makes it the best stone to use to cleanse and enhance the third eye chakra.

Amethyst has high vibrational energies that aid in healing the body from the day to day stresses. It also is a great stone to boost the immune systems and reduce pain.


3. Blue Calcite:shutterstock_61230454

This slightly translucent bluish stone is one of my absolute favorites for so many reasons.

It’s the perfect stone for enhancing memory and brain power. It helps in increasing mental sharpness and boost intuitive abilities.

It’s connected to the Throat Chakra. So if you feel tongue-tied for whatever reason and need some help with open and calm communication then use the aid of  Blue Calcite.

It amplifies the energy in the Throat Chakra, allowing clear communication, especially during difficult times with differing or opposing points of view.

It’s also a great transition and changes stone so make sure you have your hand on this blue stone to keep an optimistic point of view while transitioning.


4. Rose Quartz:

They call this stone the LOVE stone!


I love this stone, and it has a special place in my heart as it’s my secondary birthstone, but that’s not the only reason!

This crystal holds powerful energies that aid in emotional healing, strengthening love and compassion towards yourself and others, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude towards life in general.

This pale pink crystal is connected to the heart chakra, making it the perfect stone to cleanse and strengthen the heart chakra.

So, if you have any heart problems physically or emotionally, then just hold this stone close to your heart and let the stone do its magic.


5. Citrine:


I call this crystal “My Portable Sun” or “My Sun In A Pocket” crystal because Citrine carries within it the sun energies of warmth, joy, happiness, abundance, strength, and confidence.

This slightly yellowish crystal is connected to your 3rd chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra.

Your 3rd chakra corresponds to the sun and its solar power so having a Citrine crystal near or on you will ensure that your solar plexus chakra is always energized and ready!

Did you know that  If any of your other chakras are compromised, the solar plexus chakra will substitute with it’s own energy the deficiency in that given chakra?

So, always make sure your solar plexus is fully charged with Citrine.

And if you’re having one of these days where everything seems to be a doom and gloom, then just hold this powerful crystal and let the power of the sun brighten your day!


6. Carnelian:

shutterstock_119459104This is a great stone for prosperity, motivation, and protection.

Carnelian aids in attracting prosperity, new resources, and good luck.

It is a talisman for success in any business or new venture.  At the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, motivation, and determination.

This fiery orange-red stone creates a powerful energetic protection aura to shield you, your home and loved ones from negativity.

This stone is connected to the sacral chakras which make it the ultimate stone to revving up and healing any issues related to the sacral chakra.

For those who are experiencing a sexual lull or infertility issues, make sure to use Carnelian as it helped the sacral chakra to tune up and heal.


7. Hematite:

shutterstock_404030035This black stone is my all time favorite for protection because of its reflective surface.

It can deflect and repel any negative energy sent its way. So make sure to have this stone on you at all times!

This stone is connected to our root chakra which makes its a great grounding stone for when you feel disconnected from your body or your roots.

In conclusion, crystals are an easy and natural way to tune up ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally.

Above I listed 7 crystals that will make the ultimate beginner kit to help you harness the powers of crystals in areas of protection, love, prosperity and much more.

I hope you find this article helpful and fun to read!




Ps. sharing is caring, so give this good read a share!

P.P.S. have you used any of the above-listed crystals? And do you have other stones that you’d like to add to this list? Please share in the comment section below.


Zane Baker is a Transformational Coach & Inspirational Speaker. He’s also the Co-Founder of The Valhalla Mind Institute & The My Daily Zen Transformational Programs. Zane serves over 150 thousand subscribers & followers with his free newsletter & personal growth advice on his Facebook page. His top rated meditation track is available here “The Vision Quest”.

You can follow more of his work at

5 Keys to Navigating The Matrix as An Empath

Here we are. Humanity is Awakening. More and more Humans are becoming Aware that we are inside this thing called a Matrix.

So, to begin to answer your questions of what next, what to do, how to leave it? … I will share where I have found myself to be in the process of seeing what it truly is and how I have been able to find peace along the journey on this wave of ups and downs, inside out, back to front and upside down perspectives, keeping myself whole and sane and FREE.shutterstock_198915077

It is our Divine Human right to express a power, a Heart/Spirit knowing that creates and manifests all that we want and desire to experience and feel. There is only one simple law/lore to adhere to in this Becoming Aware.

It is Do No Harm. First and Foremost, to yourself and then to others. This includes all of Nature, Animals and all living things, and the kicker is the Matrix is part of it all.

Everything is a part of us. We have created it. All of it.

Key number 1 is Accountability. Being accountable for everything in our life, responsible for it all for we are creators of our own universe, our life.

Key number 2 is Seeing and experiencing Joy in all of it. No matter how difficult.   The tunnel in the Wave is rough, yet, amazingly beautiful when you have the open hearted eyes and ears to feel it and see the Wonder of it and acknowledge a Gratefulness for it All. Continue reading

4 Different Ways To Find Out What Your Spirit Animal Is

 Spirit animals are often associated with the Native American culture. But they are associated with them for good reason. There is no other culture so attune with the natural and spiritual world. Your spirit animal is more than just generic animal symbolism. Its meaning deepens your personal connection with the earth and empowers you for success in any endeavour.

Ancient and traditional shamans believe that spirit animals are revealed to guide and protect their charges throughout a journey. When we relate to our power animals, it offers influential insights into our subconscious mind.

However, in order to connect with the animal, you must first learn what it is. The best and most effective natural path to find your spirit animal is through observation.


shutterstock_254278528 (1)The importance of your spirit animal differs depending on the specific reason they were sent to you.

They can help you to do a number of things, including; navigate parts of your everyday life that have a strong emotional impact, loosen your personality and open you to the notion of transformation, discover possible life directions for reflection, creating new perspectives on your current relationships and inspire natural qualities and power.

Maintaining a connection with your spirit animal provides you with a powerful ally who can help you restore your energy.


Identifying Your Animal:

shutterstock_350205191Your spirit animal is the embodiment of your subconscious mind and therefore cannot be chosen. It must choose you. Continue reading

4 Ancient Cultures That Worshipped the Sun

 Before monotheistic religion took over the world, people worshipped a more tangible entity. They worshipped something that they knew provided life and energy to themselves and everything around them, something that seemed to exude power and authority. That entity was the sun.

Cultures That Worshipped The Sun: 

Sun worship is commonly associated with “pagan” religions, but it is much less common than most people think. Although many major religions revolve around the solar cycle, like Christianity and Judaism, very few actually consider the sun to be a god, deity or anything worthy of worshipping.

 So, without further ado, here are four cultures that worshipped the sun.

Ancient Egyptians:shutterstock_396268228

Ancient Egypt is probably the most famous sun-worshipping culture. They personified it into the sun-god Ra (who was merged with Horus), which became the dominant god in Egyptian religion. He was said to be the creator of all forms of life.

Ra had many different depictions, but his most common form was that of a man with the head of a falcon and a disk resembling the sun on his head.

Although Ra was the most popular sun god among Ancient Egyptians, different cults worshipped variations of him. Some Egyptians worshipped Aten, a god which was depicted simply as a sun-like disc that was often shown with multiple rays coming out of it which beamed down upon the  earth. Continue reading

7 Things Stopping You From Being Healthy & How to Overcome Them

 There are many methods that we can use to increase our wellness and heal the ailments that we experience on a day-to-day basis. Whether it is through meditation, yoga, Tai Chi or any other form of mind-body exercise, these are all methods that make us healthier in any and every  aspect of our lives.

Many people find instant relief and an increased overall sense of health from these practices. But there are many others who have been doing them for years and still suffer from the ailments that they were trying to cure. If you are one of these people, then continue reading to find out why you aren’t getting better.


Overall Wellness

“Wellness” is a term that is defined by a variety of factors that affect your healing process. If any of these needs are not being met in your life, then it is likely the reason why you are not healing, despite all of your efforts.

The following are all of the needs that you must meet in order to be truly healthy.


Maintaining emotional wellness is more than just being able to handle stress. It also includes being able to analyze your thoughts, feelings and behaviors whether they are positive or negative.

shutterstock_401072437Emotional wellness is the ability to accept your feelings instead of just denying them. You should be able to experience disappointment and frustration, yet still have an optimistic outlook on life. You can do this by: Continue reading