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5 Signs You’re Doing A Lot Better in Life Than You Think

Life is full of ups and downs – we need them in order to navigate this world! We would get bored if everything was always smooth sailing. When you’re feeling bad about where you are in life, remember these things:

1. You Have A Roof Over Your Headshutterstock_211654111

It may seem like a sort of birthright, having a place to live; but we forget many people don’t have a place they can call home.

If you can go snuggle up in a warm bed, that is an important thing to appreciate. If there’s ever a day where you just don’t like your life, remind yourself you have a safe place to live.

Gratitude for the simple things in life is what gives us perspective, appreciation and a sense of happiness.

2. You Have Support

shutterstock_211091626 (1)Whether this looks like a friend who is there for you, your mom, teacher or even your pet, someone is there for you! Some of us are put in tough positions where we need to get by in life with absolutely no help. Continue reading

How Each Moon Phase Affects Different Aspects of Our Life

 The moon carries pretty significant and specific meanings for different types of people around the world. A variety of cultures and religions used to worship the moon, and even used the different phases of the lunar cycle as a calendar. Many major religions still celebrate their holidays in accordance to the moon.

For example, Easter Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon that follows the Spring Equinox. The Chinese New Year occurs on the second full moon after the Winter Solstice.

The Eight Lunar Phases and What They Mean for You: 

The moon has always played a significant role in human culture, religion, and spirituality. Many believe that it still has a profound effect on us to this day. The different phases of the moon carry important meaning in your life, and being aware of them is extremely significant.

New Moon:


The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle. It can generally be defined as a time of new beginnings and fresh starts.

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9 Ways to Achieve A Deeper & More Intense Meditative State

Meditation has been my saving grace in this hectic journey we call life. It is very easy to become so overloaded with daily activities that you forget to take time for yourself and reset your mind, body and spirit. Here are nine meditation techniques you can try to increase the length and depth of your meditation.


Empty Stomach:shutterstock_398480584

After eating, the energy of your body is directed toward the digestive processes, so your mental processes doesn’t get as much attention.

Meditation requires alertness, concentration and mental energy. It is much easier to meditate on an empty stomach.

However, if you are really famished and your hunger is distracting you, then eat something light like a piece of fruit.

Put Your Phone Away:

Put your phone on do-not-disturb, or turn it off completely. Let your friends and family know that during this time you do not want to be interrupted. Continue reading

3 Significant UFO Sightings That Are Nearly Impossible to Disprove

UFO sightings are probably one of the most controversial topics among people today.  It generates more arguments on a daily basis than Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster combined.

It’s no conspiracy that there is a lot going on in our skies we can’t justify. Whether its government crafts or something else, there’s no denying that we aren’t alone.

UFO Sightings That Are Hard To Disprove: 

Regardless if you are a believer in UFOs or not, in some cases it is pretty hard to disprove their existence. Sometimes there is no denying the fact that something really weird was going on in the sky above us. Here are three of the most credible UFO sightings in recent history.

Phoenix Lights:


In the city of Phoenix, Arizona, almost 20 years ago (1997), several witnesses claimed to have seen a strange formation of lights in the night sky.

It was described as a row of six lights that were followed by a row of eight lights that moved in unison. This was followed by nine more connected lights. It was said to be slow moving, and hovered over the city in a V-like formation.

Witnesses in other Arizona cities also claimed to have seen these lights, however Phoenix was the first to report it. Although the governor of Arizona at the time, Fife Symington, originally denied the claims, he has recently come out claiming that the lights were extraterrestrial.  Continue reading

How to Know if You & Your Partner Are Compatible According To Astrology

Everyone wants to know if they’re compatible with their significant other. Let’s face it…we all want to know if the person we are with is the person we’re meant to be with. Well, the comparison between your zodiac sign and your partners could be the missing link, or the answer you were looking for.


Astrological Signs:shutterstock_303898226

Your Astrological sign, also known as your sun sign, or star sign, references the position of the sun in your horoscope at the moment of your birth. The complete horoscope includes the planets, the astrological houses, and the angles between planets.

Compatibility Between Signs:

Each sign has its own set of characteristics. For instance, Gemini’s are often associated with quick wittedness and expressiveness, while Virgos’ are associated with modesty and reliability.

Compatibility predictions require the full horoscope birth charts of the individuals who are involved.

Before you get too overly invested keep in mind that a comparison between your zodiac signs is not perfectly precise. Instead, it gives a general sense and some general clues. Continue reading

16 Surprising Reasons Humans Are Actually Herbivores

 In 2012 the U.S Department of Agriculture states that the average American consumed 71.2 pounds of red meaty and 54.1 pounds of poultry. It is now the norm for people to have meat with every one of their daily meals, but past generations survived by eating meat just once or twice a week.

This over consumption and dependence on meat has lead researchers to ask the question: Are human beings actually meant to be herbivores? This thought stems from the damage that meat processing does to our environment and bodies.


  1. shutterstock_156757385We chew side to side. Similar to other herbivores like cows, and unlike omnivores who cannot break down their food this way.

  2. Bad Cholesterol only comes from eating animal-based products.

  3. Human’s tongues don’t have fat or meat receptors. This means that we cannot taste much of anything when we eat raw meat. We do taste salt and plant seasonings, but neither of those are animal products.

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