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Study Admits Most Antidepressants Actually Increase Suicide Attempts in Teens

New research published in the medical journal The Lancet has found that, well, antidepressants on children and adolescents don’t really work. Out of 14 different antidepressants, only one was really effective at relieving symptoms of depression.

The pill fluoxetine was the only pill that worked in comparison to a placebo pill. On the contrast, taking venlafaxine, also known as Effexor, was associated with more suicidal thoughts and actual attempts when in comparison to the placebo pill. Medicine

The researchers claim the study is the most comprehensive to date on this topic. Depressive disorder is becoming more common in children and adolescents, estimating about 3% of children age 6 to 12 and 6% of teenagers aged 13 to 18 have some sort of depression.

In 2014 alone, an estimated 2.8 million teenagers age 12 to 17, which is about 11% of the population of the US, had at least one major depressive episode. Researchers know that depression and young people is usually very different than depression in adults.

Adolescents have shown to be more irritable, have aggressive behavior and develop problems in school. Suicide attempts with younger people can be much more dramatic and leave a more prominent impact on their social functioning.

n-KIDS-VITAMIN-PILLS-large570This study was conducted in 34 different clinical trials which involved 5260 different participants. They tested the drugs efficiency, tolerability and acceptability.

The final results show that fluoxetine was really the only antidepressant where the benefits outweigh the risks. Most of the other concoction of pills creates a higher risk of suicidal thoughts or attempts.

So what’s the real issue here? Continue reading

A New Mysterious Crop Circle Appeared Near Stonehenge

Another mysterious crop circle has appeared in the field near Stonehenge. This design is just one kilometer away from the infamous and mysterious site. More and more crop circles have been appearing near Stonehenge over the last few decades.

This phenomenon is incredibly interesting, and has a lot of controversy 01-Crop-Circles-Intricatesurrounding it.

Many are quick to dismiss all crop circles as human made, even the most mind blowing intricate ones that seem almost impossible for us to have made. Yes, some are made from humans, but ones with this level of accuracy are just otherworldly.

Over the years there have been many different designs with very specific purposes. Most of these crop circles have detailed sacred geometry within them, some seem to be codes for us to decipher.

Crop circles seem to be a direct way for other beings to communicate messages with us.


In 1974 we sent out a message into space, and received one back embedded into these fields in 2001. Continue reading

Family Karma: How to Release Energetic Ties From Your Ancestors

This article is on family karma, energetic ties and your family being your biggest trigger and teacher.

What is family karma?

Family karma is the karma of your ancestral bloodline, from your parents down to you. Say your father was the most spiritually developed within his family and he had five siblings, he would be the carrier of ‘energetic blockages’ in the karmic family line. He is carrying this burden from when he was born and will continue to do so his whole life, unless he releases it. It is a passing down of energy either through physical and verbal means, or completely energetic and subconscious.

It can affect the way in which you interact with your family on an unconscious level.unnamed-1

If you consider yourself sensitive and are born out of two spiritually burdened parents, it can seem like you’re carrying twice the load. Many of us don’t naturally get along with our parents, and sometimes this has to do with energetic ties to past experiences. Everything is fundamentally energy, so our consciousness exists beyond physicality and our understanding of linear time.

We have experienced life before this incarnation. Many of the people in your family are consciousness you have known before this life, and have chosen to come to Earth together. Depending on the path of your past, you may have chosen to take on a more intense life to balance out your karma.

We are Source consciousness projecting itself onto the 3D to better understand itself. From this perspective, there is no good or bad; there just is.  So, many have chosen to experience a life as a killer, and the killed to gain more insight from both perspectives and better understand the nature of reality.

You and your mother may have had karmic building experiences in the past, anything from hurting another to refusing to learn a lesson. Everything needs to balance, so if you caused a lot of destruction in your past life, you may be at the other end of it during this life.  Continue reading

3 Steps to Protecting and Cleansing Your Aura From Negative Energy

Today’s article is going to teach you in details how to protect your aura from negative energies and how to cleanse your aura when negative energy affect you.

But before we get to the nitty gritty stuff, let’s cover the basics.


What Is the Human Aura?aura

The human aura is a field of energy that is so subtle yet so radiant that surrounds us. It is an extension of our physical body.

Auras are related to the electromagnetic field of the human body and serve as a visual measure of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states.

Our auras are ever-changing as it’s completely affected by everything that we do or think. The aura is also affected by other energies such as the surrounding environment, the forcefields of the solar system, and the energies of other creatures such as humans, animals, plants, etc.

Think of the aura as your energetic signature; you have a written signature that represents your physical form, your aura represents your energetic form.


Why Should You Protect and Cleanse Your Aura?

auraYou shower and take care of your physical body daily, and your spiritual body is no different.  Protecting and Cleansing your aura is important to your spiritual hygiene.

I recommend that you do that on a daily basis, as I mentioned earlier your auras are effected by everything around you so pay attention!

I personally clean my aura twice a day – once upon awaking, and then before falling asleep at night.

Protecting and cleansing one’s aura is a simple practice that only takes a few minutes a day and is well worth doing!

And now we going to get into the fun stuff! Continue reading

Did JP Morgan Sink the Titanic To Remove Rivals & Form The Federal Reserve?

Recently a new theory about the sinking of the titanic has started circulating around the internet but in order to understand why something like an intentional sinking of the titanic may be possible, you have to look at what was going on at the time and why a few people would risk so much in order to create such a plot.

Back in 1898 a book was written called “Wreck of the Titan” which has a lot of similarities between the fictional story and what is said to have happened when the Titanic sunk in 1912.shutterstock_238070137

While Morgan Robertson, the author of the book claims that it wasn’t a stroke of clairvoyance but rather an understanding of the risk of icebergs in those seas during the month of April, it is is no less unsettling to read the similarities between the two stories.

14 years after the book was released the same issues were seen in the official story of the sinking of the titanic when the ship struck an iceberg, didn’t have enough lifeboats, and killed over 1,500 people.
Right before the RMS Titanic was set to sail, JP Morgan canceled his reservation claiming poor health. Other prominent men who were at the time opposed to the formation of the Federal Reserve did, in fact, get on the ship and unfortunately didn’t make it onto a lifeboat.

JP Morgan Plot Theory


While nearly all of the evidence is strictly coincidental it does seem a bit bizarre when you see how many things went wrong all at once. Continue reading

The Saudi Government is Calling Out U.S. Government for Planning 9/11 Attacks

 Last month the US Senate approved a bill that would allow the families of 9/11 victims the right to sue the Saudi Arabian government for their alleged involvement in the attack.
While the Saudi Arabian government denies any role in the attacks The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act will essentially allow countries with ties to terrorists to be sued by removing their sovereign immunity in the federal court system.
Now if you look a bit closer at what is going on here, it is clear that the various levels of government do not agree with this move as the White house openly opposes this bill.


Whether they oppose it because Saudi Arabia has evidence against the US being behind the attack or because the Saudi’s threatened to sell off $750 billion in U.S. assets it is not really clear.
Either way, the passing of the bill has caused a reaction from Saudi Arabia where their government has decided to point the finger right back at the US Government. While many people have looked at the evidence of the attack on 9/11 and decided that it was indeed an inside job; others are yet to be convinced.


What happened on that day back in 2001 was tragic, to say the least, there were countless victims who may very well still be hurting from their losses. Terry Strada, for example, lost her husband Tom in the attacks.  Continue reading