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These Incredible Kids Have Been Taught How To Open Their Third Eye & Read Blindfolded

If you still don’t believe in psychic ability, you have to watch this video.


For many of us, it’s no secret that we all hold the abilities that some would consider “paranormal” or psychic, when it is really just an innate form of understanding we are all born with. These children are all part of a small alternative school in Essex. They are taught mainly with blindfolds which teaches them how to activate their third eye and see through their blindfolds.

These children are able to do pretty much anything while completely blind folded. They can read books, play games, draw identical pictures beside ones the interviewer drew, and it even gets more phenomenal than that.

This one girl they interviewed in that video named Lucy seems to possess a stronger sense of psychic ability than some of the others. While the interviewer is drawing different pictures for her while she’s blindfolded, she is able to tell exactly what he is drawing even before he turns the paper to face her.

She is literally able to see through her blindfold, and through the paper itself with her third eye. This right here is proof of the incredible potential of humans.

The problem is that many people will jump to an array of reasons to discredit this, and many similar videos and studies. Many people will claim that they can see through the blindfold, even though a suspicious crew member filming the interview tried it on themselves to verify that it was indeed not see-through.  Continue reading

6 Strange Things Astronauts Have Said Space Smells Like

Wouldn’t you think space, as an airless vacuum, would have absolutely no smell? Well even the absence of a smell can hold some type of odor.


This is so incredibly interesting; all of the different smells astronauts smell.

It must smell slightly different to everyone as we all have our own sense of smell. Anything from burnt almond cookies to a metallic smell – who would have thought these strange smells would be out in space.

This astronaut said, to him, space smells like walnuts and motorbike brake pads.

This Astronaut said:


The best description I can come up with is metallic; a rather pleasant sweet metallic sensation.

It reminded me of my college summers where I labored for many hours with an arc welding torch repairing heavy equipment for a small logging outfit.

It reminded me of pleasant sweet smelling welding fumes. Continue reading

Filmmaker David Lynch Describes How Transcendental Meditation is The Secret To Success

Ever heard of those classic experimental films by David Lynch? Anything from the popular TV show Twin Peaks to Eraser Head, Dune and many more influential films. Who knew he would be one to do transcendental meditation? Apparently, David Lynch says he hasn’t missed a day of transcendental meditation in a staggering 43 years.

shutterstock_28282579He was recently in Los Angeles, watching a panel at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, listening to a psychiatrist talk about how to boost performance and live a happier life through transcendental meditation.

After the panel, Lynch described why he thinks transcendental meditation is the secret to everything in life in a one-on-one interview.

When asked why he believes transcendental meditation can make you healthier, he replied that many illnesses are stress-related and that stress can literally kill you. It is no secret that stress is one of the most popular problems that plagues us in this modern era.

We are all shrouded in stress because the design of our society tells us we need to work harder and faster, and if we’re not, then we must be lazy. This is something David Lynch seems to understand very well. Continue reading

7 Historic Images That Will Make You Question Everything You Know About History

It is obvious that time can distort history. We know this, yet still cling to some whopping lies that have been perpetuated, sometimes for hundreds or thousands of years. Check it out:

1. Jesus Was Not A White Guy With Long Flowing Locks.the-real-face-of-jesus-fb

As Christianity has been the religion of choice for Western culture for well over a thousand years now, the most important figure in that religion, Jesus of Nazareth, has come to be popularly depicted as a white guy with flowing, sandy hair.

We know, of course, that Jesus was of Middle Eastern origin.

Moreover, scholars agree that he was a common man, and would have looked like a common man of his place and time. The above picture is an artist’s rendering, but Jesus would have looked more like the guy on the left than the guy on the right.

2. The Pyramids At Giza Were Originally White.

The famous ancient Egyptian Pyramids at Giza are a marvel, there is no question. However, they are a marvel that has endured erosion for millennia. If you can imagine, these monuments were much more awe-inspiring back when they were first built.

The original outside of these structures was white limestone that had undergone a laborious smoothing process by workers to remove the tool marks. The sandy bricks we see now are merely the base structure. The original limestone casting stones that must have caused the pyramids to shine brightly for miles have been looted, weathered, and borrowed for other nearby structures. Few originals actually still exist on the pyramids today.

3. The Statue Of Liberty Was Modeled After The Colossus Of Rhodes.

The history of the Statue of Liberty far predates the typical assumption: that it was built to represent American freedom from colonial rule.

While the history about the statue being a gift from France celebrating American freedom is true, the statue was meant to be a near-likeness of the Colossus of Rhodes, which watched over the Mandraki Harbor in Greece. The scale of the two monuments is even the same.

4. Velociraptors Had Feathers.

Popular depictions of the fierce velociraptor show them with a typical scaly lizard skin. This visual was burned into the collective idea of what the predator looked like by the movie Jurassic Park, particularly.

While the creatures could not fly, we know now that they did have a coat of feathers. This discovery was made in 1998 by paleontologists at the American and Field Museums of Natural History. Of course, the damage had been done already five years earlier by Spielberg and his army of movie animators.

5. The Ancients Knew The Earth Was Round.

It is a popular Western cultural myth that Columbus not only discovered the Americas, but debunked the idea that the Earth was flat in the process. We now know that Columbus deserves credit for neither of these discoveries, as scientists have uncovered evidence of ancient knowledge on both subjects.

In addition to Thales up in the graphic there, we know that ancient scholars such as Pythagoras and Aristotle knew that the Earth is round. Indeed, educated Europeans in Columbus’ time also knew that the Earth is a sphere. They did underestimate the circumference of our world, explaining why he thought he had arrived in Asia when he landed in the Caribbean.

6. Ninjas Looked Like Average Folk.

Movies and other forms of pop culture portray the esteemed ninja as a guy in the distinct mask and comfy black clothes.

However, to be a ninja was an art form. Skilled mercenaries are trained to be lethal, and to be lethal you have to be stealthy. Therefore, they dressed much like ordinary farmers, monks, merchants, and so on. After all, if you were trying to track the enemy, you wouldn’t want to wear clothes that screamed ‘Hey, I’m a ninja!’

7. Greek Statues Were Once Brightly Painted.

Archaeologists have gathered enough evidence from ancient texts to be able to draw a reasonable conclusion that the iconic ancient Greek statues once sported bright colors. Some of these texts even include illustrations of painted statues.

Over time, weathering events and natural wear and tear eroded the paint from the stone. However, Renaissance artists idealized this perceived minimalism, which echoed their own ideas on purity and strength. The oft-imitated austere white ‘Greek style’ was burned into consciousness from that point.

Ladies: Gluten Might be Responsible For Your Sudden Jump In Breast Size

A study shows that a hormone associated with breast growth is very much present in the gluten we eat in our bread.  The hormone prolactin is one of the main components responsible for celiac disease. In a 2014 clinical trial, it was found that people diagnosed with this disease had elevated levels of prolactin with them. After they went gluten-free, the prolactin decreased within six months.

It seems this disease is simply a body’s reaction to something it could not completely process. Many people are going gluten free now that they are aware of the possible effects. gluten

I know from personal experience, that when I stop eating bread, the size of my breasts decreased dramatically. It astonished me how quickly they shifted in size immediately after I stop consuming gluten.

There are other sources of gluten, including yeast, wheat and barley. These all contain high levels of estrogen which may also contribute to this experience some women are experiencing.

While some might consider a sudden jump in bra size a blessing, it is concerning to think that there is an external hormone that is essentially creating an imbalance in our bodies. There is an interesting link in women with celiac disease who have been shown to have a lower incidences of breast cancer. There’s not definitive research to show that cutting out gluten is the sole reason for this but it is very possible. Continue reading

The 3 Chemicals That Are Responsible For Why We Attract Toxic Partners

Why is that old cliché of girls liking the bad boy who mistreats them, even a cliché in the first place?

Why are we drawn to people who could be toxic for us?

It could be their mysterious personality that entices us, or the thrilling times we had with them that seem to out shine the negative experiences. Many people are drawn to relationships where they want to help or fix the other person, and that is usually a recipe for disaster.Lovely-couple-hugging-hd-wallpaper-free-download

Some of us have had relationships where we feel we have been treated unfairly, yet were simultaneously sweet talked and shown different forms of kindness.

As with everything in this universe, there’s always an ebb and flow of energy between people.

When we meet someone of interest who doesn’t show us emotional availability, we give them more energy to try and have it reflected back. This can create a cycle of giving way more energy than receiving it.

Of course, it is our brain firing different synapses which make us feel such deep emotions for our partners. The first of which would be dopamine.


Also known as the pleasure center of our brain, dopamine controls the neurotransmitters which associates feelings of happiness. When we have intensely joyous times with someone, the chemicals released during those times sticks with us.


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