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Aquarius: The Sign of The Intuitive Soul

Calling all of the Aquarians out there! Those born under this sign are known to be some of the awakened children, teenagers and adults that will carry us into the new millennium.


As we enter the Age of Aquarius, those with the sign are known to be born as visionaries, outside-of-the-box thinkers and progressive souls. Some of us are here very specifically to bring forth the new, benevolent world to fruition.

As a half aquarius, half pisces cusp, I take on traits from both sides.

The sign of Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer but is actually an air sign. The representation of water being poured is the knowledge and ideas many Aquarius bring forth. Many of us love to share stories, ideas and emotions with those around us.

Many Aquarians have a high IQ and constantly running mind that can turn out some pretty incredible thoughts.

The ruling planet is Saturn; the planet of getting things done. It is all about discipline, responsibility and creation. Structure and order are some of the main traits that Saturn represents. The secondary ruling planet is Uranus.


This planet represents seeing life from a new perspective, originality and innovative creations. Is also known as the planet of rebellion which really just means new ways of thinking and being. The combination of these two planets is incredibly powerful when used purposely. Continue reading

Scorpio: The Sign of Sensual Soul

One of the three water signs, the Scorpio is the eighth sign in the zodiac. Scorpio’s have been symbolized by the scorpion, a serpent and an Eagle – a representation of the transcendence between the physical and spiritual realms.

shutterstock_175636148Scorpio’s are known for being some of the more sensually charged people. Ruled by Mars, the planet of passion and aggression, many people can see why. The mindset many scorpio’s have towards life comes with an intense passion in everything they do.

As a water sign, emotional sensitivity comes natural to scorpios. Many water signs have heightened sensitivities, both mental, emotional and psychic in many ways.

This is the connection between Scorpio’s intense sensuality and their psychic ability. Being psychic is a lot more common than you may think, it requires observation and making connections through patterns.

When you notice how someone is talking, their body language, subtle movements, their tone, words and actions all combined, you can completely read them. This seems to come more natural to water signs. Continue reading

15 Beautiful Quotes That Will Awaken Your Soul

Awakening is not a thing. It is not a goal, not a concept. It is not something to be attained. It is a metamorphosis. If the caterpillar thinks about the butterfly it is to become, saying ‘And then I shall have wings and antennae, there will never be a butterfly.

The caterpillar must accept its own disappearance in its transformation. When the marvelous butterfly takes wing, nothing of the caterpillar remains.

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
– Ramana Maharshi


“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.” Continue reading

5 Universal Traits of A Wise Soul

What does it mean that the Soul is mature? If, during your spiritual Journey, you ask yourself the question: “What do I expect from life?” and you give an honest answer, the quality of that answer contains the response the question of the Soul’s maturity.

old-soul1. The mature Soul is beyond its desires and ambitions bound to shapes and forms. The realization that achieving the goals and ambitions did not bring it real happiness, made it mature.

It may have brought temporary satisfaction, but not lasting happiness.

2. The mature Soul experienced the nature of desires, the constant variability of the world of shapes and forms, where nothing is lasting, everything is dialectical, changeable.

3. The mature Soul is able to abandon its materialistic desires and ambitions, and live life minimally. It understands that this life is only temporary, and physical objects can only provide a certain amount of happiness. True happiness is found within connection between souls, not in buying items.  Continue reading

7 Practical Methods to Re-activate A Blocked Throat Chakra

Don’t rock the boat. Don’t stir the pot. Leave well enough alone. Go with the flow. These were sayings that I had lived by for a long time.

When I was little, I was very shy, quiet, and highly empathetic. I held onto the emotions I felt fiercely. I learned from a young age that speaking up meant possibly starting conflict (something that I was very afraid of), so I swallowed my feelings every time something happened that I didn’t agree with. Or, if I did speak up and someone disagreed with what I had to say, I’d immediately back down and apologize.

When I began seeing energy healers I’d hear over and over that my throat chakra was blocked and that I needed to express myself. I didn’t understand. I had no issues with expressing love and affection. I didn’t know what the problem was. What wasn’t I seeing?

With time, I learned that it was the “negative” emotions that I was expressing, not the “positive” ones. Every time I felt pain, sadness, discouragement, or anger, I’d withhold my emotions and they’d energetically attach to my throat chakra. Every feeling that I did not acknowledge, express, and let go became stuck. It got so bad that for a while I stopped feeling any emotions at all. I felt numb. I couldn’t feel very happy or very sad.

madI just had this vague sense of discontentment no matter how positive my life was. I was so afraid of conflict that I didn’t express any negativity at all and I started  having throat related problems (swollen glands, hypothyroidism) and big time emotional baggage. I also didn’t have any energy, I always wanted to sleep and eat because they were the only activities that made me feel better.

I had dug myself a big hole and I knew that I was the only one that could get myself out.  So slowly, I had to deal with all of the emotions that I had stored for so many years. I had to chip away at the mountain of emotions,  writing down everything that I felt so that I could isolate the problems in my life and then, eventually, discover the solutions. Continue reading

The Science of Channeling: How to Use Life Force Energy to Heal Your Body

We live in a sea of subtle energies.  We can become conscious of them and learn to use them.

Ancient cultures understood that we live in a vast sea of energy.  They understood that the planets and stars are conscious beings who communicate with each other.  They believed that the trees serve as antennas, which allow natural subtle energies and information to flow up from the Earth to the stars and planets, and from all other celestial bodies into the Earth.

They taught that everything and every being has consciousness and channels this energy according to its capabilities, to help facilitate this essential cosmic dialogue.

soul vibration - spirit - energetic body

In fact, they understood that all matter, including the physical body, is a gathering of this universal energy.  They recognized that our thoughts and emotions are a form of energy, and that when these are in harmony with the living universal energy field, we become clear channels.

Then, the life force of the Earth and cosmos flows through us more smoothly and abundantly, guiding our evolution as new perspectives are revealed and advanced abilities are awakened within us.

These abilities include heightened creativity, extrasensory perception and the ability to bring about dramatic physical healing.  Shamans learn to feel, sense and use this energy without filtering or distorting it.  They often refer to this process as becoming a “hollow bone”.

We transmit and receive energy.
This universal sea of energy, called Qi in China and Prana in India, circulates through our bodies, interacts with the electromagnetic spectrum and includes other subtler energies not yet understood by Western science.1 It is the foundation for the practice of acupuncture, where thin needles are used to assist the flow of vital energy through meridians in the body.  It is the inner force that advanced martial artists cultivate and direct outward.  Continue reading