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How Thinking Positive Changes Your Life – Backed By Science

Seems to always be one way or the other, doesn’t it? Positive or negative, paper or plastic… Dr. Kinsey said something to the effect of humans will always be inclined to lean more heavily in one direction, But a person is never entirely, 100% on wither side of the spectrum.

He was talking about sexuality, but the statement applies to other aspects of human inclination. For instance, positive or negative thinking, which do you prefer.happy

As you guessed I favor positive thoughts and intentions.

Lets examine some of the pros and cons of negative thought. Negatively focused thought lends credibility to ‘everything will go wrong’, people are inherently bad,  don’t trust anyone, and people will always let you down.

There are more examples but this is enough to get the main definition across the table; negative thinking highlights any fear, loathing, distrust or general negative formation a person has.

The benefits are that you can plan for if the scenario goes sour on you. However the imagined scenarios almost never go down in the same way imagined. happy-jumping-joy-sunset

The inexactitude often makes the projection useless. The negative deductions are usually based off emotion opposed to fact, so they will always be specialized to the perspective not the situation.

“The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.” James Branch Cabell

Cabell’s quote fantastically highlights the fact that positive thought and negative thought are directly connected, they are the sides to a coin. Rational thought and receptive perception is the the side of the coin following the circumference of the coin, despite our best efforts we normally only touch it for a moment when the disk is flipped. Both major perspectives are so heavily rooted in emotions that they frequently overlook facts, and are there for normally wrong.

o-HAPPINESS-facebookIf you are only going to be partially right, why not be positive?

The perceptions gleaned in this way are  going to be off wither way. The positive assumptions though will be the better of the options. To be clear, I’m not saying to stop using your common sense.

You should always be striving to make the most objective and rational decisions, that take into account your ‘gut feelings’ and your intuition. That isn’t always an option though and frequently have to make due with what we got.

That positivity will spread to others as well, so its beneficial and conducive to group situations. As you can’t be sure what your neighbor is thinking its safe to cover your bases and try to be as empathetic and supporting as you can until you find out more details.

How You Handle Anger Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone reacts differently to life’s ups and downs.  Some people do really well when the pressure is on and others prefer a constant stream of activities. A lot of this guess work of how do people react is based off typecasts. Someone born under certain signs have certain strengths and weaknesses. This means they react to stimuli according to those strengths and weaknesses.



Deep thinkers and over analyzers, Capricorn fear intimacy. They don’t want people to get to close to them for all sorts of reasons.

They use parts of their life like their careers to protect them, push others away and distract them from their loneliness.

Capricorn detaches heavily when hurt.


Aries are very impulsive and often act out in anger. Once Aries gets going, its hard to stop them. Because Aries is actually fairly insecure under all that bravado, Aries will retreat into a moody self centered funk. Keep them focused on other tasks and there shouldn’t be an issue.


Never the most patient of signs, Taurus is quick to anger. When they get hurt, they retreat into isolation, Their stubbornness makes it hard for them to accept reconciliation. Continue reading

8 Meditation Myths: The Facts & The Fiction

Meditation is a practice of discipline to regain control of the mind and build formations that are productive to us and others. This may seem like a vague description but meditation it is a general concept. That generality has run away from practitioners around the world. These misconceptions are intended to be malevolent, but in a way they are. They confuse and detract resources from a system that works. There won’t be any mention of specialized meditation. We’ll stay with basic meditative precepts, such as breath counting and mantras. Below is a list of myths and the explanation right below them.

Meditation Is Relaxation

I’ve heard people say ‘think only positive thoughts’ or ‘let your mind go limp’. These statements come from the stress management seminars that may have twisted certain ideas to reach their goals. Stress reduction, momentary happiness and relaxation are not the be-all and end-all for meditation. Some of  these things will happen to you but the goals of meditation are  more far reaching. The beginning stages are about learning to let go and simply ‘be’. This is just the first steps though.

Meditation Is Just Self-Hypnosis

There are some overlapping themes in therapeutic hypnosis and meditation. Both practices start by inducing a state of relaxation then there is ‘inner’ work that must be done. Hypnosis and some forms of meditation  utilizes visualization techniques and/or the use of repetitious phrases to change internal formations. But many forms of meditation (Zen “just sitting” or Theravadin mindfulness meditation) make no use of such tools. The overlap between hypnosis and meditation is only partial.

There are Technological Shortcuts

In the urge to have instant gratification a terrible and clever market has jumped to the fore front of the Internet to ‘give you the ability to meditate like a Zen monk, with the click of a button,’ and other similar claims for speed and perfection. ‘All you need to do is pay, put you headphones in for one hour for the next week and you’ll feel better in no time!’ If you take an hour out of your day to relax of course you will have a better perspective at the end of the week. This isn’t real meditation. some musical gimmick can not hold a flame to the compassion and love gained from hours of dutifully watching your breath.

You Must Sit In Lotus Position

That you can meditate while doing anything, in any position, baffles most people. True there are perks to the seated, passive forms of meditation, there are also perks to active meditation styles. Mobility is an issue that every can relate to. If you enjoy seated meditation but the versions of lotus hurt your joints, you can sit on a chair, or even lying down. As long as the focus is on your breath, you are doing well.

While Meditating You Have To Say ‘Ohm’

‘Ohm’ is a single part of a mantra. Many kinds of meditation have repetitious speech to focus the mind and will. Just as many do not, it’s all preference.

Meditation A Religious Activity

Meditation has been used by numerous religious groups as far as we remember. This doesn’t mean it is a religious activity. It is simply a highly diverse way expanding your mind, heart, and perceptions. I also hear people say meditation is an eastern thing. While many religious and spiritual activities include meditation in the East, meditation is found around the world practiced on some level or another by every group on the planet.

Meditation Is Escapist

Meditation is considered to be a mental escapism by some. They say meditation is “running away from problems,” “navel gazing,” “lotus eating,” or “disregarding the world.” I don’t understand this. To me living your life with no rest, no strong inner thoughts and never taking the time to focus on an event or experience is escapism. In a meditative state, you are face to face with many unsavory aspects of yourself and the world like, anger, pain, selfishness, suffering, war, craving, desire and delusional thoughts. The idea is not to run from aspects of ourselves and others, it is to stay and heal.

Meditation Is About Letting Your Mind Go Blank

This is the trump card of meditation myths. A part of meditation is build the character and efficiency of our mental voice. How does one do that when you don’t allow your voice to speak up? What does happen is the nonstop mental babbling begins to slow down and we observe mindfulness. This mindfulness becomes the moment we are experiencing, and that is what we see, feel, hear: the entirety of the moment.

Backed By Science: Your Intentions And Thoughts Create Your Physical World

Dr. Masaru Emoto is internationally renowned researcher and alternative healer. His water molecule experiments were featured in the film What the Bleep Do We Know? His experiments have the consistent theme of demonstrating human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality.

This rice experiment is simple and easy to recreate. It calls focus to the different effect of positive and negative thoughts.


Dr. Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into clear containers. He then labeled one ‘you fool’ and the other ‘thank you’.

He placed the containers at the entrance to a school. The students were instructed to say the labels aloud to the jars everyday as they entered the school. The results were astounding.

After thirty days of daily communication, there was a notable change between the two. The jar labeled ‘you fool’ decomposed at an accelerated rate. The negative thoughts and intentions had a profound effect of making the rice breakdown faster.

Science-Meditation-Mind-Molecular-Zen-BrainThe jar labeled ‘thank you’, showed almost no decomposition. The positivity helped to maintain the structure and health of the rice.

This evidence of thoughts interacting with the physical plain has far reaching implications.

We have yet to begin to quantify the exact exchange that occurs from our thoughts, but the implications are there, waiting for someone to unlock it.

Studies Show Some Animals Can See Our Electromagnetic Fields & Auras

Animals have a more apt set of senses than their human counterparts. While scientists have been able to observe and quantify behavior indicative of higher senses, we’ve only recently begun to break down the ‘how’ of these phenomena.

Cryptochromes are light sensitive molecules that exist in all bacteria, plants and animals. In animals, these molecules control the host’s circadian rhythms.shutterstock_250656241

These rhythms control the animals sleep cycle. Cryptochromes are what help birds literally see magnetic fields. Specifically cyrptochrome 1a is directly involved in the light dependent magnetic orientation response and is located in the photo-receptors in bird’s eyes.

The Max Planck Institute for Brain Research is looking into the matter more intensely. Researchers have detected cryptochrome 1 in several mammalian species thus far. It is believed that any animal with this cryptochrome have the ability to visually inspect magnetic fields.

Birds, for instance, migrate with normally unerring accuracy. It’s not as though the birds have compasses in their eyes, but rather can see the inclination of the magnetic field lines relative to the Earth’s surface. A key element of cryptochrome 1a is that it must be simultaneously activated by light in order to react to magnetic fields.shutterstock_376078513

In every case that cryptochrome 1a has been found in mammalian and avian species, it has been located in the blue to UV sensitive cones. Continue reading

7 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Trying To Contact You

Angels are non physical entities that vibrate at a different frequency than us physical mortals. These spiritual custodians are always attempting to guide actions and interject thoughts that will be of benefit to us. It all comes down to whether or not you have the capacity of mind and soul. Are you willing to believe in powers that are trying to stop humanity from it’s own cold and destructive hands?


Do you see patterns that go beyond the norm?

It a mystery as to how these guardians came to protect and care for us. I believe that this mystery is an inherent aspect of the infinite universe.

As an element of the infinite, we all see different answers. Regardless of how you visualize the truth, the manner that angels appear have stayed the same for a long time.

Normally never manifesting as physical projection they have a tendency to appear in more subtle ways. The seven ways lists below are some of the more common experiences reported by people the world over.

Changes in Temperature

The room may get warmer or colder inexplicably. The way angels vibrate can slow or speed up the molecules in the air, resulting in a change in temperature. Pay attention to what you are doing or thinking and feel out what is being communicated.

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