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The Secret Influence of Sanskrit On Our Modern Languages

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. Etymologists are finding evidence of Sanskrit being layered in with Greek, Latin and Germanic Languages. This is interesting because the languages on either side of a particular mountain range don’t look anything a like.

This shows that there was not only extensive travel (and probably trade to fund the travel) but mutually beneficial relationships between various races and kingdoms. For them to be communicating this thoroughly, on multiple personal and familial levels, is extraordinary. It shines more light on the beautiful differences between us all, while highlighting the unmistakable similarities.shutterstock_98494304

Language is the agreed upon sounds for mutually understood ideas and actions. Every word and phrase is a contract of understanding between the people who speak and hear the agreement. You show me an apple. I see the apple. We agree on the enunciation of the word apple. Trade, travel and war spread words and the ideas they represent across the globe.

The similarities are witha number of common words I never would have guessed were influenced by Sanskrit. See a List of Greek/Latin/English words that have been influenced by Sanskrit here. I found that the Sanskrit word ‘aadim’ (the first or most ancient man) had influenced Adam’s name pretty cool. The name Korea was influenced by ‘Gauriya’ meaning Gouri, a Vedic Goddess mind blowing.

To Break down the idea of language a little we’ll say a word has a particular meaning in England. That same word carried across the ocean to Canada, still carries the same meaning. A new agreement is made between the traveler and a Canadian. Lets say the word is ‘hunger’, and the people in England are experiencing a drought. This means, in England, the word holds unique connotations.

While a little of the history is inferred by the Canadian, as he sees the thin Englishmen talk about home, there is no drought in Canada. As this new word for hunger circulates through Canada, the connotation changes. The change in its meaning means people use it in a different context, and the pronunciation begins to vary.

shutterstock_243358807 (1)Today the Internet makes a secure intellectual net, holding together languages and ideas. Without it, geographical separation and time would have a more visible wear on our shared terms. The change in our languages now comes as a very slow movement, powered more but social stresses and attitudes toward certain topics. Any previously regional form of speech is still present but there not as much word spontaneity as there was in the past. Most language changes are influenced by technological advances.

This influence happened because of the popularity of the Vedic culture. To keep up with the most current terms and agreed upon ideas cultures wouldn’t try to create their own version of Sanskrit words. They would just use the original word. The same thing happens in modern times with words like processor, internet, and other technical names. At first there is no translations of these words, until people feel comfortable enough with their end of the agreement.

5 Negative Thoughts That Halt Your Spiritual Growth

Speech is a powerful tool. The way we consciously and subconsciously choose to express ourselves, it is a clear reflection of our mentalities and emotions.

More than just a reflection though, words are a form of action and carry a similar same weight. The mind frequently projects images or spins a thought into a realm we are not comfortable with. The mind is like a child, it grasps at things it knows it shouldn’t grab. This ‘grabbing’ action doesn’t inherently mean that the ‘child’ wants the object it reached for. There are many reasons our mind do this, but for the most part it is exercising its ability to  do so.

This act of doing something to do it translates to our speech as well. Uncensored, our mouths can run up a storm. Words carry a different strength and influence than thoughts. There is a more quantifiable element to the immediate effect of words. Speech is an intangible form of action that stem from thought. As soon as you turn a thought or intention into an action, it leaves your realm of influence and becomes a separate entity. A cruel word can not be stifled or taken back. More actions must be taken to heal the damage.shutterstock_207303550

We frequently use the cruelest of language on ourselves. Our minds are always chatting away, damning this and criticizing that. We sometimes foolishly vent these thoughts, normally in a joking manner.

The sarcastic shine to a ill hearted phrase does nothing to deter the damage. If anything it poisons those who hear it, tricking them into thinking it doesn’t hurt.

Below are listed some common phrases used to create a negative separate entity. In the interest of ‘blowing off steam’ or a weird sort of half hearted self forgiveness, we utter these phrases. They become actions that hurt us and slow us down.

“I’m So Stupid.”

There are so many definitions and types of intelligence. There is also the difference between wisdom and intelligence. Even if you’re being a little thick right now, have the wisdom to not belittle yourself. This phrase can be exchanged for, ‘I could have done better’.

“I Can’t Do That.”

shutterstock_370606997This statement always precedes a conversation about technique and support, then after practice and effort the impossible is done. Decide what you want to do according to your priorities and do it.

Do not say that something is important to you and then mark it down with technical difficulties.

You jeopardize the sanctity of your priorities when you do this. This statement is interchangeable with; ‘This will be difficult’, or ‘I will need help with this’.

“I Hate Myself.”

‘Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish. If you are not capable of generating that kind of energy toward yourself- if you are not capable of taking care of yourself, of nourishing yourself, of protecting yourself- it is very difficult to take care of another person. In the Buddhist teaching, it’s clear that to love oneself is the foundation of the love of other people.’ Thich Nhat Hanh

This phrase should be replaced with: ‘I can do better’, ‘I will do better’, ‘It’s hard for me to be honest with myself right now.’

“I’m Ugly.”shutterstock_268184699

This statement comes in many forms; I’m fat, my hair is hideous, my eyes are too close together, my nose has two holes.

They are all ridiculous. Beauty comes from inside, it spins out from a healthy spirit. Fashion is the nonsense that says people are this and that. Be beautiful and love yourself. This phrase can be replaced with: ‘I’m awesome!’,’My core is so strong!’, I am beautiful!’

“I Hate My Life.”

Don’t let the momentary madness in your skull or the storm in your heart ever exit your lips in this form. If you are upset with your life that means you care and are beyond frustrated. Voice your frustration and emotions but don’t ever lash out at the unique story that is your life. This phrase should never be spoken, replace it entirely with: ‘I’m upset’, ‘I am in need of help’, or ‘I want a hug’.

The Healing Properties of Frankincense Oil: 5 Practical Uses

Also known as olibanum, the milky white extract (frankincense) is taken from the Boswellia genus tree bark. It’s allowed to harden over the course of a couple of days, then scraped off into tear shaped fragments. These fragments are frequently used in oils and incense for any number of religious, spiritual and recreational purposes.

The higher quality the frankincense the lighter, clearer, and silvery  it will appear. To be clear the benefits of frankincense are from the essential oil, the fragrant oil. The fragrant version are usually artificially created and contain synthetic chemicals. shutterstock_383719882

It has a spicy, earth like, woody, and slightly fruity aroma. Frankincense has psychologically comforting properties. Along with a tool for spiritual growth, it can help to invigorate the spirit, limit stress and despair. Used in aromatherapy, frankincense builds feelings of peace, relaxation, and a deeper sense of satisfaction.  It can also relieve anxiety, anger, stress and sadness.

If used topically, on the skin, it promotes beautiful skin like a charm. It aids in cell regeneration and helps existing tissue vibrant and healthy. Apply to the skin to treat dry skin and reverse or prevent signs of aging. Continue reading

Coca Cola Funded Their Own Study, Stating Drinking Coke Is Healthier Than Water

Yes, you read the headline correctly. To be sure, Coke funded a study that did in fact ‘prove’ their product is healthier than water. Water being the most basic and fundamental element to our health, this is an astonishing claim. To reiterate, Coke funded this study.

The finest doctors from Nestle, Mars, Unilever, Pepsi and Coca Cola make up the back bone of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). The ILSI funded the study:Does low energy sweetener consumption affect energy intake and body weight?’. There was a small acknowledgement that the authors were employees and shareholders of companies that manufacture products containing sugars and low energy sweeteners.

The study did not disclose that  the co authors each received 750 Euro’s (about 850 American dollars). When asked about the intentional lack of information, the response was priceless, other organizations had supported the work and it had not provided details of funding for ‘reasons of space’.

Members of society at large argued against the study, for its conflict of interest. Members of the scientific community pointed out the fact that the document was peer reviewed and is riddled with mistakes in methodology and wild speculations. Peer reviews have a large capacity for allowing mistakes to go ‘unnoticed’.

Cardiologist and adviser to the National Obesity Forum, Dr. Aseem Malhotra said, “To suggest that diet drinks are more healthy than drinking water is laughable unscientific nonsense.

This isn’t the first time Coca Cola’s audacity has surpassed the public’c and academia’s gullibility. Last year the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine was gifted with one million dollars from the beverage company to promote their diet drinks.

The University was supposed to promote Cola’s diet drinks while down playing  the role of their drinks in the obesity epidemic.  The University declined and returned the funds very publicly.

Cola tried to make this exchange seem like a ‘hands off’ deal but email correspondence showed that the company was trying to manipulate science as a public relations tactic. Coke’s chief health and science officer, Rhona Appelbaum wrote, “Akin to a political campaign, we will develop, deploy and evolve a powerful and multi-faceted strategy to counter radical organizations and their proponents.

This is just one example of corporations influencing science as a PR tactic. It happens all the time as these behemoths try to humanize their actions and products. Its disgusting that these companies would try to pervert truth so thoroughly, to simply turn a profit.

Ingo Swann: This Remote Viewer Has Visited Jupiter & The Dark Side of The Moon

A joint project between Stanford, NSA and CIA had one man, Ingo Swann, under observation, leave his body. He ‘visited’ a handful of celestial bodies, like Jupiter. This Project was to experiment with remote viewing. Remote viewing is the process by which a person ‘leaves’ their body at location A and ‘views’ location B. It’s easy to understand why the NSA and CIA would be interested in this ‘cheap’ and non evasive manner of exploration.HUBBLE JUPITER GANYMEDE

When Swann ‘visited’ Jupiter he came back with vivid details about one of Jupiter’s rings we didn’t know existed. In 1972, NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft saw exactly what Swann had described in detail. He visited the moon as well, and eventually published a book about his experiences (Penetration).

“Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise.

The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges.” – Harold Puthoff, PhD, Stanford University. Continue reading

Studies Prove Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, But THIS Does:

We are taught from a young age that money is not only necessary to live in society but also is crucial for a stable sense of happiness. The media portrays that an excessive of cash will undoubtedly lead to god like levels of nirvana. As most people grow older and review passed down preconceptions with their own life experiences they realize this is not true. A person only needs to have the basic comforts provided, such as shelter, food, education and health care.

A great example is how lottery winners, no matter how outstanding their winnings, report no sustainable happiness increase past the initial excitement. In fact, some of them even report that they were more unhappy as a result. Money is like medicine it is only a good thing when you need it. But once you are ‘healthy’ it is unnecessary and counter productive. Some medicines have harmful effects when applied to a healthy patient.Happy Romantic Couple Enjoying Beautiful Sunset at the Beach

Life is about experiences. While money can provide more varied and possibly exotic possibilities, there is no guarantee that experience will be worthwhile.

If you consider how hard people have to work to gain the riches so fancied by the every man, the sacrifices and limited time they have to enjoy their wealth, is it worth it? His Holiness the Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him the most about people, his response was golden:

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.

The chase for wealth beyond what we need, detracts from irreplaceable resources. We give up time that we could spend with the people we care most for. Nothing can replace those lost moments. If we live for wealth, we live attempting only to survive. Even if you attain a eight figure income, you will then start slaving away to not lose what you have. The inability to let go is one of the most damaging practices anyone can commit to.


As we get more, we want more. If you give into the initial feelings of desire and selfishness, you open the door of justified living. ‘I missed my kid’s birthday but I closed that major deal, so now he’ll be able to go to college,’ is how it starts.

After you learn to justify your greed, it twists quickly from that innocuous example to ‘ In order to save the company money I used toxic chemicals in the building of Seattle’s water ways’. The executive directors of Monsanto did not start life as corporate monsters they grew into it.

Princeton University did a study that involved 450,000 people. The study was to find the optimal money to happiness ratio. At what point does money stop contributing to the overall happiness?

happy-couple-valentines-dayResearchers broke the idea of happiness into two categories. One of the categories was the day to day mood subject to shift quickly, off days, good days, and bad days; the ‘run of the mill’ type emotions.

The other category was the deeper satisfaction with your life, aka the deep sense of contentment that helps to save our sanity on those bad days. They found that after 75,000 dollars a year there was no increase in the latter category of happiness.

Enjoy what you have while you have it. Don’t let the media stimulate your greed into a awful hunger. Let your closest friends and family be your treasures, because they are the only truly on of a kind, irreplaceable treasures that exist.