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No Yard? No Problem – 66 Plants That Are Perfect For Growing In Pots

In no way is growing your own food a bad idea. Pick your soil and seeds carefully and BAM! You have food the way food was meant to be. Great for your health beacuse you by pass the grueling game of GMO’s and pesticides, growing your own food spells health in more subtle ways as well.

Gardening has been shown to increase life spans, fight arthritis and a great way to get a little sun. The mindfulness that goes into on protecting and encouraging life spells wonders for one’s sense of compassion and appreciation for life. The result that speaks to me the loudest though is the flavor. I don’t care how cool your local farmer is, I grew a potato over my kitchen sink and it was a mind boggling medley of flavors.

Sounds great right? You’re probably ready to grow enough food for you and your block right? But like me you don’t even have a yard, so this dream will have to be shelved for another time… Well not today my agricultural dreamer. With a little compromise you can still grow the herb, fruits and veggies you hold dearest!

Before You Start

The strength a meal lies in its preperation. That intention of wholesome productivity can be traced to how its grown. Your local farmer’s market or grocery store will probably have the seeds you desire. If not the internet has got your back. Make sure your getting the strain you prefer and that it is GMO free. As you figure out what you wanna grow look into alternative growing methods. That potatoe I mentioned earlier was grown have submerged in water with no soil. I did add a nutrient blend to the water periodically.

Not every plant will need the same requirements. You might be able to double up plants in ceratin containment methods.
Start with five plant types and now mre than three of each (three tomato plants, three chive stalks, three garlic bulbs, three aloe vera plants, and three oregano plants as an example of the most you should start out with) I know you want to start growing eden in your living room but trust that a small scale increase on what you know you can mange will ensure you don’t kill anything and maximize your harvest.

Fruit Trees

These are great for beginners. Look up the deatils on espaliering, a growing technique for maximizing little spaces.

  1.  Apples

2. Kumquats

3. Avocados (plenty of extra tips online if you search)

4. Blackberries

5. Blueberries (sometimes helpful videos are available online)

6. Pomegranate

7. Cherries

8. Figs

9. Pears

Citrus Fruits

These plants can flourish indoors adding a nice decorative touch to your house or apartment.

10. Dwarf oranges

11. Grapefruit

12. Tangerines

13. Meyer lemons

14. Limes

Tropical Fruits

Bananas (look for container gardening tips online)

16. Pineapple

17. Papaya

18. Guavas (several varieties)

‘Neat’ Options

19. Hops—yes, as in the “spice” ingredient in beer. Turns out they’re easy to grow!

20. Aloe Vera

21. Strawberries

22. Tea (well, herbal tea)

23. Quinoa


24. Tomatoes

25. Summer squash

26. Other squashes, like acorn and pumpkin

27. Hot Peppers

28. Sweet peppers29. Cucumbers


30. Small cantaloupe

31. Jenny Lind melon (an heirloom cantaloupe)

32. Golden Midget Watermelon


33. Basil

34. Oregano

35. Parsley

36. Rosemary

37. Chives

38. Catnip

39. Thyme

40. Sage

41. Parsley


42. Kale

43. Mesclun greens

44. Spinach

45. Swiss chard

46. Lettuces (plenty of options there, from micro-greens to head or loose-leaf)

47. Mustard greens

48. Collard greens

49. Arugula

Root Vegetables

50. Carrots

51. Beets

52. Potatoes

Healthy Options

53. Sprouts

54. More sprouts: mung bean and lentil sprouts

55. Wheatgrass

56. Kohlrabi

57. Turnips

58. Rutabagas

59. Celeriac

60. Parsnips

61. Jerusalem Artichoke

62. Sugar snap peas

63. Rhubarb (not ideal in a container, but it can work)

64. Mushrooms (again, more tips online if you look)

65. Pole Beans

66. asparagus

What This Year Holds For Your Love Life Based On Your Astrological Sign

The visible planets are moving out of their decade. This movement spells heavy energy dispersion across the board. Find out what it means to you and your friends!


Always the thinker, you are hoping that the Venus Jupiter trine will add a element of mystery to your life. What better experience con prove more mysterious than love?shutterstock_321111989

Whether you are single or attached, you can expect a flair of the unusual, complex and unexpected. These are the elements that Aquarius thrives in.

Act quickly once you spot this rise and act without precedent! This could impact your romantic affairs till the end of 2016.


Passions are always raging in you, dear Aries. This can make it difficult to follow your intuition clearly. To navigate the coming magnetic romantic storm headed your way you’ll need your wits.

Follow the energies pulling you towards specific people and actions. They have the content to keep you grinning ear to ear for many moons. The importance of these people and actions aren’t deterred by your relationship status. If your single dive in! If your attached bring them along!


What’s this? When did Cancer’s enter into the limelight, answering so many demands?! You seem to be a social butterfly this month and you should embrace it. You can expect some surprise in a gift, bonus or gift this month. As long as you embrace the positive and optimistic energies surrounding you, the chance will be given to reap on your past generosities. Don’t say no to social invitations this month.


This month can be the perfect time for you to turn over a new leaf, the stars say you take the reigns this month and finish it like a boss.shutterstock_388567570

Whether in your professional or personal life, jump out of the standard!

Break your rut, and try something new, you may get lucky.

The Venus Jupiter trine is known to bless you with protection and luck so go for it!


There are some big decisions coming down on you and if you make the right ones you’ll be set for the rest of the year. The key here will be to listen to your brain not your heart. Past business may still be interfering with your well being. Cut the ties and look to the future, enough is enough. Make the right decision fair Gemini, and do what you need to do to make it work.


The time has come for you to take action and make a decision. The fact that you’ve been circling this person or activity for a while means you want it but your afraid. Don’t pile more regrets on yourself! The stars are acknowledging your rut and giving you the tools to fix it. You have to act first though.


shutterstock_64971088Venus is your ruling planet and look how well it’s getting along with the other visible planets! Ramp up your social and romantic calendar, to take advantage of the social window.

The opportunities are abundant in all sections of your life, you need to only acknowledge them.

The attached Libra needs to pay more attention to your special someone. Supporting them now will go a long way to your getting your love wishes!


This is the favorite time of Pisces but be careful. There could be past negative energies creeping into your current affairs. Take the time to sort out past business and relationships. This month could be huge for you but you’ll need focus to navigate it.


Jupiter is your ruling body and will prove to be lucky to your endeavors. Keep an open mind as you examine and acknowledge the opportunities in your life. The more open you can be this month the better you will fair. If you’re attached experiment and listen to your partner. If you’re single look for something new and beautiful.


Secrets are the focus this month. You’ve always handled yourself well in relationships and lovers but this month could get a little confusing. Use those natural investigation skills to get to the bottom of what is really going on. This is the month to dig deep emotionally. Use your secrets and the knowledge of others lovingly this month.


Winter is almost over you are chomping at springs bit!

With this change you will be more assertive and decisive this month.

The impossible seems to be working well for you. Use this to your advantage and ask that favor you’ve wanted.

Whether single or attached you can really shape what will happen this year now.



Excitement grips you this month, making this a very enjoyable month for you. Whether attached or single your objective looks the same.

Spread that love to everyone you can! The stars have blessed you with an abundance of positive feelings and lucky energies.

Don’t get weighed down by the petty or mundane. This can be a truly magical month if you keep everything on an even playing field.

The Unknown Positive Effects Fasting Has on Our Brain

Fasting is the process that a person for goes food for a period of time to achieve a physical or spiritual goal. The positives of fasting have always been up contested. Once having fasted people experience new perspectives, renewed mental focus, a stronger constitution and a clearer relationship with their body. Recent science though is starting to reveal incredible evidence backing this age old practice.

what happens to your body when fastingMark Mattson is the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute of Aging. Mattson is a world class researcher specializing in the cellular and molecular mechanisms  of different neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. What he and researchers like him have found is amazing though scary for the current concepts of health science.

We can’t look at the subject of fasting as a means of treating patients because large corporations have too much at stake to ever let us see the whole picture. I know That sounds like I’m a crazy man with a conspiracy theory but its true. Over the last to decades more and more scientific practices have been called into question. The medical profession has been bought by the Pharmaceutical brands.

Beyond the pharma companies is the food industry and anyone making a buck off health trends. The more we eat the more they make money. If fasting became an accepted practice they could stand to lose millions. While we have experimental results of fasting being healthy,more research is needed. Though everything we’ve seen is very exciting.

“Dietary changes have long been known to have an effect on the brain. Children who suffer from epileptic seizures have fewer of them when placed on caloric restriction or fasts. It is believed that fasting helps kick-start protective measures that help counteract the overexcited signals that epileptic brains often exhibit. (Some children with epilepsy have also benefited from a specific high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet.) Normal brains, when overfed, can experience another kind of uncontrolled excitation, impairing the brain’s function, Mattson and another researcher reported in January in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience,’ says Mattson.

90096107-water-377Fasting experiments had amazing results with animals.

“Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span and retards age-related chronic diseases in a variety of species, including rats, mice, fish, flies, worms, and yeast. The mechanism or mechanisms through which this occurs are unclear.”

We can prove that fasting or calorie restrictive diets have positive effects we are just unclear on how. As the you get hungry the body and brain enter into a ‘survival mode’. The prioritization list for bodily functions changes and is done with the highest efficiency possible to save on resources. One clear reaction is protein production increases which promotes the growth of neurons, the connections between neurons and the strength of the synapses.

Separating the science from the politics will be hard here. This subject spans many subjects that people either hold very dear or make their livings off. This fear of moving forward because we may lose what we have is debilitating

12 Of The Most Healing Crystals and How To Use Them

Healing crystals have become a household object for many people, but do you know what each one’s special power is? Truly, each stone holds unique mineral formations and unique powers as a result. Some crystals are great for purifying the air. Others are ideal for keeping a grounded, loving home. What crystals should you have?



Onyx cleanses the air, rids your home of negative energy, and holds strong grounding powers. The stone is great for any home, but especially people who have recently endured a divorce or whose children are grown and have moved from the home.



Quartz is perfect for relieving stress and anxiety. It’s also an excellent energy purifier. I like to leave quartz on the windows so that incoming energy passes through it. Periodically the crystal will need to be washed of any negative energy by leaving it in nature for a while.



Amethyst is  a well rounded healing crystal. Great for getting rid many of headaches and general feelings of fatigue. This crystal also promotes good skin, strong bones, joints and pleasant dreams. Sleep well!



Citrine is used to increase concentration, boost memory, and breathe life into creativity, into all of your endeavors. It’s a great stone to keep in the workplace or home office.

Lapis Lazuli


Lapis lazuli is a strong supporter of the immune system. This stone can remedy migraines in a flash. Keep this stone in your night stand so it can rejuvenate you as you rest.



The go to stone for artists and politicians a like, this bolsters creativity and the ability to see solutions where they are not apparent. Leave this stone in your work space and for added effect, combine it with agate.



This stone is thought of as the ‘youthful’ stone. It encourages a younger mentality, youthful appearance and glow! Even if you are young, this stone is an empowerment stone. It provides strength and a sense of being grounded.



This stone is great for all things relating to digestion. It encourages thorough absorption, easier body movements and efficient energy production. It also stops the effects of IBS, acid reflux and eases the problems of a temporarily dis balanced diet. I would keep one in the bathroom or dinning room!



The ultimate adrenal balance tool, this crystal makes it easier to build or balance different energies within your self. My mother wears a jade bracelet 24/7 to bring mindfulness and health her way.



An amazing general healing tool, this stone can encourage tissue regeneration. This stone burns energy however so stay cognizant of your resources to avoid burn out.



This stone regulates circulatory movement and pressure. If you get cold a lot in winter this stone can restore some warmth to your extremities. Great for colds and general feelings of ‘not feeling so hot’.



Empowering your acute decision making skills, this stone serves business people and privateers. It also naturally deters anxiety and builds confidence. Leave this stone in your office or place of business  to maximize the effects in your life.

8 Traditional Beliefs That Have Now Been Proved By Science

Our ancestors had the same needs and desires as people in the modern age, the only difference is how we achieve them. People have always gotten sick, needed comfort, tried to push the limits, and understand the world they live.The tricks, practices, and intentions of purpose that societies practiced hundreds, or thousands of years earlier paved the way for this generation to build on.

Some of these ideas and methods are still practiced today, in the same or similar fashion they started out in. That is an indicator of something that not only works but is worth holding onto. In this modern age of a ‘prove it’ mentality, the explanations by men and women in lab coats are the only ones taken seriously. Now, finally after years of research, the good people in coats have moved these techniques from the list of holistic, to helpful.

Helping OTHERS Can Help YOUR Health

Giving factual substance to the golden rule of being a good person, a study compared two philosophies of happiness. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s study compared the effectiveness of hedonic and eudaemonic philosophies of happiness. Hedonic well-being is based on the notion that increased pleasure and decreased pain leads to happiness.shutterstock_243300958

Hedonic concepts are based on the notion of subjective well-being. Eudaemonic happiness is based on the premise that people feel happy if they experience life purpose, challenges and growth.

Using phone interviews, questionnaire,s and blood samples, the study explored how the philosophies effected people on a genetic level. Participants with more hedonic and less eudaemonic well-being were found to have a lower production of virus-attacking antibodies, while those with more eudaemonic well-being experienced an increase in antibody production.

Acupuncture Can Restore Health And Balance the Body

Originating out of China, addresses energy, blood and chemical imbalances in the body through manipulation of chi. Chi is the energy found in all living beings. The National Institutes of Health funded a study into the benefits of acupuncture, currently thought to be used by 3 million Americans a year.

Analyzing data collected from 18,000 subjects, researchers found that acupuncture is more effective than sham acupuncture and standard western care when treating various types of pain, including migraines and chronic back pain.

We Need the Support Of A Community In Order To Thrive

Every community has proven it’s worth. Support is a must for survival and growth. Without a healthy and productive social life, shutterstock_199696376we physically start to fail. Brigham Young University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers confirmed this belief in 2010.

Analyzing the 148 studies, spanning more than 300,000 individual participants, available on the subject, researchers discovered that those with stronger social relationships maintained a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival.

The effect of social relationships on mortality risk is even greater than the effect of exercise or obesity.

Tai Chi Alleviates A Number Of Health Conditions

A very old martial art that stresses balancing mental and physical discipline to achieve spiritual harmony and peace. It has been long held that this practice provides a longer life.
A report summarized several studies confirming that this “moving meditation” practice can help prevent and treat many age-related health problems, alongside standard treatment in older adults. A number of studies in the past decade have found tai chi to be helpful for those suffering from arthritis, low bone density, and heart disease.

Meditation Reduces Stress

A form of meditation can be found in every society and is not always attached to a religion. Meditation aids the mind in building awareness and focus. A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School reveals how this practice can affect genes linked to stress control and immune function.shutterstock_207563935

Utilizing neuro imaging and genomics technology to measure the physical potential for change. After regimented yoga and meditative practices, they viewed the before and afters.

There was a dramatic increase in mitochondrial energy production, utilization, and resiliency, which help to reduce the stress linked to health conditions like hypertension and infertility.

Compassion Is The Key To A Meaningful Life

Tibetan Buddhism includes a practice of ‘metta’ of the formation of loving kindness. Emory University released a study specifically marking how this practice boosted an individual’s ability to to empathize via their facial expressions.

A similar study on the same subject revealed that  participants’ positive emotions allowed them to find a deeper sense of mindfulness, their purpose in life, the network of support surrounding them, and their health. These components helped increase their overall life satisfaction.

Acceptance Is Key

Deakin University showed that facing the realities of assisted living, and therefore losing a degree of independence, helps seniors live longer and feel happier. The study compared feelings of life satisfaction and perceived control of older adults living with assistance and those living in the community.

All You Need Is Love

One constant in every era for every society is the understanding that love propagates longevity, health, and productivity. The Harvard Grant study, conducted over 75 years, gathered empirical evidence to back that up.

268 males were followed over this time and their lives were dissected to find how love motivated and changed them. Love was the most powerful and consistent element for positive change in all their lives.

10 Amazing Uses For Apple Vinegar Cider Backed By Science

Over the centuries, the world has seen many health crazes, normally placing the associated products away once the next craze begins. For a concoction to stay in consistent use since 5,000 BC, it would need to be an amazing solution. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) was used in used in every era for a multitude of cleaning and medical purposes, ACV is still used around the world.

Hair Rinseapple-cider-vinegar-5

Wash your hair in baking soda and condition with ACV. This provides a chemically simple and safe way to wash!

The pH balancing effects can make your hair luxurious and soft.

Dandruff And Thinning Hair

The acidity and strong enzyme presence in ACV handles hair loss and dandruff very well. Bottle bacilli or a lack of enzymes can be responsible for these symptoms. The properties of this all natural rinse treats these and encourages natural oil production in the scalp.

Pet Health

apple-cider-vinegar-benefitsIf your animal will permit you to, application to their food or coats can spell wonders for their health. Application to their fur will repel fleas, microbes and other pests.

You can also add Apple Cider Vinegar to your pets food to keep a healthy pH balance in their gut and to prevent allergies, deter parasites, ringworm, ticks, fungus and other microbes from invading.

A 50 lb. dog would get about 2 tsp per day with food, and if you wanted to use ACV externally you could mix it 50:50 with water and put it in a spray bottle, saturating the dogs coat once per day. Continue reading