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The Connection Between Color & Chakras: What’s Your Favorite Color?

Colors affect us in major but subtle ways. The way that color affects human behavior and mood is harder to test than the the other senses, such as taste and feel. Color psychology is the study of the way the visible spectrum affects us. Sadly the information gathered by studies is used mainly in marketing, branding and fashion. The potential use for this type of study is much higher than that.

Cities are installing blue lights in certain areas to reduce suicide, crime and depressions rates. Such a simple and cheap solution to such complex and deeply personal problems. In placebo studies red and yellow pills thought to be stimulants had a higher and more long lasting ‘effect’ than any other color.

While there are general trends in chromatic manipulation, how a person is affected depends greatly on age, gender and a touch of personal preference. Throughout the ups and downs, ins and outs of your life, you have sought out different colors for different reasons. Many people feel calmer and better adjusted around blue and green.shutterstock_359210279

These colors would have meant to presence of attainable water and food to our ancestors, so through the ages we still subconsciously see these necessary elements for survival. Marketing campaigns have also enforced and created associations of their own. Rather than try to uncover corporate master plans or means of manipulation, I’d like to focus on the emotional and spiritual content of the major colors.

As your read forward I would like to share my own example as a template. These are statistical trends and probabilities; not all cancers like orange. I’m a cancer and I have never liked orange because I attribute it to ambulances and caution tape. I do however tend to my sacral chakra ( represented by shades of orange) the most readily of any of my chakras.You will come across anomalies to these suggestions.

Black, Red, Brown Or Gray

These colors are used to represent your root or base chakra. The base chakra connects you to the world around you and fears that you have within. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus might be especially drawn to these colors. Anyone drawn to these colors are trying to mask their pain with a tough exterior.


The go to color for the sacral chakra, it represents relationships, creativity, money and sexuality. These are all right up the alley for Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios. Those seeking or loving orange are naturally creative and tend to cultivate a healthy sex life. They enjoy adventures, new information, and try to be down to earth.


Yellow is regarded as a passive and calming color. While that may be true for certain people, yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra. Associated with breathe, energy and personal power, constantly fueling the body and spirit, this formation is most easily accessible to Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. These people make great natural leaders and sensible business people. They are action oriented  and influential.


Sometimes thought to be the color chosen by geniuses, it is certainly well suited to Aquarius, Gemini, And Libra. Green is tied to the heart chakra, the gate to all ‘higher’ chakras and understanding. This chakra holds the spark of the divine and is where we receive our sense of intuition. Agreed as a good choice by individuals with strong emotional ties, they make for great listeners and healers.


Relating to the throat chakra, it represents and houses will power and choice. Those who feel great in blue are excellent communicators. This breaks down to thorough listening and speech, high levels of empathy and may be more extroverted.


The third eye chakra governs intuition, divine wisdom and recognition of the truth. If you dig this color you are intuitive, spiritually capable, and experienced in the world of the dreams and the subconscious


The crown chakra is represented by pink. Characterized as the gate to God or the universe the crown chakra is where unseen forces provide help, intentions, and sometimes test our resolve. Pink lovers delight in making others happy. They are naturally joyful and extremely positive.

How To Allow The Deeper & Spiritual Side Of Your Relationship Flourish

Our goals should always be far reaching and inspired. To achieve these lofty goals one will be more successful with someone on our team. Spiritual growth is incredibly personal and takes constant work. Having someone specifically aware of your situation and specific feelings towards it will provide the most productive for you.

So yes, you will want to someone in your life that is close to you and willing to benefit you for the better. If this one way street mentality is prominent in your relationship then the productivity will eventually come at a high cost not only to you but the person you lean on. As you grow realize that you will be growing off what is basically emotional vampirism. Gifts paid in blood come at a higher cost than those paid with love.

Still unsure or want to build a relationship to this point? Here are some helpful points to keep in mind.

Put Your fears and Insecurities Asideshutterstock_276015062

‘What could I possibly offer?’ Is a question that should never be asked. Whether you feel you have nothing to offer or the person in question has everything; you are wrong in your assumptions.

Both of you are infinite beings trying to tap into the growth that lies within us and there are many paths to this goal. When you can’t seem to see yourself as bold, be bold for others.


Allowing your heart the right to grow means feeling what others are going through. This is easy when all is going well, but remember how your relationship has nurtured strength and diversity. If you join your friend in their dark places the two of you will be more likely to find the light.

Pay Attention

shutterstock_387682615Pay attention not only to how both of you are progressing or even applying your newfound awarenesses; pay attention to this bond.

If the person is starting to detract from you without compromise then talk to them. As you discuss what is bothering you, study them.

Are they listening to you and putting forward relevant information or solutions? Are they trying?

Same as you don’t want to take advantage of anyone, don’t allow others to abuse you.

Forgive And Love

Everyone has the negative and positive qualities. As you search to work out the bad, those formations will fight back. You two will fight and disagree. This is natural and actually what you are looking for. If the two of you are fighting that means that you view the specifics of life differently. this means more diversity in your shared understandings. Work hard to bridge these misunderstandings.

9 Interesting Theories About Reality That Will Make You Question Everything

Reality is fickle and impossible to prove. We all experience it in some form or another and do our best to connect all the variants. Minds across time and the planet have come up with very intriguing theory of the nature of our realities and unpercieved ones beyond our own. You will not agree with all of these supositions, but its fun to see what other people think and dream.

Great Glaciation

This theory describes the direction and final state of the universe. Developed in the early 1800’s in Europe, it supposes that the is a finite amount of energy and once that energy is spent the universe will stop and freeze. There is nothing that can be done to create more energy so once that final molecule commits it’s final vibrations the universe will be a dark, cold, silent place devoid of life. This definitely sounds very Victorian.


A philosophical theory expressing the view that, ‘I am only the mind which exists’. According to this theory we can not verify anything outside of our minds. This includes every object you can see, the earth we reside on, even the idea of ‘we’. Everything is potentially fictional. It easiest to relate this viewpoint to dreams or an LSD trip. Everything is so detailed so believable but we don’t acknowledge those as a true reality. So once we come back to our ‘base line’ reality how do you differentiate with any real distinction what is ‘real’ or not.

Idealist Philosophy

This an old idea that we now view as a group of philosophies that span the globe. The general assertion is that the reality we can knowingly perceive is entirely a mental construction and entirely immaterial. A split in the philosophy occurs when deities enter the picture. The gods or god being omnipotent being focu and creation to our universe. On the flip side the universe is the sum of the minds of the sentients in the universe. Which side of the coin do you favor?

Plato and Logos

Plato was the famous Greek philosopher in the times of the roman empire. His understandings of the universe are still shared with the students of today. Logos refers to many schools of thought including the provability of the Judean christian God. We’ll focus on Plato’s version which our realm of experience everything we see is a compromise of its ‘true’ form and what we can understand and connect with. He surmised that there is a world of ‘perfect’ formations beyond our own.


This understanding relates to time and how humans naturally divide it. According to presentism anything beyond the moment we live in are imagined concepts. The past and future are not real. The meal you ate earlier and the words you are reading now will stop
existing until you come across it again. Time is central to to an occurrence and does not exist before or after the occurrence.


Presentism’s opposite, this speculation states that time is ‘multi layered’. All time exists simultaneously, but the ability to view events is dependent on the observer’s location and where he is looking. According to this Trump and Gandhi exist simultaneously. Because all events are events in the universe you have already done everything you will ever do and are constantly revisiting everything you have ever done. This eliminates free will by its definition. How can you choose some different in the future if you’re already committing the opposite action?

The Multiverse Theory

This is one of my favorite theories of the realities of the universe. It states that there are an infinite number of universes. In every one of the realities events happen differently. In a parallel universe you are a king among men, or you don’t exist, or everyone is a saurian! I like this one the most because it is a blanket theory encompassing many theories for the difference in universes and the connections between them.

Fictional Realism

A branch of the multiverse theory that asserts that when we imagine something we bring into reality somewhere across time and space that imagined reality. So you write a little poem about a short man and big boat who has silly adventures. Well once imagined that person now exists in a world somewhere. There are varying thoughts on whether it must be written down or at least orally shared with someone for the creation to happen. Also there are split off theories that the more people view the characters or imagined world the more energy is put into the creation and separation process.


This theory explains the fallibility of object permanence. That is to say that when you stop viewing or interacting with an object it disappears until needed again. Philosophers supporting this believe that objects need awareness belief and perception to keep them in the physical world. Otherwise it becomes a memory.

A Practical Guide on How To Train Your Eyes To See Auras

Auras are the external energy wave every living thing possesses. In humans this radiating energy is produced by your chakras. Besides the major seven there are 114 chakras in your body, so understand that we are talking about a very complex energy system. Your aura and chakras work in tandem, in a system known as the Merkaba. each chakra spins out energy seen through the aura. Your thoughts, emotions, intentions and everything in between effects the grade, hue and visible strength of your aura.

Most people can’t or won’t see them. It takes a little bit of practice and a lot of open mindedness. Below is a video nicely summarizing how to begin training your mind’s eye to see them.


The only thing I feel the man in the video doesn’t account for is humans are complex and emotional creatures. Even if you ask your best friend to stand and let you look for their aura you may not find it. There could be something in your system or theirs that blocks or greatly increases the difficulty of what you are attempting.

Take a healthy plant and place it before a blank backdrop. Staring gently at the plant’s base, use your peripheral vision to scan the edges of the plant. The plant is a living thing so it is putting off energy that can be viewed but the mental and emotional simplicity makes them easier to relate to.

The ability to see auras is not only neat but practical. You will eventually be able to sicknesses (mental, physical and spiritual), character traits, and emotional intentions in the people you meet. You will gain valuable insight into the machinations of not only yourself but those around you.

Telekinesis Is Real; Here’s A Way You Can Experience It For Yourself

Anyone growing up with super heroes, Jedi or a good science fiction novel have shared my fascination with super powers. I’d rather not discuss the lengths I would go to to attain any number of crazy powers, but I will share with you a way to train your mind into developing telekinesis.

Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate the physical world around you using nothing but your mind… You read that correctly and yes I am serious.shutterstock_196145192

I know I am not the only one that fully believes in the unpredictable and infinite nature of the universe. We know little, can explain less and haven’t explored our own stellar backyard fully yet.

Everyone suddenly has strong opinions about what is and isn’t possible. I choose to believe that the human potential is boundless as long as we can perceive it as so. If you feel this is a possibility then lets give it the college try.

To test your progress you will want to set up a ‘psi wheel’. You need to fold up a square bit of paper or foil and place it on top of a pointy object with a flat bottom. The objective in this trial is to spin the foil or paper with ONLY your mind. A toothpick or paperclip shoved into an eraser seems to be a favorite to set the folded material on.

Once you’ve set it up, hunt for cracks in windows and doors. You don’t want to accidentally cheat yourself with a random gust of wind.

Practice makes perfect

These tips are guides only. They can be done in any repetition you feel productive and in any order.


Meditation makes sense to bring focus to your mind and balance your shifting attentions. You will need 110% of your concentration so start the process now and for as long as you can. Take breaks but nothing beyond 5 minutes.

Believe and visualizeshutterstock_198915077

Believe in your potential and visualize what your trying to do.

As the process falls apart in your head just reestablish your intention and start over.

You need to have faith in what you’re doing and be able to visualize the process from when you set your intention to when you move the wheel.

Form an energy ball

As you breathe you collect energy from the air, and you can pull energy from many sources; the sun, the planet, other humans, chakras, plants and mental formations in your head. The list is endless. Pull on everything you can and contain that energy between your palms. The focus here is on containment, expansion, contraction and if you can spin the ‘ball’ in different ways.

Be Positive

You aren’t likely to get this your first few times. Stay positive and nurture your negative energies. Love and positivity have the most powerful influence. Also if you should unconsciously release energy into your neighborhood shouldn’t it be positive?

Record Your Progress

shutterstock_362979692Track your intentions, focus, what techniques you used and your successes and failures.

This is very personal and any scrap of information may help you fit it all together.

It is important for you to spot what isn’t working. a practise of you may make you feel amazing but be ineffective to the end goal of controlling

5 Ways To Focus When You’re Having Trouble Meditating

Distractions are everywhere these days, and nowhere is this more noticeable than when you take time aside for your daily meditation. Even if your smart phone fails to distract you with an unnecessary notification, its presence alone can fill space in the corner of your mind.

If you are having trouble getting into a meditative vibe, here are some ways to regain the focus which is crucial to your practice.

Focus On Where You Are Successful

If we set aside 15 minutes for meditation, and our minds spend half of it wandering around, it’s easy to label that as a failure in our practice. Instead, we should label it as a success.

After all, success is not derived from perfection. What was your intention for that time period? To meditate? Did you meditate? In this scenario, you achieved meditative state for 7-8 minutes. Experts say that benefits can be seen from just a few minutes of meditation, so we’ll call that a win!

A string of successes, to your mind, will yield a better overall practice. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you can’t reach your goal every time.

Meditate Throughout Your Day

Meditation is not limited to sitting cross legged with your eyes closed. Anyone experienced in the art of meditation will tell you that the state can be achieved anytime throughout your day. All it takes is a focus on the perfection of existence.

There is beauty to be found in all moments of life. While it can be difficult to find perspective in the face of a long workday or unruly child, for example, a key to daily meditation is to find the evidence for the astounding miracle of life in places you don’t normally seek it.

Realize That Meditation Is Personal

This is an extension of the above example. Not everyone will find it easy to focus when sitting cross-legged. Not everyone will be able to find the necessary focus while repeating mantras. Calming, new age music will not help the trance along for everyone.

When you decide that you’re going to have a meditation practice, it’s important to experiment. After all, you are a unique individual and what works for someone you derive inspiration from will not necessarily work for you. There are infinite ways to meditate. Find one that makes you comfortable, and allows you the all-important focus that will yield a successful practice.

Set Aside Physical Space

While it’s true that meditation can happen anywhere and anytime, to inspire a regular practice, it is always a good idea to set aside a space that is ‘for meditation.’ It can be anywhere, as long as it is consistent.

That consistency will allow your mind to focus, because of its familiarity with the space. It will unconsciously say: “This is where I meditate,” and half the battle for focus will be over.

Have Gratitude

Gratitude can bring on a feeling of contentment that is so important for putting yourself in a mental state which is ready for meditation. Similar to a religious prayer, listing things for which you are grateful can open up the channel to god – which in this case is you!

So when in your meditation zone, in whatever physical state is comfortable, take some time before the meditative process begins to give thanks for a few things in this life. This will help you find a state in which meditative focus will come more easily!