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THIS Is Happens When You Stop Using Shampoo

Have you ever considered chucking your shampoo and never looking back? To many of us, the very idea of doing this is met with a confused ‘why?’ But to a growing number of people, it is essential to healthy hair, as well as a healthy environment.

Shampoo has only been around for about a hundred years, so how did people clean their hair before then? The answer may surprise you. For one, they didn’t bathe nearly as often as we do today. Bathing once a week or even less often was deemed perfectly acceptable.

When they did wash their hair, the most common method was with soap. While this may horrify some contemporary people, it is important to note that Victorian era people used castile soap, which was milder than the mainstream soaps of today. Other common household hair cleansers were vinegar, egg yolks, rosemary, and rum.shutterstock_378905152

The modern anti-shampoo movement, or ‘no poo,’ as it has come to be called, believes that shampoo strips away the naturally occurring oil in the hair, called sebum. This results in an increase in oil production by sebaceous glands in the scalp, perpetuating a cycle in which shampoo becomes necessary to properly clean the hair.

No poo predominantly champions the use of vinegar and baking soda, although there are a host of methods used to replace traditional shampoo. Whatever method is used, the first few weeks of the transition are difficult for most, but the hair tends to adjust after this period. Advocate Assya Barrette blogged about her own transition, which is a nice testimonial because it describes failures before eventual success. She wrote:

“For the first month or so after giving up shampoo, your hair is supposed to be super greasy as it readjusts to no shampoo. Then, it bounces back and looks better than ever before.”

Healthier hair is not the only reason people quit shampoo, however. One can save quite a bit of money in the process as well. For women, hair products are often the most expensive part of their personal care arsenal. A study by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs recently found that women’s shampoo and conditioner on average cost nearly twice that of men’s hair care products.

Finally, no poo advocates also stump for the environmental benefits of quitting shampoo and conditioner. A typical bottle contains many un-pronounceable additives, which range in effects from being a simple irritant to potential carcinogens.

This growing movement is therefore intriguing for many reasons. Have you or would you quit shampoo? Share your reasons below!

(Special thanks to: attn:, Green Living Tips, and Our Heritage of Health for their research on this subject.)

This Amazing Woman Meditates While ‘Wearing’ Thousands Of Honeybees

We’ve seen lots of different advice on meditation and instructions on techniques, and it’s true that a practice is intensely personal, and that everyone has their own methods.

However, we’ve never seen anything like this. Oregon artist and energy worker Sara Mapelli meditates while wearing a ‘blouse’ of bees covering her bare torso. Her intention? To commune with nature and assist others in overcoming their fears. In an interview with National Geographic, she said:

I’ve danced for people who were really afraid of bees…Many people come to me for deep intense personal issues. When I approached one of my clients with the bees [during the dance] he leaned back so astonished, but then came a huge smile as he realized he was safe. It was like watching someone transform. He was so heartfelt and emotional afterwards.

The dance with honey bees covering much of her body is just one aspect of her alternative medicine practice. She says that it helps people who feel detached from or have a fear of nature.

Mapelli said that her fascination with bees stems from childhood, where a sense of community was instilled in her at an early age.

As I got to know bees, I realized their world is all about community. Each bee has a job, and they take turns doing different things to help the whole. That interconnectedness, the idea that if you take a piece out the group is incomplete and doesn’t function as well—that’s part of the message I want to share.

The idea for the ‘bee blouse’ came to Mapelli in a vision while driving once through the beautiful Columbia Gorge. “I could visualize this bee blouse, but it took me a long time to find people to help me make it happen,” she said. “I finally found an entomologist to work with me, and I’m also connected with beekeepers all over the country. I plan to do a bee-dance tour in Europe next.”

She gets the bees to cover her body using a pheromone derived from the queen bee, after which a beekeeper lifts as frame full of bees from the hive and brings it near. Soon, she is covered in a ‘tornado,’ which soon covers the top part of her body with an 8-inch thick layer of nearly 15,000 bees.

“There is magic and fantasy in what I do, that’s part of my job. Not just to heal and educate, but to inspire magic. The bees help me do that,” she concludes in the interview (read the full transcript here). Check out this fascinating video below of her meditative honeybee dance!

21 Of The Best Quotes For Loving Yourself

We are our own worst critics. It can be hard for the normal everyday person to live up to a perceived standard set by the perfect-looking people with perfect-seeming lives we see everywhere in the media. Therefore, one of the challenges in life for us is to know ourselves and embrace that person, including shortcomings.

When we can develop the courage to look in the mirror and love what we see, it can start a domino effect that will lead to us becoming more caring and supportive of our loved ones, and more empathetic regarding the entire world and everything living in it. First, though, we must love ourselves.

Below are some quotes to help us along the path to self-love.

On Developing Knowledge of the Self:

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Becoming acquainted with yourself is a price well worth paying for the love that will really address your needs.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

“It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to.” – W.C. Fields

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” – Steve Maraboli

On Accepting One’s Self:

“I’ve finally stopped running away from myself. Who else is there better to be?” – Goldie Hawn

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“Your problem is you’re … too busy holding onto your unworthiness.” – Ram Dass

“Believing in our hearts that who we are is enough is the key to a more satisfying and balanced life.” – Ellen Sue Stern

“Scarcity of self value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence.” – Gary Zukav

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” – Malcolm S. Forbes

“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.” – E.E. Cummings

“She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others. She does not dare to be herself.” – Anais Nin

“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

On Loving One’s Self:

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection.” – Buddha

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

“Loving yourself…does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion.” – Margo Anand

“I celebrate myself, and sing myself.” – Walt Whitman

“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – Louise L. Hay

“Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” – Thaddeus Golas

10 Ways That Can Expand Your Consciousness

Spirituality is a huge topic of discussion lately as more and more people are awakening to a higher sense of truth and curiosity about the nature of the universe. Often, we hear people discussing the “Expansion of Consciousness”... But what exactly does that mean?

archanpaintingeyesTypically, whomever is speaking this aphorism is telling you to raise your awareness, because through awareness of great truths, one finds freedom in the understanding. It does not mean to change yourself or alter who you are, but rather to realize that you are not your body or mind, but the observer, and we all have a lot to learn.

Here are some ways that you can do this, to become more free, and less constrained by issues that come up in life.

Trust Your Inner Voice

That little voice inside your head is actually a big deal: your subconscious mind. So if it tells you to take a different path to work or school today, listen! You never know what you’ll come across. Chances are it’s something your subconscious feels that your conscious mind can’t attune to.

Rise Above The Bicameral Mind

The ‘Bicameral mind‘ is a concept coined by psychologist Julian Jaynes, presented in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Essentially, the idea is that one part of the brain speaks, and another part listens (and obeys). Jaynes theorizes that the breakdown of bicameralism is ongoing, and leads to introspection and consciousness. In the next stage of evolution, we will overcome this duality.


anthonyvisitsaustraliawowIf travel is impractical or not affordable, the study of other cultures through the internet, documentaries, books and periodicals can serve as a replacement (however, there is no substitute to immersing one’s self in another area of the world). Compare the standards of other cultures to your own.

What does it mean to be beautiful and successful to the other culture? What are the differences in their cultural history lessons? Knowing these is important, as it makes one realize that perceived objectivity and standardization is easily demolished.

Listen To Binaural Beats

These are simply sounds tuned to a certain frequency that can shift your brain waves to a meditative state easily. There is information on YouTube on this subject, and they are easy to find and free to use.


Check What’s Important To You In Life

If you search your life and find that you’ve assigned significant meaning to material things, such as your car, home, hair, clothes, or other possessions, try to revise how you think about them. These can often be a substitute for actually reflecting upon the self, as we can easily link our personality to our things.

Be Intentional

Good results take on a whole new meaning if the intentions were not good. At times we can find ourselves doing good while at the same time backslapping ourselves for doing good things, or doing them for recognition. Have positive intentions to be assured that what you are doing is within your truth.

Be Humble

beinghumbleisrightWe are all human: fragile with an endpoint. When we are honest with one another about our essential humanity, we can find common ground and love for people. If you are hurting, don’t be afraid to share. If you find that confessions are hard, they are likely the things you need to share the most.

Growing As A Person Is An End In Itself

We don’t want to become better people with the intention of making more money, being more successful, or impressing that person you think would be an ideal partner. In addition, personal growth is not about becoming more happy, pleasing god or because it’s the right thing to do. All of these examples are how we change into the person we think we should be, rather than simply accepting who you are and how you will change over time naturally.


Feelings are to be appreciated, because they offer an opportunity to be immersed within an experience. Be conscious and present with your feelings, and be totally within the moment of experience.

Let Love Guide You

on-the-boat-021114-ykwv1Remember that if you catch yourself being jealous or having a feeling of superiority, that is coming from the ego. The Soul, however, acts from a point of love. Being aware of your core being and where your thoughts come from is the first step in becoming more conscious.

5 Famous Texts From History That Speak About Magical Abilities

Evidence from history suggests that humans have always been fascinated by mysticism, magic, enlightenment, and other supernatural phenomena. There are several historical texts that were once seen as the key to harnessing these powers, some of which will be represented here:

Liber Juratus

The ‘Sworn Book of Honorius‘ is a medieval grimoire to which Honorius of Thebes has been given credit. It is one of the oldest and influential books of magic of its day.


The Liber Juratus has strict rules associated with it. According to the text, no more than three copies of the book can be made, and one must take it to their grave if a suitable magician cannot be found to inherit it. The company of women is also forbidden to its practitioners.

The rituals outlined within focus on summoning spirits, demons and angels who might teach the practitioner their knowledge. Many supernatural powers are promised to those who repeat the lengthy spells, such as knowledge of one’s date of death, and the ability to cause floods, sickness, discord and death.


BookOriginally written in Arabic with the title Gh?yat al-?ak?mh, the Picatrix is an 11th century periodical containing 400 pages of astrological magic and theory.

It is infamous for its magical potion recipes, which include such gruesome ingredients as brain matter, blood, sperm, ear wax, feces, urine as well as psychoactive plants such as opium and hashish.

For their trouble, the brave adherent might expect to achieve such powers as the ability to channel energy from the planets and resurrect your own zombie army.

Papyri Graecae Magicae

thiskidisexperiencingamagicalbookThe Greek Magical Papyri are a series of texts from 2nd century BC to 5th century AD Greco-Roman Egypt, the best known of which is the Mithras Liturgy, which outlines the mystic ascent of the soul through seven stages, or grades, and how to communicate with the god Mithras.

Perhaps the most common spells of these works are for visions of the future, one of the most well-known of which purports to forecast near-future events using an ‘iron lampstead,’ frankincense and an ‘uncorrupted and pure’ child. Otherwise included are summoning spells, instructions for opening paths to the underworld, and how one might gain the assistance of a spiritual entity.[shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111567″]


seriouslymagicbookThe Icelandic Book of Magic is a small collection of 47 spells edited by four different authors between the 16th and 17th centuries. The manuscript was not translated until 1921, into Swedish, and was not translated into English until 1989.

The power of the magic is derived mainly from Icelandic magical staves, or (simply) runes. Many of the spells within are prophylactic, intended to prevent maladies such as trouble in childbirth, insomnia, headache, pestilence, problems while seafaring, or prior magic. There are also spells of aggression, outlining how the mystic might incite fear, kill animals, catch thieves, or cause flatulence, drowsiness and bewitchment in others.

The Pseudomonarchia Daedonum

The Hierarchy of Demons is attributed to Johann Weyer, an influential physician and occultist. it first appears as an appendix to the larger work, Praestigiis Daemonum, which was celebrated by Sigmund Freud as one of the top ten most significant books of all time.

The text catalogs 69 demons of hell’s hierarchy, what they do, and how to conjure and employ them. Weyer was a devout Christian and therefore quite cautionary about utilizing these demons, even omitting details in the rituals. However, an enterprising magician might be able to decipher how to use these creatures to assist in such things as improving one’s cunning, finding lost treasures, turning water into wine, or seeing the future.



7 Common Characteristics of A Lightworker

Lightworkers are those who have an innate desire to spread ‘light,’ in other words, concepts such as freedom, intelligence, self-actualization, love, etc. This mission in life does not necessarily result in a therapeutic or spiritual career, but often the road naturally draws the lightworker toward these types of callings.


The word ‘lightworker’ is often misunderstood. It seems to invoke the concept that one soul might be ‘more special’ than the next, or that some are ‘working for the light’ while some are not.

Simply, lightworkers may feel different than other people due to a strong sense of their life’s purpose, but they are not inherently ‘better’ or ‘higher consciousness’ than others.

Such claims of superiority come from an unenlightened place in the heart. Indeed, every soul on the planet becomes a lightworker at some stage of evolution.

That said, the soul of a lightworker is predisposed to a quick spiritual awakening. They may be older souls which have reincarnated over and over and gone through specific experiences which have planted the seeds for this type of inner mysticism to develop more naturally than in most.

Again, these souls are not ‘better.’ They have also been subjected to the pain and illusion that all experience in the karmic wheel eventually. Continue reading