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The Energetic Difference Between Extroverts And Introverts

Extroverts and introverts don’t exactly see eye to eye all the time. There are major psychological differences between the two types of behavior and there are often some serious misinterpretations of the other. First, let’s talk about how the two are different at a biological level.

introvert-extravertIt all comes down to dopamine. Dopamine is the brain’s reward hormone and it responds more actively in an extrovert’s brain to things like sex, social status, and money than it does to an introvert’s brain.

At least according to Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist. This perfectly explains why extroverts love being around people and doing new things.

“[Extroverts] get more energized by those things in their environment,” Kaufman said. “Introverts, on the other hand, just don’t get as energized. Their dopamine system is not as active when they see these kinds of things in the environment.”

So does that mean introverts don’t enjoy socialization at all? Not necessarily. Introverts tend to need more time to rebuild their energy levels before being social again. They’re still social people. Continue reading

The Science of Vibration: How Different Frequencies Affect Our Brain Waves

The brain and consciousness are inextricably linked, meaning that shifts in one of these aspects of the self produce corresponding shifts in the other. This is in large part because consciousness is not restricted to existing only in physical form and is in fact a non-local field of energy which means that the brain is simply an organ which interfaces the mind with physical reality.

To draw an analogy, it is a translator of physical sensation and other experiential phenomenon from the body to the mind and from mind to the body. The brain allows the mind to control and move through the body, but the mind exists as an energetic field independently of the brain, which is why scientists have never been able to pinpoint consciousness to any specific part of the brain or to the brain itself—because it does not arise from the brain.

Metaphorically speaking, the brain is simply a tool that the non-local mind uses to interface with and experience physical reality.

With the brain being the primary organ through which consciousness experiences reality, its health and functioning affects our experience of consciousness in a significant way.

If our brain is undernourished, nutrient deficient, stressed out or in experiencing disharmonic brainwave patterns, our experience of consciousness in physical form (reality) will be diminished, which means that we’ll tend to experience more fear, anxiety, depression, stress, frustration, mental cloudiness and so on with a noticeable diminishment of higher, intuitive-transpersonal mental functioning, in other words, a shutting down of our higher intuitive abilities and spiritual awareness.

On the other hand, if our brain is nourished and relaxed with the two hemispheres operating in sync and harmony, our experience of reality will be exponentially improved (If you are interested, you can learn more about how consciousness interacts with reality here: the six phases of higher consciousness).

The Effects of Brainwave Patterns on Consciousness and the Experience of Reality

Robins-Key-Subliminal-Audio-Binaural-BeatsThe brain operates largely through electrical signals sent between approximately 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) spread out across different regions. Continue reading

9 Essential Rules To Manifesting Your Desires

manifestation techniques

There are all kinds of law of attraction, how to make a wish come true as well as manifestation related courses and seminars.

Many of them offer powerful manifestation techniques and even wish spells that suppose to make sure that your desires will actually come true. Not many of them actually give detailed explanation of physics behind manifestation process or offer essential rules that people need to follow in order to manifest their wishes in reality.

Manifesting your wishes process is not very complicated, however there are certain essential rules that need to be followed. Here are 9 rules that will help you with making your wishes come true and ensure that you get the results you desire.

1. Be in the Now when Making a Wish or Conducting any Manifestation Technique.

When making a wish or conducting a manifestation technique (here is an example of a very powerful how to make a wish come true manifestation technique) you need to be present in the now.

You need to concentrate your energy on the present moment and direct it towards creating a hologram of your wish. You need to visualize, feel and be in the state where you have already manifested your wish. After your “wish hologram” is created in your mind in the now, all you have to do is direct your body towards actions that will give that hologram a physical form.

2. Keep your wishes to yourself. Don’t brag about your desires.

It is true when they say that silence is golden. When you speak to others about your wishes you waste the energy that was committed towards manifesting those wishes. Just talking does not do anything. Continue reading

The Pineal Gland: The Real Seat Of The Soul

The pineal gland (or pineal body) is a tiny pine cone shaped structure seated at the center of the brain. Spiritually, it has been referred to as the Third Eye. Physically, it is responsible for producing melatonin, which affects sleeping and waking patterns, and seasonal changes in the body.

Melatonin is a simple hormone that communicates information about the environment, such as amount of light, to different parts of the body. This seemingly basic response ultimately is responsible for biological rhythms and affects reproductive cycles in many animals.

These days the pineal body has gained some notoriety among mystics as being the seat of the soul or consciousness. In addition to melatonin, the small gland produces DMT, a psychoactive released during life-changing states such as birth and death. The near death experience is sometimes scientifically explained as this DMT release. In addition, the structure may be the mechanism by which we experience out of body experiences that are becoming increasingly common.

This brain structure has a place in history as well. It has a place in the Sumerian and Babylonian mythos, the ancient Egyptians in the staff of Osiris and sculptures in the tomb of King Tut, kundalini serpents in yogic tradition, and hindu symbolism. Even the Christian spiritual tradition recognizes this symbol as a sculpture in Vatican Square. Continue reading

4 Unexplainable Coincidences That Happened Throughout History

Sometimes coincidences are exactly that: random events that seem freaky but have no causal connection. Then again, many of us look to coincidences for a deeper meaning in life.

When you are searching through all of human history, you are bound to find some weird coincidences. Here are a few that we find ultimately bizarre beyond simple explanation.

The Left-Handed American President.

We’d like to think that we elect our politicians on credentials alone, but there are some patterns to the people we elect (in America, at least). For example, we prefer presidents with light eyes. It’s true, only 5% of our presidents have had brown eyes.left-handed-us-presidents

While most people have brown eyes, and the eye color thing is strange in itself, only 10% of the population is left-handed, but over half of the last 14 presidents were left-handed. In fact, many of the presidential candidates were left-handed as well.

In 2008, both Barack Obama and John McCain were southpaws, and every major presidential candidate in the 90’s were as well, including Bush I, Clinton, Perot, and Dole.

So while we talk a lot about the 1% running America now, what about the 10%…of lefties?

The Curse of the Dragon.

Martial arts legend Bruce Lee is infamous for his cursed family. In fact, a scene in his final movie accurately predicted the freak accident that would kill his son two decades later.  Continue reading

David Wilcock Explains How to Activate Your Third Eye Using Magnetism

If you have ever delved into exploring the capabilities that your pineal gland holds, then you must know that you can harness the power of seeing beyond this dimension and even further than that with the aid of magnetism.

Written in an excerpt from the ebook “The Science of Oneness” by David Wilcock, explains the meaning behind unlocking the abilities of our third eye and a variety of other categories of this nature. The book states:

shutterstock_155349410“Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of monopolar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland. 

A mask was made which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland.

The purpose was to stimulate the gland and see if there was anything to this ‘third eye’ business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.

Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye.

As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week.

He sat quite still, watching this pastoral scene for several minutes. The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled.

shutterstock_27105130It was as if he clearly SAW Walter this time and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost that he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on, Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.”

To which Wilcock then adds:

“Interestingly, the works of Charles Fort mention that many “Spiritualist ” studies were done at the turn of the 20th Century by organizations such as the American Society for Psychical Research, which directly correlated higher frequencies of ghost sightings and paranormal activity with higher energetic emissions from the Sun.”

So from what we know from this simulation of the mask that he invented to open his third eye may have caused him to dive deep into an unknown world unintentionally and found that it is more than possible to see past this dimension and even further than that.

The bigger question is are we able to fade out of these dimensions on will or do we have to force ourselves to not see this other side of reality?