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Is There Really A Male & Female Side of The Brain? Studies Say No

Whether well-intentioned essentialist philosophy, or jokes with harmful undertones, the supposed differences between male and female brains is quite the common conversation.


However, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it is time to discard whatever we feel about these two supposed ‘classes’ of brain.

The research concludes that brains can’t be categorically separated according to gender, but rather there is a large spectrum of brain features which are too complex to assign to any particular group.

This is an exciting report for those who study gender, and one step further to acknowledging those who don’t identify as either male or female.

“Whereas a categorical difference in the genitals has always been acknowledged, the question of how far these categories extend into human biology is still not resolved,” the authors wrote in the study.

People have always tended to point to evidence that differences in brain structure and behavioral difference between males and females prove that brain types or tendencies can be labeled as ‘male’ or ‘female.’ However, as the authors note, these purported differences would have to be consistent across the spectrum. For example, those who are biologically female would nearly always have to have these supposed ‘female’ features if this were true. Continue reading

5 of The Most Infamous and Unsolved Mysteries in History

In science, the tendency is to think that more discoveries = more knowledge. However, when it comes to the history of mankind, this is not always the case.

We’ve compiled five of the most baffling mysteries ever found, for which answers are still to be found.

The Shroud of Turin

The Vatican claims that this is not an authentic document, however this does not stop people from pondering the wonderful mystery of it.The_Shroud_of_Turin_with_the_orginal_on_the_left_and_the_negative_on_the_right_EWTN_World_Catholic_News_4_1_13

The imprint on the material seems to show an image of a bearded adult male.

There are signs of blood throughout, proving that the man came to a violent end. It is understandable that people believe this to be the burial cloth for Jesus Christ, as the weave in the fabric indicates that it came from the same era, and the blood pattern points to crucifixion as the cause of death.

There is some debate as to the era of the fragment, though, as some scientists have dated the shroud to be from the 13th or 14th century. Even if it is not Jesus’ burial cloth, it remains ‘shrouded’ in mystery.

The Nazca Lines

The Nazca lines are a collection of geoglyphs in Peru, and they are a mystery because of how they were created and for what reason. Continue reading

7 Facts That Prove Eyes Are The Window to The Soul

It is undeniable that our eyes are a very special part of our bodies, and unique to every individual. It has been said that our eyes are ‘windows to the soul,’ and that they can provide others with information about how we’re feeling.

However, you may not realize exactly how much they’re giving away! Here are seven great facts about our sight factories.

They Are Political.your-eye-colourr

You can tell a person’s political orientation by looking at their eyes!

People that are more left leaning tend to follow ‘eye cues’ more readily than right leaning people.

This means that you’ll know someone is liberal if they follow your gaze when you look away from them.

They Can Tell The Truth…Or Lie.eyegazing

If someone seems untrustworthy, look into their eyes.

If they look up and to your left, then it is likely that they are fibbing.

If they look the other way, they are probably recalling information. Continue reading

The Science of Love: How Love Affects Our Brain

 Love! Words come to halt when we start talking about it. It is something so strong and unexplainable. It knows nothing but to love. The Language of love is our feelings.

What actually is happening inside us? Have you wondered what might it be?

When we are in love with someone, a spurious chemical reaction takes place in our body. This uncontrolled chemical reaction is responsible for the way we feel our love. This chemical reaction is carried out by the hormones and neurotransmitters that are released while we are in Love. Yes!  They play an amazing and striking role in modulating the wave of love we feel.

(1) The Stage of Lust

Copy of chakra sex

The first stage is the stage of lust. It is common for men to get aroused first because a mere sight of a woman is enough to trigger testosterone production in a man and make him romantically attracted to her.

This forces him to get around her so often. This is the thing that makes him get madly in love with her. Continue reading

This Study Shows How Dangerous The Effects Of Mobile Phones Are on Your Brain

Our latest technology could actually be a potential threat to our physical health with the amount of radiation that we put ourselves through daily.

CellRadiationAn interesting study that was published in PLoS One with the title “EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation” states that those who own 3rd generation cell phone, as well as 4th generation devices, risk worldwide brain disruption just by having a 15 minute phone call that exposes your brain to toxic radiation.

The study consisted of investigating whether a 15 minute placement of a 3G dialing mobile phone causes direct changes in EEG activity when in comparison of a sham phone.

With the addition of investigating whether placement of the phone on the heart or ear would have any sort of different results.

The study also conducted thirty-one healthy females to participate in the experiment. The rest of the study states this: Continue reading

The Magic Of Kissing: 10 Scientific Benefits of Locking Lips

The kiss is a measure of a person’s feelings, his or her love or attraction to the other. A truly meaningful kiss can act as a booster. It can instill a sense of confidence, a sense of self-esteem in another. The strength of a kiss lies in the power it has to cause the release of serotonin and oxytocin peptides in our body.

The following are the wonderful and amazing physical benefits of Kissing.

  • kissRelieves Physical Pain: Kissing cause to raise the threshold for activation of pain receptors in our body, by doing so we feel less or no physical pain at all while we are in a kiss. Kissing cause release of endorphins (pain relieving hormones) from our brain causing pain relief by inhibiting the pain pathway. Kissing benefits a lot for person who suffers from chronic pain due to autoimmune disorders (Rheumatoid arthritis etc.) and malignant cancers. Regular kissing can make you stay away from morphine injections!
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Kissing lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels in our body. Thus kissing can cause a decrease in blood pressure even in people with hypertension by giving a big physical relief and by decreasing their stress. Thus regular kissing can make you stay away from antihypertensive drugs! Continue reading