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The Difference Between the 3 Kinds of Energetic Bodies

Everything is energy. Our dense, physical bodies are fundamentally made out of tiny spinning geometries that generate energy. Reality is not as it seems, and humanity is finally waking up collectively to fully understand these concepts. There are layers of energy around us, and the more sensitive we become, the more we will be able to distinguish between different energies.   

The Gross Body:

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 7.46.22 PMThe Gross body is the physical body that is made up of the 5 fundamental elements  i.e., space, air, fire, water and earth and is subject to a sixfold change ( birth, subsistence, growth, maturity, decay, and death).

This is the dense, physical body we all know.

Physical manifestation resides in the Gross body which of course needs food, water and air to survive. At death the physical body perishes and its five constituent elements are dissolved. This isn’t true for the higher layers of our energetic bodies. They exist at a higher frequency, free from the bonds of physicality.

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8 Uses for Honey That Replace The Need For Modern Medicine

Over the years, we have neglected the use of natural ingredients for health, healing and wellness. We have forgotten that our ancestors managed to make it through life for 1000s of years with practically nothing but themselves and nature. How could humans evolve so successfully over the millennia, yet the modern man relies on everything and anything but themselves?

The Hidden Facts of Our Liquid Gold Honey

This is only 1 ingredient in an endless amount on our planet, but let me run through many of the benefits this has. If you so desired, you have the ability of creating your own everlasting replenishing supply in your own backyard.

Allergies are suppressed with Honey

honey1Honey has a tremendous amount of anti-inflammatory properties and many state it can act as a natural vaccine against many ailments.

How is this the case? Natural honey will contain pollen and when ingested, the body will develop antibodies against this as a foreign substance.

As these antibodies build up, it permits the ability to unleash an effective immune response should an actual harmful intruder invade the body. Continue reading

The 6 Kinds of Psychic Ability: Which One Is Your Most Prominent?

Do you ever wonder how some people just seem to ‘get it?’ Perhaps they seem to ‘know’ things that would be impossible to know or even predict the future. Chances are, they’ve harnessed their inner extra-sensory talents.

If you find yourself wanting to develop your own goddess-given intuitions, a good starting point is first knowing the types of main psychic capabilities. Perhaps you will discover that you are already receiving these gifts!

The six main types of intuitive skills we will explore here, called the clairs (French = ‘clear’), are all about sensing and receiving spiritual information. They are related to the five physical senses, and you may find that you are most in tune with the psychic abilities that are associated with your most vivid physical senses. For example, if your eyesight is particularly keen, you may find that you are naturally clairvoyant.

With some practice, anyone can tune into their natural psychic abilities! Here are the six major types:

Clairvoyance – Seeing

third eye

Perhaps the most well known, and least understood, psychic talent is clear-seeing.

More often than not, the sense of clairvoyance isn’t so dramatic as it is portrayed in film or other media. Continue reading

Do You Worry A lot? Studies Linked it to Having a High Intelligence

People who have extreme anxiety often worry themselves to death over a variety of things they simply cannot allow themselves to falter on.

However, did you know that this kind of worrying could be directly linked to people who have extremely high intelligence? This study reveals that people who worry in excessive amounts have evolved with a very high IQ.

In fact, Dr. Adam Perkins, expert of Neurobiology of Personality at King’s College in London, states this:


“It occurred to me that if you happen to have a preponderance of negatively hued self-generated thoughts, due to high levels of spontaneous activity in the parts of the medial prefrontal cortex that govern conscious perception of threat and you also have a tendency to switch to panic sooner than average people, due to possessing especially high reactivity in the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala, then that means you can experience intense negative emotions even when there’s no threat present.

This could mean that for specific neural reasons, high scorers on neuroticism have a highly active imagination, which acts as a built-in threat generator. 

Cheerful, happy-go-lucky people by definition do not brood about problems and so must be at a disadvantage when problem-solving compared to a more neurotic person.

We have a useful sanity check for our theory because it is easy to observe that many geniuses seem to have a brooding, unhappy tendency that hints they are fairly high on the neuroticism spectrum.

For example, think of the life stories of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Vincent Van Gogh, Kurt Cobain, etc. Perhaps the link between creativity and neuroticism was summed up most succinctly of all by John Lennon when he said: ‘Genius is pain.”

shutterstock_196145192Essentially what he’s trying to proclaim is that people who worry more than others often think of solutions before the positive ones do. Being worried about everything makes them constantly think of ways to resolve issues which means their brains are never ending when it comes to thinking.

Even Dr. Jeremy Coplan, study researcher/professor of psychiatry at State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, explains from his research;

“Although we tend to view anxiety as not being good for us, it is linked with intelligence — a highly adaptive trait, High levels of anxiety can be disabling, and patients’ worries are often irrational,’ 

But that“every so often there’s a wild-card danger. Then, that excessive worry becomes highly adaptive. People who act on the signals of that wild-card danger are likely to preserve their lives and the lives of their offspring,”

What’s The Difference Between Information, Knowledge and Wisdom?

We are well passed the information age with the collective consciousness readily available at our finger tips, ready to be tapped, clicked and downloaded. I would say knowledge is the phase in which we are all experiencing our most profound creative expressions and endeavours. While wisdom is something only time can tell for all the amazing changes, innovations and discoveries we are unearthing and attempting to implement right now.

The differences and relationship between information, knowledge and wisdom are of great personal interest to me because of the work I do. What does a healer, teacher, and mentor share to others? What do I have that you do not, which leads one to ask for guidance? In an never-ending quest of great humility these questions loom in the back of my consciousness consistently so that I can ensure I am providing a service that one may truly want and need.

And so I would like to share my summarized perspectives of what I think are the differences between information, knowledge and wisdom – and what the truths and realities of providing guidance is like.


Information – “Google It.”

As stated, we are well acquainted with the information age. When anyone is asked a question and has no idea what the answer may be it is our mantra to say, “Google it.” This is because majority of the information we are looking for (facts, definitions, locations, prices, contacts, etc.) are available on the internet. Something very accessible for many, many people in the world – Google-itwho are all contributors to this library.

This has really shaped the way we view our own stock of information as we are less likely to give an answer if we are not sure it is verifiable by Google or the internet. And those that ask the questions are more likely to seek the answers themselves than turn to others individually. Information has become more free (of course there is hidden information as well but that’s a different discussion). Continue reading

6 Simple Yet Effect Steps To Remembering Your Dreams

 It is widely known that, if you can not remember your dreams then it is harder to have lucid dreams. The next step focuses on increasing the memory of remembered dreams.

Maybe you are one of those lucky ones who remembers most of your dreams, but if not, don’t be discouraged. There are many tried and tested methods for developing memories of dreams. There are also many helpful tips for improving memories of dreams, so with a few weeks of practice you’ll be remembering more and more dreams.

To begin with, the real question is whether you really want to remember your dreams? Do you subconsciously block your memory because you’re afraid of what you could see? These are legitimate questions that need to be asked in the first place. Be honest, because you have to commit yourself to increasing the memory and because it is important for what you want to achieve.
sleep-naked-min1. Awakening without moving: After waking up, do not open your eyes. Do not move. Lie perfectly still. Continue reading