Listening to music can be a deep and profound experience. It can induce different moods and states of being.
Also, science tells us that music has several benefits like, for example, lowering blood pressure, lowering heart rate and decreasing anxiety.
Listening to music also activates and engages multiple areas of your brain.
When you actually play an instrument that activity becomes more like a full-body workout for the brain.
Both playing and listening to music have a vast amount of positive effects on the mind and body. There are numerous practical applications to change people’s lives, many of which are yet to be applied.
Just like meditation in schools can help children’s development, so can music. Playing music can aid in literacy and improves academic results, and more active participation increases the benefit.
Studies show that students who played instruments in class improved neural processing compared to students who attended the music appreciation class. [1] [2] [3] Continue reading