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3 Tools To Decalcify And Open Your Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is a hormonal gland in the deep recesses of your brain. This pea sized organ has a big effect not only on your body but your spirit as well. The brain has many secret abilities and processes. The pineal gland is found in every vertebrate animal on the planet. The chemicals produced by it are the common denominator for all higher life forms. To maximize the pineal gland and the surrounding grey matter is to take yourself away from the basic instincts of life and delve into the mysteries and powers of the human condition.


ayahuasca-goddessThe Ayahuasca vine mixed with the leaves of the Chakruna bush, makes a sacred tea. This concoction is considered to be the pinnacle of herbal medicine out of the Amazon. There are thousands if not millions of first hand accounts stating profound healing on psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical levels.

Neurologically speaking, the chemicals of this tea cleans out every synaptic chain and neural cell in the brain. As it runs through, removing build up, it simultaneously activates and stimulates the brain’s pituitary system, hypothalamus and pineal gland. This process is called methylation.

A variety of of synthetic chemicals and toxins (fluoride and heavy metals being the most prevalent) are readily lodged in the fatty tissue of the brain, effectively blocking neural synaptic firing and disrupting the brain’s natural electromagnetic flow. With over 44,000 toxic chemicals introduced into the every man’s environment since the industrial revolution, we could all use a good brain scrubbing. 

If you don’t have access to or don’t care for Ayahausca there are alternatives that can provide similar benefits. Various beets and Goji berries have an abundance of methyl-donors.


meditationMeditation is a powerful tool in virtually every capacity. The wild formations of the natural mind are tamed and energy that would normally go to unproductive means, are willfully diverted to love, compassion and strength.

The mind is an instrument of action. It is always grasping, probing, understanding, and creating. Meditation is a manner of calming the mind, our sense of self. With out proper rest the mind would continue to race, becoming more fatigued. A fatigued organ isn’t a useful organ.

As the intention and discipline from our minds in the abstract sense, the effects can be seen physically.

Many studies have shown the physiological changes the mind under goes through meditative practice. As you will it, the body reacts to unconscious desires. The body is constantly reacting to our moods and desires to be best suited to achieving our goals.


what happens to your body when fasting

Fasting has been longed used to achieve many spiritual goals. We consume parts of your planet to lengthen our stay on it. If you stop physically consuming things around you, your spirit becomes free and untangled in the world around you. History has shown us that fasting can improve mental clarity, bring focus to our spirit, and rejuvenate the body.

The cycle of eating is non stop. Our digestive systems are in constant use, always playing catch up. This constant energy burning and creation never gives our bodies the physical focus to heal. When you stop eating for a period in time, all the energy that was used in digestion is now available for other efforts.

The detoxifying element to fasting is tremendous. Without new toxins being introduced into your system, your body is free to take care of what is already present. The body will burn away heavy metals, toxins, viruses, fluoride and various other unwanted build up.


The Healing Properties of Frankincense Oil: 5 Practical Uses

Also known as olibanum, the milky white extract (frankincense) is taken from the Boswellia genus tree bark. It’s allowed to harden over the course of a couple of days, then scraped off into tear shaped fragments. These fragments are frequently used in oils and incense for any number of religious, spiritual and recreational purposes.

The higher quality the frankincense the lighter, clearer, and silvery  it will appear. To be clear the benefits of frankincense are from the essential oil, the fragrant oil. The fragrant version are usually artificially created and contain synthetic chemicals. shutterstock_383719882

It has a spicy, earth like, woody, and slightly fruity aroma. Frankincense has psychologically comforting properties. Along with a tool for spiritual growth, it can help to invigorate the spirit, limit stress and despair. Used in aromatherapy, frankincense builds feelings of peace, relaxation, and a deeper sense of satisfaction.  It can also relieve anxiety, anger, stress and sadness.

If used topically, on the skin, it promotes beautiful skin like a charm. It aids in cell regeneration and helps existing tissue vibrant and healthy. Apply to the skin to treat dry skin and reverse or prevent signs of aging. Continue reading

These 4 Science-Based Rituals Will Help You Live A Happier Life

Life can get chaotic fairly often.  It seems we find balance specifically to have it disrupted. This is true in a way and doesn’t warrant any negative response. With out the chaos how could we appreciate peace? Here are four rituals or practices that are guaranteed to help you hold on to your sanity!

Practice Gratitude

Setting the practice of gratitude is rewarding and very revealing about your priorities. Starting your practice is as easy as making a list of elements in your life. Try to write ten or fifteen things your grateful for one day and add to the list the next day by ten or so. At the end of the week look at your list and recognize how these things effected you this week.

Create Intentions

I do this everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. When you wake in the morning,  whether you lay in bed wiggling your toes in glee or regretting your decisions from the night before, or even bracing yourself for the day to come, set an intention. It can be whatever you like and applicable to any situation. I like to keep my first intention of the day fairly broad, ‘To accept all things as a sign of love’. As my day gets more trying I may before a stressful meeting say to myself, ‘I will exhibit all sides of myself and love myself for it’. I try and broaden my focus with every intention.

Embrace And Love Those Around You

Love is the most powerful and productive energy available. If you are having trouble loving yourself spoil someone else! Nurturing love towards someone is the similar to loving yourself. It is such an infectious energy that once you start nourishing it, the effect will ripple out in beautiful and surprising ways. As you strive to actively love those around you you will learn volumes about yourself and others. This will lead to more natural avenues of love and compassion. Thich Nhat Hanh, A Buddhist spiritual leader, says it perfectly,

‘Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish. If you are not capable of generating that kind of energy toward yourself- if you are not capable of taking care of yourself, of nourishing yourself, of protecting yourself- it is very difficult to take care of another person. In the Buddhist teaching, it’s clear that to love oneself is the foundation of the love of other people. Love is a practice. Love is truly a practice.’ 

Label Negative Thoughts

This practice is crucial to ending the vicious cycles we put our selves through. The ability to acknowledge a thought for what it is isn’t enough. You must develop the skills to accept it, forgive yourself for any subsequent negative emotions and release the thought back into your mind. It’s important to not try to fight whatever your mind is doing. This will only give the unwanted formation more energy and focus. The key is to lovingly rise above it.

3 Strong Signs We’re Being Visited By Extraterrestrials

Since man started to understand the basic concepts of space, (what stars are, that there are other planets and what conditions on them are like) we have been free to wonder if there is other sentient life out there. YouGov, a market research company, recently polled Germany, America and Britain. They asked if people believed in intelligent alien life and more than half of the participants said yes in every country (in Germany 56% of people believe in ET existence, in America 54% believe, and Britain 52%). Around one third to a quarter of the populations surveyed nations did not believe in the existence of extra terrestrial life at all.

Here is a little information to spark conversations with people who don’t believe in the potential of life elsewhere in the universe. People who do believe, will undoubtedly find some of this information entertaining and useful. To be clear this article is not attempting to support any conspiracy theories specifically, this is written in the spirit of persuading readers to acknowledge the possibilities of the infinite universe.

The Universe Is Infinite And Not Understood

shutterstock_88231261Given our advancements in astronomy and space exploration, we have learned in leaps and bounds. Sadly this doesn’t amount to much. We have only explored less than one tenth of your own backyard. We can speculate and wonder all day but in the end we don’t know much about the simple content of you galaxy let alone the universe.

Consider this we had many questions about the bottom of the ocean for decades. This environment is on our planet and is effected my few factors than that of space. Some of our theories were correct and others were wrong. But we din’t even realize what questions to ask. There were and still are many surprises no one saw coming. Space is infinitely larger and has more variables of influence, many of which we haven’t been able to witness first hand. We just now witnessed black holes and gravitational waves.

It would be ignorant to say something doesn’t exist when we see no conclusive evidence pointing either way.

Whistle Blowers

There have been a handful of scientists and other credited specialists that have stepped away from certain organizations to say some pretty amazing things. Amogngthem Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are the most notable but hundreds of professionals have come forward. These aren’t publicity chasers, most are respected scientists with advancing careers.

Paul Hellyer, is the former Canadian Defense Minister, is responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Army, and Navy into one united force, now known as the Canadian Forces. This man came forward with some fairly remarkable information.

“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after… . Trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”

There is very little reason this gentleman and others like him would say things like this for selfish reasons. Many careers and lives have been ruined over certain information spilled.

Anomalous Evidence Throughout History

Through out history there are cave drawings, wall inscriptions, oral stories and paintings from almost every era that are unexplained to this day. Cavemen drew people with out certain human features coming from the sky in round shapes. There are Renaissance paintings in which there are floating objects in the sky. News clippings from around the world detailing strange lights in the sky. The fact that the occurrences have remained so consistent over the thousands of years should be of interest to anyone.

Ingo Swann: This Remote Viewer Has Visited Jupiter & The Dark Side of The Moon

A joint project between Stanford, NSA and CIA had one man, Ingo Swann, under observation, leave his body. He ‘visited’ a handful of celestial bodies, like Jupiter. This Project was to experiment with remote viewing. Remote viewing is the process by which a person ‘leaves’ their body at location A and ‘views’ location B. It’s easy to understand why the NSA and CIA would be interested in this ‘cheap’ and non evasive manner of exploration.HUBBLE JUPITER GANYMEDE

When Swann ‘visited’ Jupiter he came back with vivid details about one of Jupiter’s rings we didn’t know existed. In 1972, NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft saw exactly what Swann had described in detail. He visited the moon as well, and eventually published a book about his experiences (Penetration).

“Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise.

The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges.” – Harold Puthoff, PhD, Stanford University. Continue reading

Studies Prove Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, But THIS Does:

We are taught from a young age that money is not only necessary to live in society but also is crucial for a stable sense of happiness. The media portrays that an excessive of cash will undoubtedly lead to god like levels of nirvana. As most people grow older and review passed down preconceptions with their own life experiences they realize this is not true. A person only needs to have the basic comforts provided, such as shelter, food, education and health care.

A great example is how lottery winners, no matter how outstanding their winnings, report no sustainable happiness increase past the initial excitement. In fact, some of them even report that they were more unhappy as a result. Money is like medicine it is only a good thing when you need it. But once you are ‘healthy’ it is unnecessary and counter productive. Some medicines have harmful effects when applied to a healthy patient.Happy Romantic Couple Enjoying Beautiful Sunset at the Beach

Life is about experiences. While money can provide more varied and possibly exotic possibilities, there is no guarantee that experience will be worthwhile.

If you consider how hard people have to work to gain the riches so fancied by the every man, the sacrifices and limited time they have to enjoy their wealth, is it worth it? His Holiness the Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him the most about people, his response was golden:

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.

The chase for wealth beyond what we need, detracts from irreplaceable resources. We give up time that we could spend with the people we care most for. Nothing can replace those lost moments. If we live for wealth, we live attempting only to survive. Even if you attain a eight figure income, you will then start slaving away to not lose what you have. The inability to let go is one of the most damaging practices anyone can commit to.


As we get more, we want more. If you give into the initial feelings of desire and selfishness, you open the door of justified living. ‘I missed my kid’s birthday but I closed that major deal, so now he’ll be able to go to college,’ is how it starts.

After you learn to justify your greed, it twists quickly from that innocuous example to ‘ In order to save the company money I used toxic chemicals in the building of Seattle’s water ways’. The executive directors of Monsanto did not start life as corporate monsters they grew into it.

Princeton University did a study that involved 450,000 people. The study was to find the optimal money to happiness ratio. At what point does money stop contributing to the overall happiness?

happy-couple-valentines-dayResearchers broke the idea of happiness into two categories. One of the categories was the day to day mood subject to shift quickly, off days, good days, and bad days; the ‘run of the mill’ type emotions.

The other category was the deeper satisfaction with your life, aka the deep sense of contentment that helps to save our sanity on those bad days. They found that after 75,000 dollars a year there was no increase in the latter category of happiness.

Enjoy what you have while you have it. Don’t let the media stimulate your greed into a awful hunger. Let your closest friends and family be your treasures, because they are the only truly on of a kind, irreplaceable treasures that exist.