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When Life Becomes Too Much To Bear, Consider These 7 Things

Life can be hectic at times, one can be sure. Regardless of how dark things may seem, there is so much to be grateful for. Even with this ideal in mind, when I sat down to write a list of elements I was grateful for, the process was slow going. This baffled me as I am a young adult living in America, there are tons of things I take for granted and appreciate more than I’ve ever admitted. I wanted to call attention to some of the general elements most people have to be grateful for. Maybe after you read this, sit down and write your own ‘grateful list’. Try to get to twenty, though if you have more write more. It’s interesting seeing what our minds actually prioritize.

Your Life Is A Gift

Your existence is a multifaceted focal point of the universe. You are not ‘in’ the universe, you are the universe. As you breathe, you accumulate life and as you breathe out you give back life. Infinite potential and growth can not be personified in our current mortal forms with out hang ups. I mean to say that, we get cut so we can understand how we heal. We are blessed to have the ability to understand the wealth of experience the universe offers. Sometimes it is easy to lose track of this.

When I’m stuck in a rut or depressed, I relate my emotions and mindset to that of an unknown alien parsecs away. I think about how a culture may revel in the state I am currently not content with. I figure out how their culture evolved this way and draw parallels. Just a thought.

Don’t Let The Man Get You Down

Jobs can suck if you let them. But only if you let them! I personally never fully enjoyed much of my time spent waiting or in retail. But I did always try my best and set my own objectives. Since you’ve agreed to society’s money game you can lift up the spirits of those around you.

Health Is Always a Balancing Act

Our health is something we take for granted until some event takes it from us. Don’t wait till you can’t do something to appreciate it. Go! Run, jump and play games! More importantly don’t lock yourself in a dark room filling it with angst over what could be. Enjoy what you have while you have it, and do your best to keep it.

Technology Is Tool, Not A Burden

Technology has been hyped up to the point that it practically has a religious following. Rather than draw allusions to Asimov’s writings, I’ll point out that technology is the same as a hammer or scale or your mind.  It is useful to a point but when we push it past that point it starts to fail. We get upset because technological advances are only helping so much. People have been achieving nirvana for centuries before the internet. You have the tools you need for a better life all around you, you need only use the right tools.

The Future Is On It’s Way

The past isn’t the clearest marker of the future. Our expectations only set us up for failure. It too easy to get caught up in our ideas of the future. Realize though that our versions of the future are directly based off our fears. The future will be exactly what we fear or the polar opposite. Why would you ever limit yourself to projections based off fear? The possibilities are endless.

Friends And Family

These are the people that know you the best. They have stuck with you through thick and thin. If they haven’t I guarantee there is still love there. In this context, this asset is likely to devolve into a regret. Do you really want to regret never picking up the phone and at least trying? The people in your life are there for a reason and everyday should be a celebration of this bond.

Not Just An Escape

Media is an iffy subject. I agree that most of it is mindless, brain damaging opiates for the masses. But this article is a form of media, so I must assume there are real people sending sincere messages through art. Look some of it up! I’m grateful for the ability to diffuse my anxiety or build my happiness on the presentations of others. This affirmation of the modern world gives me hope for my present world.

These Special Solar Panels Could Doom Fossil Fuel Companies

Solar technology is normally a focus of renewable energy. Up until this point, they have been expensive, bulky and easily broken. The initial costs of setting up solar panels are the biggest hang up for investors. That is until scientists, as part of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium, printed the largest ever printed solar cells with a newly developed solar cell printer.

The new cells are semi-transparent, flexible, light weight, cheap and to top it off made from organic materials. It seems like this would be just as pricey as its predecessors but one of the project partners says

“The consortium is currently only purchasing materials on a research scale. When bought on a larger scale it is anticipated that component costs will be significantly lower and that pricing around A$1/W will be achievable.”

The amazing pricing aside, these panels will be easily installed to windows, roofs, and local signage. While this project is still in its research phase,  scientists remain hopeful about its wide range of applications.

The ease of production is a huge selling point for potential investors. Factories will be smaller, cheaper and will limit negative impacts on its surroundings. This decentralized approach to production will spell massive expansion once the project enters large scale manufacturing. The fact that they are so easily and cheapily transported (because they are so light) is another great selling point

5 Tips to Encourage Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is the artful act of keeping varying levels of consciousness while sleeping. It is incredibly fun and revealing experience. AS you consciously interact with elements in your dream realize that you are interacting with personified aspects of your subconscious. People have been lucid dreaming for time out of mind. Once you start it, the experience will open up new levels of communication with yourself in and out of sleep. When I started lucid dreaming I stopped having nightmares.

Check Your Reality First

The ability to stop amidst any sort of craziness and register where you are at is crucial. You need not only to be able to register your physical surroundings but your ‘location’ in each moment. By this I mean acknowledging you current emotional, mental, and spiritual relationship to your perceived surroundings.

Through out your waking hours examine the particulars of your surroundings. Where is that shadow being cast from. Where is the nearest heating source to you and how is it effecting you? The ability to qualify your surroundings is going to come in handy once you fall asleep. Get in the habit of questioning everything. Ask yourself often, ‘am I awake or dreaming’.

Recognize Dream Signs

These are discrepancies you should train yourself to distinguish. They range all over the board and are very particular to the person. The attention to detail (reality checks) will be vital. Can you see with out any light sources? Did you just travel a huge distance in moments? Electronic devices are fairly agreed upon to never work as intended in dreams (printing a fax directly from your phone or your toaster housing exotic birds). Shapes changing shape size or into another object altogether are other indicators you are dreaming. As soon as something is off do a ‘reality check’ and investigate.

Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming (MILD)

This method uses repetitious intention and awareness to build the bridge into dream land. Right before you sleep send a couple of minutes building the intention to carry your conscious mind into the dream world. Affirm you are awake by telling yourself aloud that, ‘I am awake. I will carry my consciousness into my dreams. I will remember my dreams when I wake.’
When you wake up, IMMEDIATELY catalog your dream. If the specifics elude you right down any associations and feeling you had or have. As you fall asleep after your mantra try to focus on the previous dream to connect the different presences you have. Repeat this process tweaking it as you go to build awareness.

Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD)

WILD takes a different sort of discipline. Have a clock primed to wake you up five to six hours after you fall asleep. You fall into cycles of REM sleep (start dreaming) after the first ninety minutes. You continue to fall in and out of REM sleep. After five to six hours you’ve gone through all the possible cycles. When you wake examine what happened. Did you dream? Were you aware of the event? Repeat this nightly until you start to lucid dream. Once you can get get into that frame of mind there is no need to prematurely wake yourself.

Externally Induced Lucid Dreaming (EILD)

There is a dream mask offered by The Dream Mask LLC. It uses neural receptors to tell when you’ve entered REM sleep and uses external stimulus (LED lights and auditory tones) to gently alert the user they are dreaming. It takes a little getting used to but people around the world are finding it to be effective after the initial adjustment period.

I’m personally not comfortable with this idea for a number of reasons. So here are other solutions. You can drink coffee to keep your mind awake. This works only if you have that level of control to separate your mind form your body. You can also mess with you regular sleep schedule. Changing your sleep cycle can jolt you into a better ‘position’ to lucid dream.

All of these techniques are interchangeable. Experiment with what you are and aren’t comfortable with. The key to success, no matter your procedure, is persistence and consistent observation. You aren’t going to get this right off the bat so try and have some fun!

Hoax Or Visitors From The Stars? Crop Circles Are Still Shrouded In Mystery

Crop circles are designs that have been imprinted in crop fields. Sounds simple until we get into the nitty gritty details. The creators of these designs are a mystery for one. While a handful of humans have come forward to claim responsibility, there are many more instances that humans couldn’t have accomplished.

There are only so many hours in the night and many crop circles are huge (some spanning over a kilometer). It would take a massive team of people of people using GPS, lasers, and advanced, localized microwave emitters to produce the typical crop circle. This would be a very noticeable night time event. Even if a group of people were that organized and ninja trained, they would still very likely leave foot prints.

It was originally thought that a team of hoaxsters could use planks attached to ropes could bend the stalks. The manner that the more mysterious circles have been formed reveals a difference in how the stalks can be bent. Any physical means of forming the stalks breaks or deforms them. Only intense heated microwaves bends the stalk without deforming it. There is no hand held device that could do this on the such a large magnitude.

Over the crop circles that have no obvious creator,there is a strong magnetic resonance to be found lingering for a couple of days. We have no applicable knowledge of what could magnetize an entire field of crops or for what purpose. Scientific research has been conducted but no conclusions have been drawn. We gather facts of the after math but scientists would need information during or before the event to truly qualify what is going on.

The lack of obtainable information on the how is fairly is more than perplexing. There is a message being projected from some sort of entity and we are clueless as to what it is. If its aliens why would they choose such an indirect manner of communication. With their advanced technology there would be many avenues available for them to communicate to us.

There are theories that crop circles are communications from inter dimensional beings, or other supernatural entities. What really gives the latter theory clout is they have to use indirect means to contact us. Kind of like how entities use repeating numbers or other omens to communicate. They have restrictions placed on how they can cross ideas from the immaterial to the physical. As time goes on and more testing methods are employed to gather information we are more likely to glean new information.

Studies Show People Who Are Awakened Can Telepathically Influence Others’ Dreams

Dream telepathy is the event in which a person influences or sends specific images to a sleeping person via telepathy. This form of para psychological (PSI) phenomena has been documented through out the ages. While it has been a interesting subject as long as people have been communicating, the theories behind this phenomena started to solidify with the psychoanalytic movement. Great thinkers like Freud, Tesla, and Jung were greatly interested in and believed in non physical abilities of people.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

shutterstock_228583069 (1)Once technology caught up to the idea of the human potential we started testing the theories. Most notably, Dr. Montag Ullman, experimented in the mid 60’s to test the ideas that people could send randomly selected and specific material.

Conducted at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, test subjects attempted to send images of photographs and paintings. Dr. Stanley Krippner joined the experiment shortly after it began, Krippner is still actively experimenting in this field. The experiments lasted more than ten years, yielding statistically significant results. Continue reading

20 Mind Expanding Quotes From Dr. Carl Jung

Doctor Carl Jung was a revolutionary Swiss psychiatrist, from the early 1900’s  who founded the field of analytical psychology. While mainly  noted for -his work as a pioneering psychiatrist, he was well rounded, forward thinking student of philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, literature and religious practices. He was a very talented writer as well, though many of his works were not published until after his death. The new branch of psychiatry he developed is still practiced to this day. It focuses on the importance of the individual psyche and the personal quest for for ‘wholeness’. In the process of developing analytic psychiatry he branded concepts such as the archetype, the collective unconscious, (a) complex and extroversion vs introversion.

Dr. Jung was concerned with individual development in relation to society. He developed the now common place concepts used to describe different personalities and their make up. Personal growth had priority of his studies that he sought to quantify and qualify. He realized that, when talking about such personal elements of life, they were very subjective. By studying people as individuals he sought to make the human experience less mysterious. He wanted to make it easier for people to relate to one another.

One way Dr. Jung sought to bridge the gaps between people, was with the term ‘archetypes’. It can be used  to bridge many abstract elements to each other or ground them to  real world issues or culture. Archetype is a very typical example of a person, place, thing or situation. It can also refer to an original work that has been imitated or refer to a recurring symbol or motif in literature, art or mythology. By explaining these very abstract concepts in plain and easy to understand terms, Dr. Jung was a forward thinking man. Many philosophers, doctors, scientists and politians have used the platform Dr. Jung created to build on.


1. There is no coming to consciousness without pain.

2. The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

3. The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

4. In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.

5. The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.

6. A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.

7. It is a fact that cannot be denied: the wickedness of others becomes our own wickedness because it kindles something evil in our own hearts.

8. Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

9. Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.

10. It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.

11. Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.

12. The collective unconscious consists of the sum of the instincts and their correlates, the archetypes. Just as everybody possesses instincts, so he also possesses a stock of archetypal images.

13. Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration?

14. The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.

15. Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.

16. For a young person, it is almost a sin, or at least a danger, to be too preoccupied with himself; but for the ageing person, it is a duty and a necessity to devote serious attention to himself

17. Understanding does not cure evil, but it is a definite help, inasmuch as one can cope with a comprehensible darkness.

18. Our heart glows, and secret unrest gnaws at the root of our being. Dealing with the unconscious has become a question of life for us.

19. All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.

20. Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.