Category Archives: Discoveries

Massive Ocean discovered towards the Earths Core!

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding may explain where Earth’s seas came from, and lend some interesting evidence to the Hollow Earth Theory.

The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core.  The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth’s water. Many geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually oozed out of the interior of the early Earth.

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5 Mind Blowing Underwater Cities!

There are so many mysterious, unexplored places on Earth. So many civilizations have been swept away and lost over the planets transformation. Have you heard of these ancient cities that have been lost to the sea?

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1. Port Royal, Jamaica


Founded in 1518, Port Royal was the shipping center of commerce in the Caribbean Sea. After a 7.5 earthquake hit in 1692 which followed by a large tsunami, this city was destroyed and was sent to the ocean floor.

Unfortunately over 2,000 of the people living there were killed and it was thought this all happened because of all the sins and dark matters committed in the area. What do you think? This place holds a lot of ancient energy that is still being explored to this day.

2. The Pyramids of Yonaguni-Jima, Japan


Experts around the world can’t seem to agree on wether the Yonaguni Monument which lies underwater just off the coast of Japan is a man made creation or if it was produced naturally in nature.

Usually in nature we don’t find perfectly cut squares and triangles but these pyramids could still have been mother nature’s own work of art. If the structure was in fact a manmade object, some experts suggest it could have been built during the last ice age at roughly 10,000 BCE.

These mysterious pyramids rise up a massive 250 feet starting from the sea floor. It is an amazing experience to scuba dive around, and many do for a once in a life time opportunity.

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What Bees Can Teach Us About Our Brains

The human prefrontal cortex is a glorious thing: it tells us where to go and what to do, while still retaining the flexibility to tell us why it was a bad idea to go there and do that after we’ve gone and done it.

But bee brains are different. And by different, we mean a lot smaller.  Although they are smaller, they are not entirely different.  Surprisingly, bees display behaviour that is quite similar to human behaviour, thanks to their tiny complex bee brains.

University of Illinois biologist Gene Robinson, who has spent much of his career looking at the brains and genes and social insects, has long argued that bees—like humans—demonstrate social structures that provide for agriculture, warfare, and symbolic language.  Bees, although they may be small, are extremely intelligent and engage in many human-like behaviours:

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But that’s just the power of the hive mind, right? We don’t expect bees to individually possess much intelligence.   Except that they do; one 2010 study found that they can calculate the most efficient route between two points faster than some computers.   Their individual brains work as GPS systems.

Dr Nigel Raine, from Royal Holloway’s school of biological sciences, said: “Foraging bees solve travelling salesman problems every day. They visit flowers at multiple locations and, because bees use lots of energy to fly, they find a route which keeps flying to a minimum.”

And now, a more recent study has found evidence that they are able to perform higher-order cognition, something you wouldn’t expect from a brain that has about 1/100,000th as many neurons (950,000 versus our 100 billion) as ours.   Researches hypothesize that sociability and navigation skills may give rise to concept learning, which means the ability to think abstractly very likely exists in yet other species with nervous systems entirely unlike our own.

How do they do this? We don’t quite know yet. There has been very little study of the neuroscience of insects—which, given how much insect brains can potentially tell us about the structure of our own, is something that many scientists working in the field hope to change.

The Science of the Hollow Earth Theory

The hollow earth theory is an incredible legend that is still yet to be understood by the world today. Is the earth really hollow? Well, maybe not physically, but there must be some elements of truth to this idea… Let’s explore them :)

It’s unlikely that the earth is physically hollow – and by that I mean 3rd Dimensionally Hollow. However, by measuring and observing the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum, we can see that the earth has these energetic toroidal fields spiraling all around us, which flow through the physical earth and to the center, and then radiate back out again.

earthtorusWould it be so insane to imagine that perhaps there are many levels, many frequencies and many dimensions on which this planet reside? All of them, in fact!

Now, what if there was a frequency or dimension that was almost invisible to us, at least with our current technology and awareness – and one that functioned almost as an inner earth. A space where the laws of physics as we know them don’t function the same. A place where the basic laws of gravity and practically everything was just a little bit different. At least enough to create a different representation of the consciousness that exists inside the planet.

It could appear different… Maybe it could even appear like this video describes ;) Enjoy!

Can we reset the age-clock on our DNA? Scientists say Yes!

An article was published recently via The Guardian & the NY Times describing a new discovery with our DNA, essentially alluding to our age being connected to a function of DNA – measuring the biological age of our tissues and organs.

DNA strandThis “clock” in our DNA shows that while many tissues age at the same rate as the body, some of them age much faster or slower. In addition to that, the age of diseased organs varied hugely, all the way up to tens of years “older” than healthy tissue in the same person, according to the clock.

Now, the researchers say that unravelling the mechanisms behind the clock will help them understand the ageing process in humans, and ultimately lead to some form of slowing things down.

‘”Ultimately, it would be very exciting to develop therapy interventions to reset the clock and hopefully keep us young,” Horvath told The Guardian. He studied the methylation of nearly 8,000 samples of healthy and cancerous tissue and found 353 DNA markers that varied with aging. They effectively work like little biological clocks. Interestingly, different types of tissue age at different rates. Whereas the biological age of heart tissue appears around nine years younger than it should, cancerous tissue appears to be an average of 36 years older.’

The Guardian 

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