Category Archives: Energy

Cleanse And Heal Yourself And Your Environment Using Simple Smudging Rituals.

For thousands of years, Native Americans have burned sacred plants in a bowl or on a stick to drive away negative energies and restore balance. You can use this same wisdom in today’s modern world to heal and restore balance to your life. When you light a smudge stick you’re connecting with a spiritual tradition that originates from the depths of time.

sagestick cropped

The herbs most often used in smudge sticks are sage and sweetgrass. The spirit of sage has the power to drive out negative energies, spirits, and influences. The powerful spirit of sweetgrass is used to attract positive energy and to aid healing after all the negativity has been banished by sage. Cedar can also be used for this same task. A small ceramic or stone bowl or a large shell to place your smudge stick is useful as well as a large feather to waft the smudge. Smudging summons the spirits of sacred plants, asking them to drive away negativity and put you back into a state of balance. It is the psychic equivalent of washing your hands before eating and is used as an essential preliminary to almost all native North American ceremonies.


For self clearing or clearing someone else, light the end of your smudge stick until the tip starts to smolder. Call on the spirits of the smudge to cleanse and protect you, saying; “sacred sage, drive away all negativity from my heart; take away everything unworthy and impure.” Waft the smoke toward your heart holding the smudge stick away from you and use the feather to waft the smoke towards you. Take the smudge smoke over your head, down your arms, and down the front of your body. Imagine the smoke lifting away all the negative thoughts, emotions, and energies that have become attached to you. Use exactly the same technique to smudge someone else.

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Smudging not only cleanses people; you can also clear a room or area of any old or stagnant energy. All rooms need cleansing, just as much as they need physical cleaning. If your life feels stuck or things just aren’t going according to plan, you may just find that simple space clearing may solve the problem. Walk around the room wafting smoke into each corner. Call on the spirit of sage to drive away negativity from the room. Then ask the spirit of Sweetgrass to bring harmony and balance to the room. You can also face and call on the four directions if you wish. Remember, you should also smudge anything you will be using for your blessing, such as crystals, candles, flowers, or stones. Other reasons for smudging can be sick room cleansing, cleansing following an argument, protecting your home when you’re leaving for vacation, and even celebrating a birth or honoring a passing.  Studies have also revealed that smudging can kill bacteria and prevent them from returning for quite some time.
No matter how you use these techniques smudging will assure you that you have the tool you need to keep your space and your life clear of of unwanted negative energy.

Inspired by Jane Alexander

There’s Something About Karma That Many People Don’t Realize

I’m not condemning any spiritual methodology. I respect that everyone has their own experiences and from those experiences beautifully unique theories and mentalities surrounding the mystery of human life. In that vein of respect and acknowledgement, I would like to point out the misunderstandings surroundings Karma. Karma has been equated to a system, where you ‘get what you put in’ or ‘reap what you sow’. This is true to an extant, but the ‘pay off’ or ‘reaping’ happens in another life time. There is also a system of intertwining energies and intentions.

‘Karma in Buddhism is action. Action in the form of the thinking. Thinking is acting. Speaking is acting. And doing things is acting. And every act has a result. That is Karma. And nothing can be lost. It continues always. The shameful action continues and if you perform positive Karma, it will continue very well if you help other people.’ Thich Nhat Hahn on Tibetan styled Karma.

 The important distinction is that your actions be selfless. You cannot preform kindnesses and compassionate acts with the expectation of expecting anything in return. SELFLESS. You cannot trick the system. If you do something ‘good’ to get ‘good’ back, this is an inherently selfish action, and in the end unproductive. As we move forward in this discussion, I would like to take some of the emotional content out of this subject. Good and bad are highly charged words, this gives them too much ‘weight’ outside of their very subjective meanings. The more emotion and energy we poor into words and concepts, they change from their original context into personalized behemoths of our mind. Lets not fight any giants today.

Chopping the scales from ‘good’ and ‘bad’ I offer the terms ‘productive’ and ‘unproductive’. The wheel of Samsara (suffering) is always spinning. Nothing can or should ever even attempt to stop it. We encounter suffering and have two options. Turn it into a productive or unproductive experience. Learn from the mistakes we make, or continue to repeat them; lamenting our station in life. Forgive those who have hurt you or keep the cycle of unnecessary pain going.

As you go through your current life and form, you are blessed with a multitude of experiences that you can be productive or unproductive with. How you choose to live your life will dictate your next. A person who has spread pain and violence, has spent his or her energy and potential unproductively. They have limited their experiences and closed their mind. Their next life will not be a punishment, there is already enough suffering in the world. It will be another chance, from a different perspective that will encourage that entity to open their minds and hearts.

According to Karma, we should stop trying to control everything in life. Deal with what you are handed and help your neighbor when you can. The eventual sum of your actions are beyond what you can understand in your mortal form. Don’t limit your future by mixing in your fears and desires. As an infinite being in the ever expanding universe, you have so many more options and avenues of influence than I’d dare try to name. Be careful of you you respond to suffering and remember that the more you operate out of the idea of ‘you’ the better you will feel.

Russian Scientist Discovers How Your Aura Impacts The Health Of Others

Auras are the projection of energy stemming from our bodies. If you pay any mind to chakras, then auras are the out of body energy projections that our chakras emit. Auras are seen as ovals or bubbles of light and colors. Not everyone can see these projections though it can be done through training to that end. As aura’s are a real projection that scientists can mark and observe, there are properties that auras carry.They are highly magnetic. Even as you sit down to read this you are projecting a tangible, magnetic energy that is interacting with the people and objects around you.

Aura’s color, strength and manner of effect differ from person to person. It’s sort of like your spiritual ‘finger print’. As you grow and evolve so to will your aura. Your thoughts and emotions effect your aura greatly. The human heart and brain are the main creators of electromagnetic energies. As our attitude changes so do the waves but out by these organs, Your mood can change the way your heart beats, which changes your energy projection, which changes your aura.

Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and Director of Research at the Institute of  was quoted as saying,

“Emotional information is actually included and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself, and what we do individually really does count and matters. “

Around the world, at Russia’s St. Petersburg State Technical University, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is trying to build a tested bridge between auras and the projector’s health. He has created a special device that reads the bio energy of living organisms and their surroundings. This device (GDV) takes an electron cloud snapshot of the subject in a millisecond and prints out the results. This image is compared to other healthy subjects. From this comparison specialists can get an idea of where to investigate potential hidden disease.

The idea is revolutionary. Certain diseases take years to manifest themselves but with this technology we could be able to spot it all the faster. The body is aware when disease or sickness is creeping on it, and projects warning signs.

How To Open And Sustain A Loving Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is also known as Anahata, and is the chakra that focuses on our emotions and sense of spiritual self.  Anahata is translated in Sanskrit as ‘unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten’. This is meant to relate and bring attention to the difference between your higher emotions and lower emotions.

We get hurt and offended by many things in our day to day experiences but nothing can really ever challenge our higher emotions. Our self love, respect, happiness and respectful sorrow are housed in the category of higher emotions. The seed and twelve petaled flower are the symbols of Anahata. This association to encourage the attitude of growth and beauty when examining this focal point.

Of course you can attend to any of your chakras at any time but I strongly recommend that when you feel a disturbance in your chest you set time aside to focus on it. The heart is vital to being able to bring out the most awesome and productive versions of you. The practice below can help you get out of that rut you’ve been perceiving or help you get back on your feet after a bad experience. On the flip side balance is a must. Your heart chakra can be pushing out more energy than it needs and this causes you to lose control of your empathetic responses. Methodology of chakras was purposed as a way to maximize your energies by way of visualization.

Set Your Intention

Sitting in a quiet and safe place start bringing your attention to your breath. Start to come into awareness of how long and deep each draw is. Bring your attention to your sternum, feel the rise and fall. Smile to yourself and thank yourself for taking the time to love yourself. As you come into a meditative state set your intention. Your intention here will be a two part statement.

One aspect of it will be addressing your immediate crisis or need. For example, recognizing the end of an relationship or ending a cycle of self perception that is harming you. The second part will be a longer term intention, one meant to help enforce and keep your sense of love and appreciation. The last time I did this, my intention looked a lot like:

‘I am honoring the pain inside me, it is a result of intended love and I won’t let it stray to hurt me anymore. I will learn from this experience and not shy away from my potential in the future.’

Recognize What Is Affecting Your Heart

As you visualize your heart energy, pay attention as equally as you can to both the positive and negative elements effecting it. Seek out the sources of hurt, who caused them? How did you feel, specifically? As you find the factors that are causing you discomfort forgive the person or concept that trespassed on your sensibilities. Then forgive your self. You are human and have every right to feel the way you do. Besides now you are taking the time to better yourself and your reactions. What else could you want from yourself?

After you have acknowledged and forgiven the last step is to let go. Don’t push the formation away but stop paying it more attention than needed. Finishing the relationship on your terms only works if you stop feeding more energy into it.

Forgive Any Second Stage Emotions You Don’t Care For

This is reiterating the letting go aspect. It’s easy to remember an upsetting situation and getting twisted up over it all over again. Stop the cycle now! Make the last interaction between you and these formations a positive one. Then remind yourself that you are above this conflict now. Breathe and turn away from it. Don’t fill your time with running from or pushing it away. Let it hang out in the living room of your heart throwing it scraps of love. It will eventually dissipate.

Affirm Your Inherent Worth And Beauty

As part of your higher emotions your self worth is something nothing can ever affect. No matter what anyone says, how any one treats you, or mistakes that you’ve made, NOTHING changes how important and beautiful you are. At times, with enough negativity clogging your heart chakra it may seem like our self worth is in decline. This is just our perceptions.

Take the time to remember that no matter how bad things seem now you are an infinite being. This means you have infinite mess ups and infinite ways to grow as a result. That fact that you recognize your need for self love and are taking the time to address it productively should help bolster the concept of your potential.

Experiment With Your Vibration’s Frequency

So you’ve if identified, acknowledged, loved, forgiven, cried at, (hopefully) giggled a little at the independent elements that are affecting your heart space. The tinkering and tuning stage are over time to hook your chakra back up to chest. Turn your attention from the nitty gritty to the sum that is you. Think back over the different resonance levels you experienced. What do your vibrations look like now? Make connections to the ideas, people and mindsets that varied your vibrations.

16 Signs That You Have Hidden Healing Abilities

Everyone has the potential to be whatever they want and influence the world in whatever way they desire. There is no denying that each person has certain attributes that have been nurtured more than others. Whether done on purpose or subconsoucly, its imprtant that we be able to diagnose our strengths and attend to our weaknesses.

Healers are present in every society and never really sought out until circumastances force us to seek them out. This lack of focus has left potential healers in a state of non recognition. We need healers more than ever, I would surmise, regardless of the fixationn on characters like leaders. Below is a list of traits common to healers. Examine your own character and see if this archetype fits you!

  1. You are frequently told how soothing it is to be around you.
  2. You and the people in close physical proximity of you rarely get sick.
  3. You are constantly thinking of how to improve people’s lives
  4. You have probably been diagnosed with anxiety, panic or mood disorders.
  5. You are highly empathetic, to the point that it disrupts your social life.
  6. You have a family history of healers. You’re elders may have been doctors, therapists, medical workers, humanitarian protesters, veterinarian workers or guidance counselors. Anything to help people with the human condition.
  7. You walk in public spaces with butterflies in your stomach and heightened senses.
  8. You have a way with animals. They react to you more calmly or are just happy to see you.
  9. Strangers spill their life to you with very little prompting.
  10. You are great at massages, though you may have never been to school for it.
  11. You experience neck and shoulder pain often. You hold your stress there.
  12. You revel in being outside.
  13. You are attracted to crystals and are interested in their meta physic properties.
  14. You are interested in spiritual sciences: Reiki, energy healing, shamanism, acupuncture, among others.
  15. Your high level of awareness means you are sensitive to certain foods and drinks. You may often have headaches or digestive issues
  16. You sometimes feel random chills, warmth radiating from your core, or your palms tingle and pulsate.

The main elements of a healer boil down to high sensitivity on multiple wave lengths, the ability to manifest energies, highly emphatic feeling and  a desire to help those around you. There is no blanket theory or agreed upon path for you to take to develop these feelings. You will have to examine where you are in life and strike out as your resources allow. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to get the ball rolling in terms of healing. Everything in the universe strives to be healthy and happy, we just need to be reminded every so often.