Category Archives: Inspirational

This Architect Designed A Self-Sustaining Underwater Eco-Village

Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut has made designs for an underwater ecovillage that is self-sustaining and could house up to 20,000 people.

The Aequorea project envisions spiraling “oceanscrapers” that are constructed entirely of recycled plastics of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Aequorea would house up to 20,000 people, have science labs, offices, hotels, sports fields and farms that would feed everyone in the eco-village. The plans call for 250 floors that reach a depth of 3,280 ft (1000 meters). Desalinated water would be used for drinking, bio-luminescence would provide light and microalgae would take care of recycling the organic waste matter.

The eco-towers’ geometry and ballasting would help to counter whirlpools and natural buoyancy. This will also help against  storms, currents and earthquakes. The shell will increase in thickness and strength the further down the towers reach into the ocean.

There are also other great initiatives out there like this that include Mana Fest, Backyard Abundance and The Venus Project . What others are out there?

Take a look at some of the pictures originally found on this site.

floating Continue reading

This Astrologer Just Confirmed Our Planet Is About To Birth A New, Positive Paradigm

For a few years I have listened to the daily updates Laura Walker gives on her site Oracle Report. Her daily astrology is always uplifting, honest and hopeful. A realistic hope.

The update for the weekend of December 26th-27th was incredibly and especially powerful. I am sharing this simply so that more people feel hope for the future as well as become even more empowered. Blessings to all!

Here is a small excerpt from the report:

“Uranus stationed retrograde (appeared to move backward in the sky) on July 26, one day after Venus stationed retrograde.  Do you remember that time? What was happening in your life then?  Think back to what has transpired in your life and in the world since then.

Much has changed.shutterstock_190800344

The two planets retrograding at the same time was significant.  Uranus retrograded at 20 Aries 30, a conjunction with the Eris Point — the point of power for the reckoning of Truth and Rebirth and the harbinger for Second Renaissance when it was discovered in 2005. Continue reading

Self-Mastery: How to Become Your Own True Love

A relationship is never the answer to your loneliness. Any feelings of emptiness, unhappiness, depression or self-hate can exist within you before you meet your partner. Most people tend to create new relationships based not on what they want, but in response to what they perceive to lack. They look outside of themselves, saying, “when I find someone, I will be happy, satisfied, and fulfilled’.

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 12.07.53 AMWhen they do find someone to have a relationship with, it is exciting and fulfilling for a few months, maybe a few years.

When the original feelings come up again, they can start blaming the other person for their loneliness, depression, self-hate and their unhappy life. The other person, in turn, may dim their own light, by demanding your energy, time, and your personality.

It is their fear, their pain and their depression that starts chasing you, sucking your energy and imprisoning your beautiful free soul. You may do the same to them because of your own emptiness.

NOTHING outside of yourself, not a relationship or another person, will ever bring you true happiness, fulfillment or peace of heart if you aren’t already happy with yourself.

You are your own hero, your own lover, your own answer to all of your prayers, and your own TRUE LOVE.

Today is the day to become your own True Love! Start to love every aspect of yourself, including all of your Darkness and your Light. Start to appreciate and love your own personality; become your own best friend.

shutterstock_226234879Find out what nourishes your soul, and find the sacredness in each moment: Take a walk in the forest. Watch funny movies in your bed. Create art, or write from deep inside of your soul.

Start to embrace all that you are in your divinity. Stop waiting for something or someone outside of you.

YOU are what you’ve been looking and waiting for the whole time. Stop searching, stop demanding. Each of us is a free, sovereign spirit, meant only to share and celebrate our true essences together. Continue reading

Rare Astrology: All Planets Are Moving Direct From December 25th to January 5th


Beginning December 25th, 2015 with Uranus stationing direct, all major planets in our solar system will be moving direct/forward.

Stephanie Tetra Forest, who is the first known astrologer first to publish articles, teach online courses and present slide show lectures on both the occurrence and potential of APDM.

Stephanie states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction.  From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe. ” 

Stephanie goes on to write, ” An APDM cycle is definitely one of hope for the future. It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun. Continue reading

21 Positive Expressions That Attract a Better Life


The words we choose to use become the mantras of our life, and the energy we give off with these words influences what kind of a reality the Law of Attraction will bring us.

Positive phrases give off good vibes that attract a better life.  Unfortunately, negative words and phrases give off lower vibes that attract negativity and unwanted realities.

So while some people may be suffering because of the words and phrases they choose to use, you can do the exact opposite and attract a better life.

o-HAPPINESS-facebookUse positive phrases and expressions more often, and more positive things will be attracted to you. This creates a snowball effect over time, causing the good things in your life to grow and multiply.

Using positive words and phrases is an easy Law of Attraction strategy that anyone can use.

With that being said,  here are a few positive expressions you can use to improve the quality of your life.  These are all common, everyday phrases, so it should be fairly easy to add more of them into your conversations.

1. It’s a beautiful day.

2. The weather’s been great. Continue reading

18 Signs That Prove You Are Stronger Than You Think

We tend to give ourselves less credit than we deserve. Always expecting more from ourselves and judging our self-worth by the material possessions that we hold. When in fact, true richness is richness of soul. Happiness comes from freedom and freedom is a gift that you give to yourself.

thoughts dnaThere is subtle strength that lies within us all. A higher consciousness that never gives up and is always seeking for the upheaval from the darkness into the light. A raising of our vibration and the constant forming and reforming of our mind, bringing us back to that in which we ultimately seek.

We are all here together on this wonderful journey and it takes strength and courage to follow this path to freedom.

There will always come times, when we do not remember how strong we truly are and so, here is a simple reminder to shine a little light on the way.

1. You embrace life as a journey

You know that life is an experience and one to be lived to its fullest. Every moment is precious opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Even through the darkest of times, we know that the light is surely to follow and we hold our strength until the light beams from within us once more. Continue reading