Category Archives: Inspirational

6 Signs Your Guides Are Trying To Communicate With You

When a person dies, many things can happen to them. I choose to believe that a deceased person has the ability to come back to Earth without taking a physical form. They do this for a lot of reasons but the basic idea behind most of these ideas is that they are attempting to pass along a message.

facewithsoulAs they have not taken a physical forms they can only communicate through no direct means. The fact that you are reading this articles says a lot about your willingness to stay open and listen.

Here are some of the common ways that spirits try to talk to us. If any of these are happening you try to look past your fear of the unknown and listen to your gut.

There are many tricksters out there and only your intuition can guide you effectively.

You Vivid Dreams or Visions During Meditation

Spirits are best known for trying to reach us through dreams and meditation. This is when our minds are quiet and we are more open to the possibilities. They will create scenarios or characters that grab at our attention.

When you are dreaming especially, you are aligned with other realms o it is easier for spirits to speak to you. Before you meditate or sleep is ask for guidance with sincerity and deliberation.

Your Sense Are Sharper, More Enhancedindigosoul

Spirits have to communicate through indirect means so they will sharpen your senses so you may notice more.

You’ll see them on the edge of your vision, or smell a flower that reminds you of someone deceased.

Often at first you won’t know what you are seeing, but remain calm and open to the experience.

Electronics Randomly Act Up

We’ve all seen this in movies, but that doesn’t make it untrue. Electronics turning on and off, volumes going out of wack or televisions sets get static and change channels. This phenomena will continue until you directly address the situation.

You Know Things You Can’t Explain

soulmatesEver got the feeling you knew something that you had no memory of learning? This could be a spirit telepathically popping information to you.

You will need this information so stay open to its existence or you will shut it out.

Also spirits can lead our intuitions. So listen to your gut as it may lead you to unknown places. Have faith in your spirit guides.

You Get Frequent And Random Chills

If ever you are talking about the deceased, or a situation involving the dead, and you get a chilling sensation, that could be a clear indication of spirits. While this isn’t always the most pleasant of sensations remember they are on a different wavelength now. So don’t be afraid when this happens, the spirits are trying to guide you.

You Feel Like You’re Being Guidedsoul-shutterstock-169802639-WEBONLY

Something is pulling you in a direction, and your intuition can’t make sense of it.

At the same time your gut isn’t fighting the sensation, the whole thing is off putting because it is unfamiliar.

This is one or more of your spirits trying to take you to a place you need to be or reveal something that is hidden to you. Relax and prepare for an adventure!

Carl Jung Said We Have Four Stages In Life; Which Stage Are You Experiencing?

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, in the early to mid 1900’s, credited with the creation of analytical psychology. His Thought and theories paved the way for modern psychiatric practices. He was also credited with the creation of the archetypes: th complex, extroversion, introversion and the collective unconscious.

He was a prolific philosopher that directly influenced great minds like Joseph Campbell, Herman Hesse, Alan Watts, Erich Neumann and many others. He linked together human’s innate spirituality and linked it to the various sciences. A Review of General Psychology survey named Jung as the 23rd most cited psychologist of the 20th century. One of his theories on the developmental stages of humans, broke down the stages into four general archetypes. How he choose to prioritize life and its processes is fascinating.

The Athlete Stage

shutterstock_343238516This stage is marked by a preoccupation with with physical appearances. We come to grips with how our bodies look.  Here we identify our strengths and begin to develop insecurities.

We use the physical world to begin to ground ourselves in a version of reality. After understanding how people react to us and how that makes us feel, our feelings begin to take priority. This leads into the next stage.

The Warrior Stage

We have come to identify certain feelings with particular actions and patterns. We start comparative thought to maximize what we can get out of situations.

This leads us to want to conquer and impose our will, for the our own good. We strive to be what we consider to be the ‘best’ not for any other reason than to be better than others. We want nothing more than wealth, influence and control.

The Statement Stage

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After chasing down goals to serve your ego, you begin to seek out more fulfilling actions and ways of life. The inherent undercutting that occurs in comparative thought has become apparent. You start to realize that physical aspects of reality are not the way to true happiness.

You realize that there is merit to the physical world but you no longer attribute the same level of importance as before.

Up until this point you have been strengthening your monkey mind and ego. You start to realize that you mind and your desires are the root of what is stopping you from spiritual balance and contentment.

This stage is well marked by a desire to be of service to others. You look for avenues of wisdom that can tame the ego that you have built up.

The Spirit Stage

This stage is the last stage of life, and Jung pointed out that not everyone will get to this point of personal development. In this stage you recognize that everything up till this point was part of the journey and you have not been ‘you’ this whole time. You have been testing the extremes of the human experience.Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 10.13.22 PM

In the spiritual stage you begin to develop internally as a person. You stop being archetypes and begin to be yourself, knowing that ‘you’ are a constantly evolving concept.  Impermanence is something you now recognize in your day to day life.

After experiencing the extremes of the human ability and life, you can use this experience to your advantage. You can step back from your self and recognize the aspects that make up the sum of what and who you are.

10 Simple Life Hacks That Cut Plastic Out Of Our Lives

Minimizing your carbon foot, is a tall order. It’s not only good for the environment, but a lot of the steps in cutting out clutter, also improve your health and grade of life. One of the major contributors in everyone’s carbon footprint is plastic. It’s cheap and easy to manufacture, making it a prime ingredient for many packaging solutions. While most plastics are recyclable, reclaiming the substance is not cheap and has an impact on the environment.

The most consistent way to lower plastic’s presence in the planet is to use less of it. While people are recycling more now than ever the sum of recycled plastic comes to a sad nine percent.

Make Your Own Daily Hygiene Products

Deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo’s, conditioners, and lotions are used every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Think about all those containers we blow through! Also many of the ingredients in products are just terrible for you (aluminum chlorohydrate, parabens, propylene glycol, fluoride and triclosan to name a few). You can get essential oils to spice up and personalize your smell. It’s great for the environment, your health and your pocketbook!

Replace The Common, Go-To Cleaning Products With One Simple Solution

If you look at under your sink spaces, how many different cleaners and bottles are there? Don’t you think that’s a little crazy, seeing how they all simply clean? I break necessary cleaners into two categories: everyday and heavy duty. For everyday cleaning you’ll want to play around with different ratios of water, any vinegar, rubbing alcohol (70% or higher) and an essential oil to spruce it all up. You’ll want to change the ratios for a ‘deeper’ clean. Throw it in a spray bottle and go crazy!

If Given A Choice Choose Glass

Try to buy as much glass and cardboard containers as you can. If something you drink often comes in a glass bottle, spring the extra buck to get the glass. Super easy to re purpose. You can use the glass container for storage at home or a water bottle you won’t have to cry about if you miss place it. I get a kambucha bottle to use as my water bottles. I’m always losing my water bottles, and I hope who ever finds them recycles it!

Use Alternatives To Commercial Air Fresheners

There are many alternatives to Febreeze or Glade or other air fresheners. The commercial variety are full of toxins that can cause lung cancer or other respiratory diseases. Many people enjoy the convenience of candles but please my article on the dangers of certain candles. Some of them can be just as bad or worse than the commercial alternatives! Essential oil diffusers are a pretty safe bet, and depending on the kind of oil you use the aroma can have therapeutic properties.

Use Reusable Containers To Replace Plastic Wrap And Ziploc Bags

This solution involves you preparing and cooking your food with the future in mind. Try to cook only what is going to be consumed immediately. Plan ahead so that if you do have left overs, they aren’t just little scraps, but a meal.  This way what you have saved is nutritionally, and economically it’s worth saving. There are plastic wrap alternatives that are pretty cool, they are made of bees wax or cotton. These materials break down much easier.

Use Soap Nuts and Baking Soda Instead of Laundry Detergent

Soap nuts are all natural alternatives that work the same as store bought detergents. Ancient peoples in Asia and Native Americans were big supporters of Sapindus (tree soap). For even more whitening power and freshness you can toss in a half cup of baking soda.

I’m a big fan of making your own laundry soap. Its super easy to make and store, saves so much money and works better than store bought toxin filled concoctions. The three ingredients necessary to make the detergent can be found in ANY grocery store. Take bar soap (we recommend Fels Naptha bar soap) washing soda, borax and a 5 gallon bucket to begin. This recipe for laundry detergent has been thoroughly tested by Spirit Science employees and found to be the best on the internet!!

  1. Boil half a gallon of water
  2. Grate half a 5.5 oz bar of Fels Naptha soap and add to boiling water
  3. After it reaches boiling, reduce heat
  4. Fill the bucket with 4 1/2 gallons of hot water
  5. Stir in 1 cup of borax and 1 cup of washing soda
  6. Once the mixture in the bucket is one homogeneous solution, pour in the soap water solution
  7. Stir periodically for eight hours

Buy In Bulk, At Establishments That Let You Bring Your Own Containers

The best way to ensure a smaller carbon foot print is to simply eliminate anything that isn’t necessary. A lot in our consumer driven lives aren’t necessary but convenient. If you are buying is bulk write down the base weight of the container (its weight without contents). It’ll make it easier during check out.

Make Your Own Juices And Other Beverages

All store bought juices have been pasteurized which means the contents were heated up to kill and bacteria. This heating process destroys a lot of those great vitamins and enzymes your always hearing about. There are also so many preservatives and artificial nonsense that serves no good purpose for you. A juicer is one of the best kitchen appliances you can purchase but the flavor and benefits are unmatched. Keep in mind that anything freshly juiced will have to be drank immediately. The nutritional contents break down quickly (hence all the preservatives).  If your drinking soda’s….. Just stop it.

Prepare And Freeze Your Own Veggies, Legumes And Meats

All of those frozen preserved food options can be replicated by yourself with out the plastics or preservatives. Cook the veggies or meat most of the way through then freeze. If you can avoid cooking it all the way through, do so. This way you don’t over cook the food and thus breakdown the nutrients.

9 Signs You’ve Met Your True Soulmate

We are all searching for many things in life, and one of the biggest is our soulmate. This is the person who completes us and helps us reach goals we never thought possible. They help us forgive and love ourselves when we can’t. Together as a team the realm of influence and experience exponentially grow.

Easily Recognized

As soon as the two of you met there was, at the very least, A suspicion of this character being the ‘one’ for you. Both of you can see it and express this possibility with one another without directly mentioning it. Taking a leap of faith, both parties opened up to each other and found soulmates.

You Have The Same Haunts

You both have the similar interests and interconnected wavelengths, You’ve been connected to this person far before you physically met. Ask your soulmate and you’ll see, you both have been to a lot of the same places at different times.

You Met At The Right Time

It may not be the perfect time of your life in other aspects but it was the perfect time to meet the love of your life. It could have a relatively stress free time in your lives or it could have been a particularly rough patch for both or one of you. Regardless of the ‘how’, the scenario surrounding your meeting went, it helped to make room for one another.

The Silence Spent Between You Is Comfortable

All you need to feel comforted, id hid or her mere presence. The silence provides a different back drop for ‘viewing’ your partner. You can sit in each other’s silent presence for hours.

You Recognize Each Other’s ‘Flaws’ And Work With Them

Everyone has ‘imperfections’ or ‘flaws’. Through love and compassion these aspects are seen as simply traits that society has deemed one way or the other. Your soulmate doesn’t see these other definitions, only the beautiful and capable you.

You Can Drop Your Shields Around Each Other

There is no need to be ‘on your guard’ when your with this person who loves you so much. Their natural instinct will always be to protect you. If they have proven that you are not their top priority, or they would not go out of their way to protect you, then you should really examine your relationship.

You Have Similar  Life Goals And Interests

The two of you  naturally fit together like a hand in a glove. You both prioritize life in similar if not exactly the same. You work as a team so if one of you wants it, the other will delight in helping to achieve it.

The Desire To Spend Time Alone Isn’t Threatening

Same as you two can pass away time in silence with one another, you don’t need to be with each other 24/7. This doesn’t mean that you don’t want to, just that your team can work separate from another.

You Challenge One Another

Growth occurs from enduring hardships. Knowing this, dome pf the strongest relationships are constantly challenging one another. This a safe way to test convictions and ideas.

You Grow As A Team

It’s important that people be given space and time to grow. If we don’t actively and consciously grow, we stagnate. the same is true of the entity that the two of you form as a team. Each person needs to be given every possibility to grow but that person needs to keep in mind the other individual’s growth. If one person is growing and the other isn’t, something is very wrong.

You Can Talk About Anything

Since there is no judgement between you, there should be unfettered communication. In fact the more two people communicate on varied subjects, one’s that make them nervous, ones that make then sad, or happy, the more in depth the other person’s knowledge will grow.

13 Laws Of Life You Couldn’t Survive Without

There are common ‘rules’ found in every society. Across the board of humanity, there are the same avenues that will help a person be the best human they can. A group of fantastic humans makes for a fantastic community. Starting with your self, examine these rules and see how you compare. I bet your doing better than you originally gave yourself credit for.

Love Is The Ruling Aspect In All Things

Love is the most powerful force we know of. It heals, protects, encourages, strengthens, and broadens our perspectives. These are even only the tip of the iceberg. To encourage it in our daily lives and the lives of anyone we can guarantees a more productive and fulfilling future. It also aids us in reconciling the past.

Pay Attention To Your Perspective, It’s Your Reality After All

Perspective is reality. The way we see the universe is the way life is. Thankfully we can change the way we see things, with a little effort.The day we take our perspective as unchangeable, is the day we stop progressing and get caught in cycles of suffering and fulfillment.

Be Free

How else would you want to live? In chains? No one wants this but it happens all the time. For others to control us, we must first give them the permission to do so. Resend that right to anyone or anything that has it. Take back your life, even from you. You are already and naturally living life, there is no need to control it.

Life Is An Inspiration

To forget the inherant beauty and unique aspects of life is a sad occurance. Everything should be consistently seen as the miracle it is.

Mind Your True Feelings

Listen to your gut and let your intuition guide your steps. Even if it seems to conflict with the people you love and the institutions you support. In the end it is better to always have the option to happily place your full weight and faith behind what you desire.

Do Not Dispense Blame

The foolish man asks, ‘why is this happening to me? Woe is me, WHY ME?’ The wise man says. ‘that was unfortunate… How can I heal and help others that are going through the same thing?’ In the interest of moving forward, being productive and selfless, the why of a situation isn’t the most important part of life. Blame is a child of ego and ego’s ultimately destroy happiness.

Stand True To Your Ideals

If you are living your life true to what you know is right, it is important to stay on that path. Do not deviate for convenience. Stand with your ideals and they will protect you from any storm.

Be Of Service

The more you can destabilize your sense and entitlement of self, the better off you will be. A great way to let go is to help others and your community. You already exist as you, what are you going to do with that gift?

Be The True You

Others will try and mold you into something that will better suit their purposes or be their version of happy. The only person who can truly know what makes you happy is you. The only person that knows how you can be of the most help to society and the ones you love is you. Always have faith in this fact and you won’t feel the need to be someone else.

NOTHING Is Impossible

Everything was once thought of as impossible, until it wasn’t. To move forward with a bold stride is to know that everything is possible. You are capable of completing any difficult task with the right tools and support.

Learn EVERY Day

We learn something new everyday, naturally. To actively try to learn means you are maximizing the information collected in your life. In a land where knowledge is king, there is no reason you can’t be a monarch in your own rite.

You Are A Powerful Being

This a sharp double bladed sword. With this possibility you can carve away at the mysteries that be and find hidden treasures. This reasoning can also stop you from ever leaving the cave, forever confused by the essence of shadows.

Think Critically And Different Than Others

Do not try to fit the mold. There is no mold to begin with so what exactly are you trying to be when you attempt to be ‘like everyone else’. There is no definition of everyone else or the ‘average person’. When I try to think of one though, phrases like: fear driven, unfulfilled, and close minded come to mind. Did you not just read this list? You are you, and that makes you distinct and powerful. The person who is themselves never needs for company.


A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Your Chakras

Chakras are energy points in specific places in the body that directly effect our being on multiple levels of existence. As the West comes to embrace Eastern philosophies and practices, chakras have become a topic of debate for many people.  The chakras govern physical and intangible aspects of ourselves. Noticing them not spinning in alignment will have physical and spiritual sypmtoms.

There are ways to nurture them directly, but by treating the symptoms you can realign the source. There are seven main chakras in the body and like most formations of the body, they can fix themselves to an extent.  The  more you practice with them and actively care for their maintenance, the better they will function. The chakras are normally visualized as spinning balls of energy located along the spine at specific junctions.

Even if you don’t subscribe to notions of spirituality attached to chakras, they are still a great way to group together and connect physical, mental and emotional aspects of your being. There are many ways to correct the alignment of chakras, according to many schools of thought and disciplines. You can also ‘free style’ it as your connection and awareness build. Chakras are immersed in every aspect of our being, so there are many ways to effect them.

From music, to ecstatic dance action and intent can harmonize and bring dis balance to your life. I’ve listed the major chakras in ascending order with general information on each. Keep in mind that chakra energy flows from the bottom upward. So you may see issues with your throat chakra but you need to make sure all the chakras preceding it are in line first. Keep your eye out for the intermediate guide, in which we’ll specifically diagnose unhealthy chakra symptoms and how to fix them. Keep in mind that a basic visualizing meditation can go a long way in fixing the chakras.

Root aka Muladhara

The lowest chakra, it is our grounding force, that which ties us to the present and affirms our connection to the planet. Beyond the intangible ability to emotionally ground oneself, the root chakra is a reflection of and the control center for the digestive, reproductive and immune system. Corrective actions include any lower core, squats and stomping your feet.

Location: Base of spine
Sense: Smell
Element: Earth
Stones: Black onyx, hematite, carnelian, garnet
Color: Red or black
Sound: Do
Musical Note: C

Sacral aka Svadisthana

This chakra is a reflection and controlling force for creative output, sexuality, ethics, interpersonal relationships and a sense of honor. Physically it is a reflection and controlling force  for the reproductive and urinary systems. Exercises for this chakra are pelvic thrusts and circular movements.

Location: Underneath the ribcage
Sense: Taste
Element: Water
Stones: Orange agate, Red jasper
Color: Orange
Sound: Re
Musical note: D

Solar Plexus aka Manipura

Manipura is a powerful factory of chakras. You channel and create your self-esteem and emotional control through this juncture.  Physically it monitors and regulates your metabolism, upper digestive track, and sympathetic nervous system. Methods for strengthening this chakra are twisting movements and hula hooping.

Location: Middle abdomen area
Sense: Sight
Element: Fire
Stones: Tiger’s eye. Citrine, yellow stones
Color: Yellow
Sound: Mi
Musical Note: E

Heart aka Anahata

Anahata regulates and reveals your confidence, empathy, familial love, forgiveness and relationships. If you’ve been having trouble loving yourself or expressing love to others this is the junction you want to mind. If you recongize the need for major healing, you’ll want to keep a close eye on Anahata. In the physical sense it governs circulation, the heart, immunity, and respiratory systems. To help balance this chakra try swimming, hugging and massage.

Location: Center of the chest
Sense: Touch
Element: Air
Stones: Jade, Rose quartz
Color: Green or pink
Sound: Fa
Musical note: F

Throat aka Vishudda

Vishudda is the focal point for honesty, communication, self expression, recognizing and expressing truth, and will power. This chakra is very commonly over used or ‘pushed too far’. While it gets out of alignment easily, it also corrects with simple steps.  In a physical sense, a healthy throat chakra will improve sore throats and Thyriod issues. People with addiction issues will want to take special care to keep Vishudda spinning correctly. Some ways to keep your throat chakra healthy is to scream, yell, laugh, and gargle salt water. You can also write a letter to yourself, or others. If you truthfully express yourself with compassion it will help re align Vishudda.

Location: Throat area of neck
Sense: Hearing
Element: Ether
Stones: Lapis lazuli, turquoise
Color: Sky blue
Sound: Sol
Musical note: G

Brow/Third Eye aka Ajna

Ajna is also referred to as the Third Eye, and is the gauge of mental health, intellectual processes, intuition, dreaming, and visualization.Spiritual and mental powers are believed to be housed here.The prominent physical aspects are the brain itself, the eyes, and central nervous system. Some ways to improve Ajna’s health are active or lucid dreaming and abstract visualization.

Location: Between the eyes
Sense: All the senses including psychic ability
Element: Light
Stones: Amethyst, Moonstone
Color: Purple
Sound: La
Musical Note: A

Crown aka Shasrara

The highest chakra, Shasrara is linked to and governs your spiritual awareness/health, along with connections to other people, the universe and a higher power. Before working on this chakra remember that energy flow from the bottom up. It is crucial to align your other chakras before working on this one. Physically it is tied in with the central nervous system and general well being. the balancing methods for this chakra include meditation, yoga,and productive thought.

Location: Top of head at the crown
Sense: All senses including consciousness
Element: Will
Stones: Moonstone, clear quartz, amethyst
Sound: Ti
Musical Note: B