The full moon is a time for the most potent access to manifesting your dreams. It is a time when your thoughts and emotions become magnetised to attract the exact reality that matches what you imagine. Think about how the ocean is affected by the full and new moon, the alignment of the sun and moon create a potency that change the pull of the tides on the planet. Humans can be up to eighty percent water, just think of how that affects our internal processes! Not only is this a full moon but a super moon meaning that it is closer in Earth orbit than usual causing a stronger magnetism and appearance in the sky.
This cycle the moon is in Aries, if you don’t know anything about this type of energy it is the spark of life, the electromagnetic energy that illuminates everything around us! In astrology, Aries is a fire sign, symbolic to when life enters the womb; when the seed merges with an egg to weaving into a living, breathing, heart beating being. The ram is the animal associated with this sign and the power is in the strength of the spiralized horns, the sacred structure that can withhold huge force upon contact, the energy of forward moving momentum that Aries creates.
We are in the Hunter’s Moon which follows the Harvest Moon, the changing of the seasons is a time when we have gathered all of the resources from the previous cycle,we must leave what we have acquired and feel comfortable with and release into the unknown. Picture this time as transitional, Spring and Fall are the times to shift gears; when the energy of openness, of newness is available to set a new intention. This time of year is like the womb in ovulation ready to be fertilized, there is the emptiness yet availability of creation.
Rather than when we move into Summer or Winter, seasons that are more about the process of growth of the ideas and intentions we have planted in the Spring or Fall. Summer is about the expansion or growth process which expends energy and Winter about the falling away or letting your energy become nourished. The harvest time from Summer is the time you are collecting what you have sowed in the Spring time and then as we reap the fields of all the growth to let all of the old revelations die away to open to the new. Although this energy is disappointing to some because it is not about tangible results, there is potency in this energetic sedation because there is access to the “parting of the veil” or the realm where all potential lies.
This time period is similar to the primordial sludge that the caterpillar must disintegrate into to become the butterfly the spirit of this time is about endless and undefinable possibility. Floating in the realms where all life returns to and comes from, that connecting wisdom, the endless mystery of the moment to come. I picture it as a time to reach into the deepest layer of your essence, the time to remember why you have come here, why your ancestors came, where they succeeded and fail as well as what you want for your future self.