Even the longest-lasting relationships can be broken down into their simple day-to-day components. By working on building healthy daily habits as a couple, you can unlock the secret to a long-term relationship.
Little things that you can do each day all add up over the course of the relationship and will either spread positivity and happiness, or negativity throughout your partnership. You can make the choice. You can form good habits, nourishing your relationship, and watch it flourish!
Habits, good and bad, take around 21 days to form, so by being vigilant in your daily practices and working together, you can form fantastic habits and have a long and healthy relationship. Take things one step at a time, introduce any of these that you don’t already do slowly and steadily, and start to reap the rewards!
1) Show One Another Respect
This is one of the most important daily habits you could form to create a long-lasting and healthy relationship. By outwardly expressing the respect you have for your partner, you show them that you truly value who they are.
Showing your partner you are willing to listen to them and that you understand them, is an expression of acceptance – you’re welcoming them into your life you are expressing your love and warmth for them. One of the fastest ways of doing this is simply saying “Thank you” to one another daily. Further, when you talk to each other, show that you are listening and understand what the other person has to say – these small gestures of respect can go a long way.
Most importantly, this respect expresses your love and warmth for them.
2) Go For A Walk
Getting out of the house together (but not for work) is ideal for fostering a healthy relationship. Not only does it get you both into the fresh air, giving you some light exercise, but it also promotes quality time together. You can talk together distraction-free, and break-up any feelings of staleness that can start to form when you spend evening after evening in the same room. See what your neighborhood has to offer and do it together! Continue reading