There are all kinds of law of attraction, how to make a wish come true as well as manifestation related courses and seminars.
Many of them offer powerful manifestation techniques and even wish spells that suppose to make sure that your desires will actually come true. Not many of them actually give detailed explanation of physics behind manifestation process or offer essential rules that people need to follow in order to manifest their wishes in reality.
Manifesting your wishes process is not very complicated, however there are certain essential rules that need to be followed. Here are 9 rules that will help you with making your wishes come true and ensure that you get the results you desire.
1. Be in the Now when Making a Wish or Conducting any Manifestation Technique.
When making a wish or conducting a manifestation technique (here is an example of a very powerful how to make a wish come true manifestation technique) you need to be present in the now.
You need to concentrate your energy on the present moment and direct it towards creating a hologram of your wish. You need to visualize, feel and be in the state where you have already manifested your wish. After your “wish hologram” is created in your mind in the now, all you have to do is direct your body towards actions that will give that hologram a physical form.
2. Keep your wishes to yourself. Don’t brag about your desires.
It is true when they say that silence is golden. When you speak to others about your wishes you waste the energy that was committed towards manifesting those wishes. Just talking does not do anything. Continue reading