Category Archives: News

David Wilcock Explains How to Activate Your Third Eye Using Magnetism

If you have ever delved into exploring the capabilities that your pineal gland holds, then you must know that you can harness the power of seeing beyond this dimension and even further than that with the aid of magnetism.

Written in an excerpt from the ebook “The Science of Oneness” by David Wilcock, explains the meaning behind unlocking the abilities of our third eye and a variety of other categories of this nature. The book states:

shutterstock_155349410“Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of monopolar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland. 

A mask was made which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland.

The purpose was to stimulate the gland and see if there was anything to this ‘third eye’ business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.

Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye.

As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week.

He sat quite still, watching this pastoral scene for several minutes. The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled.

shutterstock_27105130It was as if he clearly SAW Walter this time and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost that he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on, Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.”

To which Wilcock then adds:

“Interestingly, the works of Charles Fort mention that many “Spiritualist ” studies were done at the turn of the 20th Century by organizations such as the American Society for Psychical Research, which directly correlated higher frequencies of ghost sightings and paranormal activity with higher energetic emissions from the Sun.”

So from what we know from this simulation of the mask that he invented to open his third eye may have caused him to dive deep into an unknown world unintentionally and found that it is more than possible to see past this dimension and even further than that.

The bigger question is are we able to fade out of these dimensions on will or do we have to force ourselves to not see this other side of reality?


Research Shows How Anxious People Have Increased An Increased Sense of Empathy

The state of having anxiety is often looked at as a disorder in the medical field. However, what if people suffering from anxiety are simply more connected to the suffering that exists in themselves and the world?

Anxiety A study from a few years ago reached this very conclusion. People who reported suffering from anxiety had an increased ability to feel and interpret emotions of those around them:

“Results support the hypothesis that high socially anxious individuals may demonstrate a unique social-cognitive abilities profile with elevated cognitive empathy tendencies and high accuracy in affective mental state attributions.”

Further research on the subject has come up with some fascinating new information regarding the suffering of anxiety. Recent research has concluded that people who reported to suffer from anxiety scored higher on tests designed to measure verbal intelligence.

Another study from SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York demonstrated that sufferers from extreme anxiety tested higher on IQ tests than those who reported not having much anxiety. Therefore, there was a positive correlation between level of anxiety and level of intelligence. Continue reading

What Does Your Native American Zodiac Sign Say About You?

Native American culture encompasses any number of symbols from about every animal that one could dream of.

In this article, we’ve narrowed the focus to the ‘birth animals’ – the Native American zodiac. Like the modern horoscope, indigenous tribes also believed that a person born under a particular animal sign would derive certain characteristics from it.

Below are those animal symbols and their characteristics.

Otter: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

A little quirky, and unorthodox, the Otter is a hard one to figure sometimes. Perceived as unconventional, the Otter methods aren’t the first ones chosen to get the job done. This is a big mistake on the part of others – because although unconventional, the Otter’s methods are usually quite effective.

Yes, the Otter has unusual way of looking at things, but he/she is equipped with a brilliant imagination and intelligence, allowing him/her an edge over every one else. Often very perceptive and intuitive, the Otter makes a very good friend, and can be very attentive. In a nurturing environment the Otter is sensitive, sympathetic, courageous, and honest. Left to his/her own devices, the Otter can be unscrupulous, lewd, rebellious, and isolated.

Wolf: Feb. 19 – March 20

Deeply emotional, and wholly passionate, the Wolf is the lover of the zodiac in both the physical and philosophical sense of the word. The Wolf understands that all we need is love, and is fully capable of providing it. Juxtaposed with his/her fierce independence – this Native American animal symbol is a bit of a contradiction in terms. Continue reading

3 Potent Ways To Achieve An Astral Projection

Astral projection may not be what you think it is. Common use of the words often get misinterpreted when discussing the events of out-of-body travel. But, there is a major difference between an astral projection and an out-of-body experience.

astral proAn out-of-body experience is an event known as a split in consciousness. Meaning that the viewer has achieved dual reality in both their physical presence as well as in a non physical body of conscious reality.

Common out-of-body experiences include hovering over ones own body, (looking at yourself while looking at yourself) as well as being in the same location in this plane of existence, but existing in two different conscious forms.

An astral projection on the other hand is a projection of consciousness that elevates the traveller to the astral plane, that is not locally found in familiar or common places such as your bedroom, home or office.

When travelling the astral plane, you encounter dimensions of reality that are unfamiliar and unknown; these places, include planets in our own solar system, planets in other systems, as well as free travel alike travelling through space like a shooting star. The farther one travels, less and less beings the soul will encounter.

Other more common astral projections include unfamiliar planes of reality that resemble our current dimension and yet, are an alternate version of reality. Through mine own conscious travels, I have experienced both local travel where I could look back at the earth from above, as well as non local travel where it felt as if my soul broke the speed of light and arrived to a place unknown. Many of times have I travelled far and near, learning these planes of reality and still I find that my soul yearns deeper for knowledge, from each of these experiences.

Ones first out-of-body experience, followed by an astral travel will open the mind and illuminate the senses, leaving the seeker ever thirsting for knowledge and understanding. It is an experience that everyone must have at least once and when you do, you’ll be relaxationhooked too! Continue reading

5 Tips To Staying Calm and Stress Free Through The Busy Holidays

To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “You have done what you could—some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day 

During the holidays, many people struggle with feelings of hurt, shame, grief and loneliness along with good cheer. Stress can translate into physical ill health, emotional confusion, reduced productivity, all greatly interfering with you doing what you need to, in order to get though the holiday season.

So here are some tips to feel calm and more balanced during the holiday season.

1. Less is more.
Meditation_2070026bYou can’t do it all and shouldn’t have to. Set boundaries to stop people and too many arrangements from draining your energy. Remember, only you can look after your emotional and physical self.

Practice saying “No.” Spend less money, go out less, eat less chocolate or cheesecake, drink less and limit endless arrangements. Continue reading

Harvard Scientists Explains How A Past Version Of Earth Exists Inside Of Present Earth

Scientists working for Harvard University have found evidence of an ‘early world’ concealed under the crust of the planet we know now.


New findings from the Earth’s mantle might have revealed that our planet collided with other planetoids, which ultimately resulted in the creation of our moon. The remnants of these findings may be from a former version of our planet that existed 4.5 billion years ago.

There are at least four major theories regarding the formation of our moon.

The most accepted theorizes that the heat produced by a crash with another planetoid caused debris to fly off and become captured by our planet’s gravitational pull, eventually coalescing and forming the moon.

The Harvard team, directed by Associate Professor Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, believes that they have found evidence to support a theory that only a portion of the Earth melted during these events, and that an ancient ‘pre-crash’ region exists within the Earth’s mantle. Continue reading