Category Archives: News

Self-Mastery: How to Become Your Own True Love

A relationship is never the answer to your loneliness. Any feelings of emptiness, unhappiness, depression or self-hate can exist within you before you meet your partner. Most people tend to create new relationships based not on what they want, but in response to what they perceive to lack. They look outside of themselves, saying, “when I find someone, I will be happy, satisfied, and fulfilled’.

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 12.07.53 AMWhen they do find someone to have a relationship with, it is exciting and fulfilling for a few months, maybe a few years.

When the original feelings come up again, they can start blaming the other person for their loneliness, depression, self-hate and their unhappy life. The other person, in turn, may dim their own light, by demanding your energy, time, and your personality.

It is their fear, their pain and their depression that starts chasing you, sucking your energy and imprisoning your beautiful free soul. You may do the same to them because of your own emptiness.

NOTHING outside of yourself, not a relationship or another person, will ever bring you true happiness, fulfillment or peace of heart if you aren’t already happy with yourself.

You are your own hero, your own lover, your own answer to all of your prayers, and your own TRUE LOVE.

Today is the day to become your own True Love! Start to love every aspect of yourself, including all of your Darkness and your Light. Start to appreciate and love your own personality; become your own best friend.

shutterstock_226234879Find out what nourishes your soul, and find the sacredness in each moment: Take a walk in the forest. Watch funny movies in your bed. Create art, or write from deep inside of your soul.

Start to embrace all that you are in your divinity. Stop waiting for something or someone outside of you.

YOU are what you’ve been looking and waiting for the whole time. Stop searching, stop demanding. Each of us is a free, sovereign spirit, meant only to share and celebrate our true essences together. Continue reading

Why 2016 Is Suppose To Be A Special Year For Libras

Libra’s are generally the ones with overachieving in cleanliness, manners, social cues, and refinement of all things. Libra’s usually lead pretty elegant and delicate lives, however, these past years have not been so kind to the Libra kin. Even going back as far as July 2009, Libra’s have been suffering from being deprived of refinement.

This coming year of 2016 will not be the same as these past few.

2016 for Libra’s is going to reverse a lot of their adversities and obstacles that you have been faced with. As soon as our great planet of good fortune, Jupiter, enters into Libra on the date of September 9th for it to reside for thirteen months all the way into October 10th of 2017.

Each new year, we enter not as a newborn child, but as an individual with previous experience, dreams, relationships, and a variety of other feats under your belt. As Saturn entered Libra, you were thrown into despair and were taught a variety of hard lessons all at once. Continue reading

4 Steps To Transcend Your Personal Growth

Like any area of expertise, spirituality has its own set of unique jargon terms that people love to bandy around. Among the more vague terms are ideas like surrender, acceptance and transcendence.

The dictionary defines transcend as the ability to ‘rise above’, ‘triumph over’ and ‘outstrip or outdo’, and this is, in a nutshell, what we are aiming to do here: rise above the pain and drama, skip the hard lessons and dive right into resonating with the new level of being.

Why does transcending work?

The purpose of any spiritual or energy healing process is to raise your awareness and consciousness so that what you’re thinking and doing is aligned to the vibratory output of your higher self.



The way that we raise your consciousness is to help you move past the errors in perception you’ve had and correct you to a right way of thinking once again. During this process we remove and clear a lot of pain so that you can obtain the understanding that you need to think and operate from a new, more aware level.

For most people, this journey does go the long way around through all the pain and drama, because they:

  1. Don’t believe that immediate and miraculous healing is possible
  2. Have too many layers of information and clearing that they think they need to go through
  3. Limit themselves by believing that they have to have every bit of knowledge and understanding along the way
  4. Try to control the situation and outcome

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Evidence Suggests Electric Vehicles Have Been Suppressed For Over 100 years

idealElectric cars have been around since 1884 when the first practical electric automobile was unveiled by Thomas Parker the man who also electrified the London underground and overheard Tramways.  By 1900 38% of America’s automobiles were powered by electricity compared to 22% running on oil fuel.

In 1911 the New York Times celebrated the Electric car as ”Ideal” because it was cleaner, quieter and more economical than internal combustion engines. This was decades before concerns about global warming and carbon emissions became mainstream.

The department of energy estimates that the national power grid could power 180 million electric cars. Yet, despite electric cars being around for as long as the automobile has existed and despite our society being dependent on electricity for much longer , electric vehicles have not become the standard mode of transport and are only now emerging as a popular alternative to oil powered vehicles. Continue reading

Fascinating Photographs of Indigenous American Life From 100 Years Ago

Sioux Chiefs, 1905

Edward Sheriff Curtis was born on a Wisconsin farm in 1868, and ended up a commercial photographer in Seattle. He is famous for photographing Princess Angeline, the daughter of the Duwamish chief Seattle, for whom the city was named.

That experience kindled a fascination with Native American culture within him that would remain for the rest of his life. He photographed tribal people during expeditions to Alaska and Montana, and was also approached by J.P. Morgan about funding a documentary project of American indigenous people. The result was a 20-volume series called The North American Indian.

Backed by Morgan, Curtis spent over 20 years traveling North America, capturing more than 40,000 pictures of over 80 different tribes. In addition, he made thousands of recordings of native songs and language, and wrote down their histories, legends, and biographies of their great people.

In an effort to capture what he saw as a swiftly disappearing tribal culture, Curtis at times posed his subjects in settings that more resembled their pre-Western settlement existences rather than their actual present lives. All stereotypes aside, Curtis’ exhaustive body of work is an impressive historical record of Native life at the beginning of the 20th century.

Navajo traveling through Canyon de Chelly, AZ, 1904

Apsaroke mother and child, 1908

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5 Interesting Scientific Discoveries That Mock The Logic Of Physics

In the world of science we have an expectation of being able to explain the unexplained questions that regular common sense cannot. However, there are some certain circumstances in science that are entirely un-explainable even by the laws of physics. These five discoveries of science are those certain circumstances in which they mock the logic of physics.

1. A Particle That Reacts To Being Observed


This idea is essentially that a particle does not act until one is observing the actual particle itself. The particle remains in a neutral phase that only until it is being watched by a certain observer, then it decides on whether or not that it is going to become an action or stay neutral until further notice.

An example of this was found with scientists within Texas that found Uranium to be unstable and decays over time.

They had left the uranium alone to do it’s business and then when coming back they had found that the particles within the uranium had decided to not decay at all. Once they were being observed, the particles within the uranium had suddenly realized they were being watched by the scientists and decided not to go about natures course.

2. What Happens To Black Holes And The Things They Eat?

When it comes to creating and destroying matter, neither of these really exist in the eyes of science. You may have a form of matter to start with creation and upon destroying that creation, you have merely altered the matter in which it was first created. Continue reading