Category Archives: News

This Scientist Says Addiction Is Not A “Disease” – Here’s Why:

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) argues that addiction is “a brain disease because drugs change the brain…These brain changes can be long lasting and can lead to many harmful, often self-destructive, behaviors.” However, this is just one point of view in an ongoing argument between scientists who seem confused about what addiction actually is.

Dr. Marc Lewis, in his recent book The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction is Not a Disease weighs in on this argument from a unique perspective. Lewis is a former opiate addict turned neuroscientist and acclaimed author, a perspective he has already outline in his Memoirs of an Addicted

Lewis sees addiction differently than the NIDA stance, saying that to call addiction a disease is not a remarkable observation, as the argument is hinged on the fact that the brain changes in an addict.

He writes: “neuroscientists who study addiction seem to have missed the point. They put people through a number of brain scans, and when they notice changes after someone has taken a lot of cocaine or drunk a lot of booze they say, ‘Look! The brain has changed!’”

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This “Telepathic” Child Was Tested By Scientists And The Results Will Amaze You

Ramses-SanguinoFIVE-year-old prodigy Ramses Sanguino is amazing those around him by displaying signs of  telepathic power

Young Ramses seems to have a super intellect and rose to fame when a video of him guessing numbers written on cards by his mother went viral.  Already learning 7 or 8 languages at the age of five, his mother has bared to witness to his amazing abilities and claims to have always known that there is something extremely special about him.

“I knew even before he was born he was going to be someone special who would change the world,” said his mother.

He seems to be able to digest information like a sponge and his mother never quite understood why. But one rather ‘out there’ explanation given has been that he is telepathic and that it’s these powers that have given him this super intelligence. It’s possible that his senses may so be sensitive that he has the ability to read someone’s body movements and facial expressions with so much accuracy that he can tell what they are actually thinking.

Scientists have been so intrigued by Ramses that they have begun to study his abilities.

One well-knownscientist neuroscientist Dr. Diane Powell has taken a special interest in him and has even created a documentary of his behavior.  In one test is is said he  guessed 16 of 17 numbers correctly that were hidden out of sight, including a double digit.

Check out the  video below:

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Dr. Powell is looking to gain sponsorship so that she can start a school for young, gifted autistic children to harness their abilities. I truly hope she pursues this avenue with passion as I believe these children could be vital to the future of humanity. Indeed they may even be what people refer to as ‘Indigo Children

Lately there has been much talk of a ‘shift in energy in the planet’. You can see signs of this everywhere you look.  And I believe this is one of those signs.

Kasim Khan, Team Spirit

To see more from Ramses, click the following links:



The Science of Cuddling: How Cuddling Benefits Our Health

Every human being has experienced the strong desire to cuddle with someone at least once in their life. That need can be caused either by affection, feeling comfortable with somebody or by loneliness. It’s a fact that cuddling strengthens our relationships and it is something we can strongly miss when we are single. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe there is a scientific explanation for that? Well, there sure is.

The hormones in our bodies know what they are doing.

Cuddling stimulates the production of oxytocin. This hormone plays an important role in the neuroanatomy of intimacy. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the “bonding hormone.”  It gives us the feeling of empathy, trust, sexual desire and a whole bunch of other emotions that a healthy relationship triggers.

Read on to find out more on the benefits of cuddling and why it is simply amazing for your well-being:

1. It reinforces emotional bond and affectionshutterstock_202262689

Cuddling creates a comfortable environment for communication – something important that we tend to neglect. Communication is the foundation for building trust and trust is the key to a healthy relationship. ‘

Cuddling is simply a way to escape from the daily hustle and bustle, while hiding in the arms of our beloved one. It gives us the chance to focus on all of the positive sensations we can experience together. Continue reading

5 Steps to Cutting Off an Emotionally Toxic Relationship

If you are having doubts about the emotional stability and health of your relationship, then you have probably landed here for a reason. One of the ways that an emotional vampire gets under your skin is by tricking you into believing that everything is your fault, and that if you would just change, then the relationship would be perfect.

They will not take responsibility for their role as the emotional vampire, drainer or abuser. They may also convince you that you are crazy or wrong for thinking these things, and you might truly begin to wonder if you are.


1. Begin Preparations to Leave –shutterstock_259619195

You know what you need to do, so now is the time to begin taking the steps. Your partner has taken away your power, and now is the time to take it back.

Begin to make plans from this place of power, not from a place of fear. If you live together, start to gather information on where you can stay.

Can you stay with your family, friends or someone you trust?


2. Put a Stop to Insults –

shutterstock_194608520One of the first things to do is to let your partner know that you are open to healthy suggestions about the relationship, but that you will no longer tolerate, blaming or name calling. Continue reading

Want To Strengthen Your Relationship? Ask Your Partner These 15 Questions

One of the keys to a successful to a long-term relationship is to stay fascinated in the mystique of the other. This means remaining curious about their inner dialogue and hidden feelings, fears, and thoughts

A wonderful way of tending to this part of your connection is to talk about these things. Too often we are wrapped up in the administration of the day-to-day in a relationship that we forget what made the bond strong enough to cohabit in the first place.

According to relationship experts, these are some thought-provoking questions that can rekindle the flames of these types of discussions:

How was your day today?hug-love

Such simplicity can often be forgotten in the chaos of life.

“This allows people to share specifics and stay connected on a day-to-day basis,” said Mudita Rastogi, Ph.D, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Arlington Heights, Ill. Continue reading

Judge Calls For The FBI To Arrest Congress and The President


On November 28th, 2015, Alaska State Judge Anna von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger) addressed an open letter to all federal agents, including the FBI and US Marshals to arrest Congress, the President and the Secretary of the Treasury.

She goes into incredible detail on the fraud that has been committed in this country. Anyone who reads this is sure to learn at least something. Below is the first two paragraphs of the letter (with the link for the rest of it below). This has been encouraged to be shared widely.

Anna Maria Riezinger (Anna Von Reitz)

November 28, 2015 Big Lake, Alaska

Dear Federal Agents:

I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence. Continue reading