Category Archives: News

The Science of Stress: How It Affects Our Romantic Relationships

Romance! Romance is an unlimited passion for your partner. This passion is inevitably vital for nurturing happiness and joy in our relationship. Romance forms a fundamental base of our sexual life. Sex without romance is like body without a soul. Romance arises out of love for your partner.

shutterstock_251591488Romance keeps our life beautiful and evergreen. It brings the most valuable moments in to your life. Being in romance make one addicted in the melody of the beauty of life.

The Romance is one of the most pleasurable and joyful feelings a person can experience in his life.  The healthier ones romantic life, the better he or she will be satisfied in their relationship.

This will sprout out the bliss in to their life keeping their family joyful and fulfilling. But there are instances when the romance in our life gets fade. This causes all the happiness and pleasurable moments to dwindle away. One of the most common causes for this is “the stress” that we encounter in our daily life. Continue reading

How Our Emotions Influence Our Immune System

Autoimmune disorders are a group of disorders in which our immune cells destroys our own cells. Thyroid disorders, Diabetes, Systemic lupus erythematosis etc. are few of the examples of autoimmune disorders. Still today the etiology of autoimmune disorders is unknown. This makes the modern medicine to write its cause as idiopathic. Most of the pathology of diseases in our body is mediated by immune cells. But what do you know about how our emotions control our immune cells that decides the nature of autoimmune disorders.emotional healing4

Dr. Candace pert in her research discovered that cells in our body communicate with each other in the form of neuropeptides. This neuropeptides act as vehicle that carries information from one cell to the other.

These neuropeptides brings an action in a cell by binding to the receptors present over the cells. By doing so these neuropeptides conveys information to the cell’s DNA and brings an amazing reaction in cells. The process of binding of neuropeptides over cell receptors is known as “sex on a molecular level”.

But the turning point of the research was when Dr. Candace pert discovered that 85 -95% of neuropeptides are found in the limbic system including amygdala, hippocampus and the limbic cortex. These are known as the storehouse of emotions in the brain. In 1920, researchers have been successful in stimulating the limbic cortex over amygdala. Pert found high concentrations of neuropeptides in these locations (limbic system) where the information from our 5 senses is relayed. This brought a new light of discovery that limbic system had an amazing connection with the neuropeptides that carries information. The limbic system in other words conveyed the information of emotions to these neuropeptides.  Continue reading

7 Incredible Epiphanies That Will Turn Your World Upside Down

We’ll often come across insights that seem small and simple at first, but are packed with life-changing meaning upon closer examination. Here are some examples that have affected us profoundly in our journey through this reality.

There are two motivations: to fulfill desires and to escape suffering.

People are not inherently bad. Sometimes, they just seem bad because they are doing whatever it takes to fulfill these two motivating factors of life.

For most of us, we are simply using the basis of experience and upbringing to either achieve our desires or make sure we’re not uncomfortable.

Destructive behavior is mostly unconscious: while it is happening, one is scarcely aware that what one is doing harm.

This knowledge puts a real twist on the concept of morality.

We Shouldn’t Be Proud Of Our Beliefs.

BrainHarvardMeditation-657x360This is because the simple fact that one believes in something does not mean that one has accomplished anything.

Our beliefs are nothing but a rigid, unchanging perspective on something. Not only should one not be proud of these mindsets, one should seek to escape them. Continue reading

The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place


Gold, gold, gold. The world is soon to return to an asset-backed financial system…and one that is no longer controlled by dark forces. Neil Keenan (pictured above) is helping to once and for all open the Global Collateral Accounts for humanity’s benefit.

If you have not heard of Neil Keenan or the Global Collateral Accounts, you soon will. The Global Collateral Accounts is the most prized financial secret of the banking cabal on this planet.

These accounts were originally intended for true humanitarian projects to revolutionize and transform our world for the better, but have been fraudulently abused by this banking cabal.

JFK signed the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement along with President Soekarno of Indonesia to use these accounts as a way to expose and legally end The Federal Reserve as well as the CIA by issuing gold-backed Treasury Notes, among other legal actions.

These accounts hold much more gold than has ever officially been reported. You can read more about these accounts in the article The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts. 


Neil Keenan is about to do what JFK and President Soekarno were nearly completed with: Opening the global collateral accounts. These accounts have major ties to 9/11 and are the reason for JFK’s death. 8 days after signing the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (which was to open the global collateral accounts), JFK was murdered.

Neil Keenan is not just working alone on this either, as he has openly stated in previous updates there are many countries involved in this process as well as certain positive elements inside the Pentagon and the U.S. Military that are to finally set this planet free…and soon.

On December 3rd, Neil Keenan issued an update on his process of opening these accounts for their intended purpose:

‘Today we received the following information from an anonymous individual going by the name “Asian Insider”:’

“After spending the past week discussing matters with Neil about the earth-shaking meeting that we attended, I have decided, with Neil’s permission, to construct an update regarding what can be classified as an imminent major change in the financial system.

For security purposes, we agreed that I would withhold my name in order to protect me and my family. You can post this if you like, or keep it to yourselves and wait until Neil completes the deal and returns to Jakarta. But I thought it would be kind to keep everyone abreast of the sweeping financial changes that are now shifting into place.

I hope you enjoy the news:

Late in the evening on November 25th, a meeting took place in an Asian country (not Indonesia) with: the Elders, who represent the largest depository of the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) assets (worth Quadrillions); the Spiritual Advisor to the Elders; Jo, who served as the translator; and Neil Keenan. Security was very tight – what seemed like an “army” of guards safeguarded the home where the meeting was being held. Continue reading

Shadow Work 101: How to Integrate Your Shadow Aspects

It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses- and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this; to him, as an individual, it is incredible that he should ever in any circumstances go beyond himself. But let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster. ~ Carl Jung.

shadow side1Have you ever felt like something just “came over you”? an alter ego that just seemed to take over, leaving you thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that? Or you might be thinking to yourself, “that wasn’t me” or “how could I have done this!.

Well, welcome to your dark side. Let’s dive in.

First off, don’t feel guilty. It happens to just about everybody. The key is understanding why it happened and how we can learn to integrate this alter-ego or shadow self, before it reeks havoc in your life the next time. Continue reading

5 Energy Techniques That Help You Bond With Your Twin flame

The following energy exercises will help you ground more effectively, as well as bond you closer to your twin flame.

As you and your twin flame bond more closely on the spiritual and energetic levels, it will be easier for you to reconcile the issues that hold you apart. In addition, your already powerful love will grow exponentially; until it reaches that intensity that you long for to fulfill you.

Each of the exercises and tools listed below can be done as a standalone or together. The exercises can be performed in person with your twin flame or as a meditation if you are estranged or have not yet met your twin flame.

Performing this exercise and calling your future twin flame to help balance and ground you can also help draw them closer to you physically, so that you reduce the time in which you actually meet.

Twin Flame Energy Exercises

The Infinity Loop of Prayer

When you are ready to begin whichever energy tool you’re working with, move into position, either physically or in your visualization.

Stand in front of your twin flame and grab their opposite hands, so you’re holding right to left, left to right, with your arms crossed at the center. Your arms should form an infinity loop made of both your bodies. Continue reading