Category Archives: News

5 Spiritual Books That Will Change Your Perspective of Reality

Sometimes curiosity gets the better of us. More often than not, though, our curiosity leads us to fascinating places we’ve never been that will change us for the better.

Thankfully, there are plenty of books out there that will satisfy our natural inquisitiveness. At times, we come across works that change our lives in profound ways. For example, we are brought up to see one reality (this world), one way of thinking to discover things (science), and one spirituality (our cultural religions). At some point, we are bound to come across alternative interpretations like multiverse theory, the philosophy of science, and different spirituality.

Below we’ve chosen five groundbreaking books for you that can help you on your journey toward a different knowledge than perhaps the one with which you were brought up. We hope they inspire you too!

The Secret of the Soul, by William Buhlman

5187Dw++WSL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The jury is out as to what the nature of reality actually is. It is an ancient question that has been asked by philosophers for all of written history. Perhaps you have been on this journey to look deeper than what you can see superficially and come across groundbreaking concepts such as the law of attraction, psychic abilities or out of body experiences.

If you have, then you certainly are aware of how our society at large feels about such things. It can be difficult to reach our own potential when it seems like everywhere there are skeptics. Continue reading

5 Strong Signs Your Inner Child Needs Healing

Do you run your emotions or do your emotions run you?

It’s a simple question that is loaded with thought-provoking, inner exploration. One that really makes us sit back and think about what really is steering course in the direction our lives are headed. Are you on track towards a collision or are you on sailing on smooth waters? are the questions you need to ask yourself.

emotional healing3Emotions play a major role in shaping the paths in life we take. Therefore it is crucial to be in a place of mind where we can be confident that we are letting our clear intuitive processes have the controls, rather than allowing our emotions to run the show.

Don’t get me wrong emotions are a good thing, they give us the ups and downs on the road of life. To experience joy, grief, sadness and exhilaration are what being human is all about! Yet, it’s all about sitting back and knowing that an emotion is just that: an emotion and by recognizing it, you can control how you feel and take back the seat of power in your life.

1.You’re stuck on repeat

Recreating certain scenarios in your life is a sure-fire sign that you have former emotional traumas that require healing.

You may find that you keep choosing the same partner, the same job or the same living arrangements all of which do not serve your higher good. You may find that you are prone to addictive substances and crowds emotional healing4of people you also are prone to this behaviour. Know that you are not weak, you just need healing. Continue reading

Rare Astrology: All Planets Are Moving Direct From December 25th to January 5th


Beginning December 25th, 2015 with Uranus stationing direct, all major planets in our solar system will be moving direct/forward.

Stephanie Tetra Forest, who is the first known astrologer first to publish articles, teach online courses and present slide show lectures on both the occurrence and potential of APDM.

Stephanie states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction.  From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe. ” 

Stephanie goes on to write, ” An APDM cycle is definitely one of hope for the future. It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun. Continue reading

The Magic Of Kissing: 10 Scientific Benefits of Locking Lips

The kiss is a measure of a person’s feelings, his or her love or attraction to the other. A truly meaningful kiss can act as a booster. It can instill a sense of confidence, a sense of self-esteem in another. The strength of a kiss lies in the power it has to cause the release of serotonin and oxytocin peptides in our body.

The following are the wonderful and amazing physical benefits of Kissing.

  • kissRelieves Physical Pain: Kissing cause to raise the threshold for activation of pain receptors in our body, by doing so we feel less or no physical pain at all while we are in a kiss. Kissing cause release of endorphins (pain relieving hormones) from our brain causing pain relief by inhibiting the pain pathway. Kissing benefits a lot for person who suffers from chronic pain due to autoimmune disorders (Rheumatoid arthritis etc.) and malignant cancers. Regular kissing can make you stay away from morphine injections!
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Kissing lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels in our body. Thus kissing can cause a decrease in blood pressure even in people with hypertension by giving a big physical relief and by decreasing their stress. Thus regular kissing can make you stay away from antihypertensive drugs! Continue reading

The Ancient Secret of Gold’s Metaphysical Properties

Gold has been worshiped for centuries and until recently we never knew why. Today, research is confirming the advanced understanding of monatomic elements in gold, that cultures such as the Egyptians had thousands of years ago.

gold1Ancient texts have shown that the Pharoahs were fed “sho-bread” containing monatomic gold if they were considered worthy of the spiritual enlightenment. It was thought to be too important to be given to “ordinary” humans, as it was reputed to deliver heightened awareness and increased life span.

Ancient priestly scientists were well-aware of the enhancements, monatomic elements made to the human body and DNA as well as endowing the “chosen one” to transcend the spirit into a higher state of evolution.

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Extraterrestrial Implants Investigated By Several High End Laboratories

John Mack, a Harvard professor, psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize recipient once stated that:

“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” (source)


He is not the only psychiatrist to do so, there are many. Another great example is retired McGill university professor (of 40 years), Dr. Don Donderi, who said that:

“Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have et crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans.”  (source)

If we are talking about the academic world, there is no shortage of statements. In fact, there could be hundreds, here are two of many examples:

“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)


“There is another way whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” (source– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics, University of Nebraska. Continue reading