Dreams are a very interesting state of mind once we close our eyes and become lost to the world of sleep. However, did you know that there are six forces of nature that can drastically effect the way that you dream?
1. Your Sense Of Smell And Sounds
When there is a certain kind of smell or sound that’s happening to us while we are sleeping, our brains like to interpret those senses into the dreams you’re having.
For example, a study that was conducted on people who were sleeping played music for one group and none for the others.
The ones who had heard music claimed to have hearing it in their dreams compared to the ones who didn’t. The same thing can be said for smell.
2. Cheese For Your Dreams
That’s right, even cheese can effect your dreams!
A certain kind of amino acid called tryptophan can actually normalize your sleep and even helps reduce stress levels.
In a study conducted in 2005 by the British Cheese Board, they had discovered that people who would eat cheddar before bed had dreams of celebrities and those who ate blue cheese had experienced a variety of bizarre dreams. Continue reading