Category Archives: News

Swallowed Alive: This Incredible Man Survived Inside A Whale’s Stomach For Three Days

In a tale of biblical proportions, it appears as though we have the second coming. Not of Christ, but of Jonah.

Earlier in 2016, 56-year-old Spanish fisherman Luigi Marquez went through a nightmarish experience as he was swallowed whole by a whale, presumed dead by all who knew him, but then returned after three days and nights to tell the tale.

Marquez’s Whale Ordeal


After a routine fishing trip went sour, hitting stormy weather, Marquez was thrown overboard and into the turbulent sea. Once the weather had calmed, coastal guards tried to locate him for a number of days, searching huge areas of the ocean.

However, in the end, he was believed to be dead, and his devastated wife was informed. He disappeared for several days before returning to share his tale of survival.

Unbelievably, after three days Marquez returned home, with a whopper of a story, which he shared with family, friends, and local news reporters.

A Tale of Survival

“It is the most frightening thing I have ever lived” Marquez told reporters who caught wind of his story quickly after his return home to his very surprised wife. When asked to describe what it was like in the belly of the whale he went on to explain,  Continue reading

Your Astrological Sign Has Shifted: NASA Updated The Zodiac Signs For The First Time In 2,000 Years

The stars are a database of information, from overcoming struggles, to forming healthy relationships, to improving your character, and so much more. This knowledge has been used since ancient times in various cultures, and now it has been passed to you.

NASA Updates Star Signs for the First Time In 2,000 Years


The stars have shifted due to the wobbling effect of the Earth caused by the sun and the moon over the last two to three thousand years.

The sky is different than what the ancient astrologers viewed. Now, the constellations are off by about a month.

Therefore 86% of people are living under the wrong horoscope. (1)

Presenting the All-New Horoscopes

  • Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
  • Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
  • Pisces: March 11-April 18.
  • Aries: April 18-May 13.
  • Taurus: May 13-June 21. Continue reading

New Research Suggests E-Cigarettes Are Just As Bad As Smoking Regular Tobacco

Ever been approached by someone while lighting up a cigarette, only to be told that you should really consider switching over to an E-Cigarette? According to some very convincing research, the electronic cigarette could be just as bad for you as smoking regular tobacco.

Scientists have found that the nicotine vapor we inhale does some pretty damaging things like raising the risk of heart disease and damaging key blood vessels. While monitoring 24 healthy, averaging 30 years of age participants’ hearts through smoking conventional cigarettes for 5 minutes and using and e-cigarette for half an hour, they claim that the most accurate results were achieved. The findings may shock you.


The two similar activities both led to stiffness in the aorta, which is a major cause of many well known heart problems and simultaneously, blood pressure was also quite drastically raised. Scientists stressed that this only essentially reveals short term damage, but it gives a pretty clear reading as to what’s happening. They also suggested that they will need to do further research into the long term effects. Continue reading

The DEA Just Labeled Yet Another Powerful Healing Plant As A Schedule 1 Narcotic

The U.S. DEA has just banned one of the most powerful plant medicines on the market. It’s leaving thousands of people in an absolute panic about what they’re going to do next. This is an extremely important subject so please read on and share this information as far and as wide as you can. 

According to the DEA,  Schedule 1 Narcotics are dangerous drugs with no medicinal value with a high potential for abuse. Most won’t disagree that heroin and GHB belong on the list, but you’ll also find psilocybin mushrooms, peyote and of course, Cannabis, all of which have been used as a powerful medicine for thousands of years. Most of you should know by now that Cannabis has hundreds of medical uses. It’s a well proven cancer treatment, it stops seizures, it helps parkinson’s, alzheimer’s, diabetes and so many other things. So, WHY do they claim it has no medicinal value?

Well, they know it does since the US Government actually holds patents on the fact that it works as a medicine.  They also know that a few of the other drugs on the Schedule 1 Narcotics list are also powerful medicines. Now they’ve just added yet another.

Meet  Mitragyna speciosa, also known as Kratom.

Kratom is a large tree native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves have been used for various medicinal purposes for many centuries. It plays an important role in traditional medicines of Chinese, Thai and Malaysian nations. Continue reading

How To Do A Spiritual Detox With Your Partner & Improve Your Relationship

After a long enough time together, your relationship with your significant other might feel stagnated or having lost some of the ‘spark’ you once had.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you love each other any less, but it could be a sign that you need a fresh boost of energy individually and as a couple. A spiritual and dietary detox might be just what you need to help your relationship recapture the magic of the past.

Spiritual Cleanse


A spiritual detox is a great way to clean and refresh your mind, body and soul as each is affected by the other.

It is rooted in the idea that everything is energy; humans, animals, plants, thoughts, emotions, etc. and that you carry this energy with you at all times.

It’s recommended to do this cleanse at least once per season so you both are continually refreshing yourselves and each other.

The entire purpose of this cleanse is to replace negative energy with positive so always keep an open mind and stay upbeat with your partner!

1. Visualize your aura

  1. Sit in a distraction-free area of your house. You can do this together, but it’s important to not let each other become a distraction during the exercise.
  2. Relax for 15 minutes by controlling your breathing and de-stressing
  3. Visualize a white light in your mind and have it surround you. Allow it to flow through you as you visualize it moving up and down your back and spine. Continue reading

Yoga Can Literally Change The Structure of Your Brain – Here’s How:

By practicing yoga on a regular basis, you will discover that it has a lot of benefits you might not have known about. On a physical level you can improve your posture, balance, strengthen your muscles and it makes you more lean and flexible. Not only that, it can even help you get rid of several chronic pains and lowers your blood sugar and pressure. On a mental level, you experience more happiness, it enhances the feeling of relaxation and raises your self-esteem.

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Earlier this year, a new study got published in the ‘Journal of Alzheimer’s disease’. This study, led by Dr. Helen Lavretsky, showed that besides the benefits on a physical and mental level, yoga also improves the brain function. It literally changes your brain for the better.

For this study, middle-aged and elderly test subjects, with a mild cognitive decline, were asked to perform a range of cognitive tests. Afterwards, they got divided into two groups. The first group was assigned to do brain training for one hour once a week.

Combined with 15 minutes of practice at home on a daily base. The second group got assigned to do Kundalini yoga for one hour once a week and they were asked to meditate for 15 minutes every day.

After 12 weeks only all the test subjects came together again to redo the cognitive tasks. They all showed improvement. But the people from the yoga group scored significantly higher than the brain training group. Not only that, the participants from the yoga group also reported to feel better mentally and physically. Continue reading