Category Archives: News

What’s The Difference Between Information, Knowledge and Wisdom?

We are well passed the information age with the collective consciousness readily available at our finger tips, ready to be tapped, clicked and downloaded. I would say knowledge is the phase in which we are all experiencing our most profound creative expressions and endeavours. While wisdom is something only time can tell for all the amazing changes, innovations and discoveries we are unearthing and attempting to implement right now.

The differences and relationship between information, knowledge and wisdom are of great personal interest to me because of the work I do. What does a healer, teacher, and mentor share to others? What do I have that you do not, which leads one to ask for guidance? In an never-ending quest of great humility these questions loom in the back of my consciousness consistently so that I can ensure I am providing a service that one may truly want and need.

And so I would like to share my summarized perspectives of what I think are the differences between information, knowledge and wisdom – and what the truths and realities of providing guidance is like.


Information – “Google It.”

As stated, we are well acquainted with the information age. When anyone is asked a question and has no idea what the answer may be it is our mantra to say, “Google it.” This is because majority of the information we are looking for (facts, definitions, locations, prices, contacts, etc.) are available on the internet. Something very accessible for many, many people in the world – Google-itwho are all contributors to this library.

This has really shaped the way we view our own stock of information as we are less likely to give an answer if we are not sure it is verifiable by Google or the internet. And those that ask the questions are more likely to seek the answers themselves than turn to others individually. Information has become more free (of course there is hidden information as well but that’s a different discussion). Continue reading

US Government Finally Admits Americans Have Been Overdosed On Fluoride

Original Article Source: Collective Evolution

The US government has finally admitted they’ve overdosed Americans on fluoride and, for the first time since 1962, is lowering their recommended level of fluoride in drinking water.

The CDC reports that around 40% percent of Americans have dental fluorosis, a condition referring to changes in the appearance of tooth enamel — from chalky-looking lines and splotches to dark staining and pitting — caused by long-term ingestion of fluoride during the time teeth are forming.

fluoride-bottled-waterThe optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay should be 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water (mg/L), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Monday, down from a accepted previous fluoride level of 0.7 to 1.2  of water mg/L.

The HHS has stated that the newly recommended change is because “Americans now have access to more sources of fluoride, including toothpaste and mouth rinses, than they did when municipal officials first began adding the mineral to water supplies across the United States.”

Federal health officials say the new recommended level will maintain the protective benefits of water fluoridation and reduce the occurrence of dental fluorosis. Continue reading

6 Simple Yet Effect Steps To Remembering Your Dreams

 It is widely known that, if you can not remember your dreams then it is harder to have lucid dreams. The next step focuses on increasing the memory of remembered dreams.

Maybe you are one of those lucky ones who remembers most of your dreams, but if not, don’t be discouraged. There are many tried and tested methods for developing memories of dreams. There are also many helpful tips for improving memories of dreams, so with a few weeks of practice you’ll be remembering more and more dreams.

To begin with, the real question is whether you really want to remember your dreams? Do you subconsciously block your memory because you’re afraid of what you could see? These are legitimate questions that need to be asked in the first place. Be honest, because you have to commit yourself to increasing the memory and because it is important for what you want to achieve.
sleep-naked-min1. Awakening without moving: After waking up, do not open your eyes. Do not move. Lie perfectly still. Continue reading

Proof of Life After Death: The Results From The Largest Near-Death-Experience Study

Many of us have the feeling that there is something to near-death experiences and that perhaps consciousness could survive after brain-death. The problem is that no large-scale scientific studies have been conducted on the matter – until now.

The AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) study, launched in 2008, looked in depth at over 2000 patients from 15 hospitals in the United Kingdom, United States and Austria who experienced cardiac arrest and were subsequently resuscitated. What they found was that almost 40% of those patients had experienced some kind of ‘awareness’ while being resuscitated, despite being clinically dead.

The study, led by Dr. Sam Parnia, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, spanned four years. The results were published in December of last year. The scientist explained the modus operandi behind the research:

“Contrary to perception, death is not a specific moment but a potentially reversible process that occurs after any severe illness or accident causes the heart, lungs and brain to cease functioning. If attempts are made to reverse this process, it is referred to as ‘cardiac arrest’; however, if these attempts do not succeed it is called ‘death’. In this study we wanted to go beyond the emotionally charged yet poorly defined term of NDEs to explore objectively what happens when we die.” 

deathsoulMany patients were removed from the study due to fatigue, incomplete interview, and death. However, there seem to be two particularly notable standouts from the study. Continue reading

Marlon Brando Questions Everything We’ve Been Taught About Native Americans

The official version of American history, the one they don’t teach in public schools and in civics classes, is anything but the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The brutal conquest of North America and the genocide of North American Indians by the United States government is still a source of extreme sensitivity and cognitive dissonance in our society today.

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 6.59.08 PMActor Marlon Brando, famous for his role in the classic film The Godfather, was also well-known for his devoted support of the rights of Native Americans. In 1973 he made history when he turned down an Oscar Award for his for his role as Vito Corleone in order to protest the treatment of American Indians by Hollywood.

Rather than accepting the award for best actor, he sent Sacheen Littlefeather as an emissary to reject the award on his behalf. Before being booed by the audience she remarked: Continue reading

6 Interesting & Unexpected Benefits of Swearing

So it turns out that there is scientific evidence proving what the most, ahem, ‘creative linguists’ among us have intuited all along: Cursing is good for your health! Listed below are six points revealed by researchers on the subject.

1. Increase Your Intelligence!

human-brain-artwork-andrzej-wojcickiPerhaps this is a bit of a hyperbole, however, science has dispelled the myth that cursing is just a replacement for poor vocabulary.

Turns out that mom and dad were always wrong about swearing making us look stupid!

What’s more is that this article by Time suggests that those who add a little ‘color’ to their speech actually have a larger vocabulary and higher emotional intelligence, thus making them smarter over all.

2. Decrease Your Stress Level!0470eca9857ed6b9dc6c22c0_640_relaxing

It seems like we’re always rushing, rushing around in today’s world. If it’s not one thing, it’s the other: kids, work, life. It seems to never end.

With this is in mind, we need a healthy outlet. Well, a recent study published in Biological Psychology, displays of anger may lessen the release of cortisol (a hormone released by the brain when under stress), which in high amounts has been related to heart disease, bone loss and obesity. Continue reading