Category Archives: News

The Supernatural Reason Native Americans Kept Their Hair Long


We’ve all heard the story of Sampson and Delilah. In it, one of God’s great servants, Sampson was a man possessed of superhuman strength. He was eventually betrayed by the love of his life, Delilah, who figured out that he could be defeated by cutting off all of his hair.

In relation, the Native American tradition has long held that hair is an outward projection of the nervous system, acting much in the way of ‘human antennae.’

Our hair is responsible for transmitting pertinent information to the rest of the nervous system. According to this line of thinking, our hair also transmits an energy from the brain to the our environment.

Kirlian photography has shown the difference in energy fields between those with long and short hair.

A Study From Native Code Talkers in Vietnam

There is actually a declassified bit of information from the Vietnam War that related to this phenomenon regarding Native American code talkers.

It would appear that during this conflict, special envoys of the war department were sent to Native American reservations in search of tough, young, talented scouts who were adept at moving through and sniffing out especially rough terrain.


Men with a reputation of having seemingly supernatural tracking abilities were held at a premium for recruitment. Continue reading

This Fascinating Study Shows How Our Brains Can Manipulate The Matter Around Us

As we dive deeper into the curiosity that is our minds, we are finding out new information about our fullest potential everyday. Our studies have come so far that we are now able to see what happens when a group of people who are under certain circumstances that allow their brains to produce an extreme amount of energy can actually influence the physical world around them.

Branding-Box-MindThis kind of situation has been reported over more than 800 different kinds of relevant experiments  that have influenced matter with the power of our minds.

Within the peer-reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration a study had been published that shows REGs are able to produce anomalous outputs when presented in a variety of group environments.

To give you an idea as to what this means, REGs are used in computer technology to randomly generate ones and zeroes in sequences which can then be printed out on a graph. If the graph indicates that an equal amount of ones and zeros then there should be a flat line on the graph and if there were to be any sort of deviation then the graph would show a certain curve or spike indicating a disruption in one of the sequences of numbers. Continue reading

3 Things Close Minded People Do That You Don’t Have To

Do you ever get that feeling like you’re surrounded by automatons, people who merely mimic life, without really living it?

Sheeple, as they may be called, are otherwise ordinary folks who’ve adapted particularly well to the workforce/consumer/obedience training agenda. They’ve been taught to be docile, foolish and easily led. They’re particularly keen at following mainstream narratives and adapting to group-think and group-behaviors.

closemindedmainAlmost criminally uninformed at times, they are predictable, obedient, gullible, and un-inquisitive, always doing their part to sustain the cultural power dynamic by policing and enslaving themselves and staying focused on whatever tasks have been given them. The primary rewards for their acquiescence being comfort and the illusion of security.

Sheeple are everywhere, to be sure, but a tremendous counter movement is rising in opposition to this engineered madness.

The amount of people waking up is truly inspiring, and a big part of this transformation is a growing awareness of just how much of what we do and what we think is not actually born of original thought, but rather instructed by cultural programs scripted by industry, government and the psychopaths at the helm of spaceship earth. Continue reading

4 Grand Masters of Chi Reveal Their Secrets To Longevity

Of all the ideas and practices available to us for finding good health, peace of mind and happiness in this crazy world, the Chinese and Daoist internal arts of Tai Chi, Qi Gong and energy meditation are unrivaled in their value in improving overall wellness and catalyzing personal transformation.

Masters of Chi are the stuff of legend, capable of performing amazing feats of healing, concentration, and strength, and their secrets are no longer so closely guarded in the Shaolin temples of China. Many dedicated teachers of these arts have spread throughout the world and share their expertise freely with Westerners, making their teachings available in print and in video, offering an immense body of knowledge and instruction on these practical transformative arts.

Referred to as ‘internal arts’ because they emphasize the inward direction of intention for healing, energy cultivation and physical development, there are an infinite number of exercises, techniques and teachings available for study.

In my personal journey of transformation and self-healing I have found tremendous benefit in many of the exercises, meditations and ideas offered by the 4 modern masters of Chi mentioned below. Their teachings encompass a wide variety of physical movements, forms, meditations, breathing exercises and invocations, and include gentle restorative techniques as well as rigorous and physically strenuous practices. Within their collection of written and recorded materials, they have revealed their secrets for the benefit of anyone. Continue reading

The Amazing Effect of Meditation on Troubled School Kids


o-KIDS-IN-CLASSROOM-facebookOur kids are increasingly struggling in school. They are diagnosed with all kinds of mental disorders when they can’t sit still and quietly listen to a teacher drone on about civics or grammar.

We are now starting to wake up to something that could be a big in the contexts of troubled kids in school.

Meditation is an all-natural concentration drug with a whole range of mental benefits. One School in New England started with transcendental meditation (TM) for kids and the results are stunning. Watch this video to hear the kids tell their stories:

Here are some of the things the teachers and students have to say about transcendental meditation in school:

child-meditating-guided-meditation-672x372“Since I learned to meditate […] I could sit and focus better. I could feel clearly what they were saying.”

“I sense a feeling of peacefulness that TM brings to staff and students who have been trained – a peaceful resonance is flowing throughout the building.” Continue reading

The Fundamental Differences Between A Psychiatrist and A Shaman

Nowhere is the disconnect between science and spirit felt more intimately than in matters of mental health.

We can speak empirically on this by saying things like, “America spends over $113 billion a year on mental health treatment,” or “depression affects over 14.8 million adults,” but, cold data marginalizes actual human experience, so if you’re suffering, this doesn’t really help much.

The statistical view does, however, tell us that mental illness is epidemic in our culture, that an enormous economy has risen around the mainstream medical approaches to treating mental illness, and that this industry does not appear to be effective in reversing the growing epidemic of mental illness.

What is Madness?Shaman-Ecuador-2-1024x576

The influential book on Western mental health, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, presently lists some 300 mental disorders that a doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist can choose from when diagnosing a patient.

Given that many of the symptoms of poor mental health are overlapping, like mood swings, depression, and anxiety, psychiatry is a subjective science at best, and the pathological model to matters of the mind and spirit doesn’t always work.

There is, of course, another perspective on mental wellness, one much older than the DSM and theAmerican Psychiatric Association. Many of the world’s indigenous cultures would view our mental disorders not as symptoms of something wrong with a person, but rather as evidence of the arrival of incompatible psychic energies into the person’s life. Energies that must be dispelled or integrated, rather than ignored or subdued. Continue reading