Category Archives: News

3 Powerful Ways to Work Through The Regrets of Your Past

We have all felt since we were young that we need to measure up to something, someone or this imagined version of ourselves that we haven’t aspired to yet and when we fall short, we tend to blame ourselves for the “coulda, woulda, shoulda”scenarios.
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Then dragging these emotions along with us as we continue to navigate through our lives like a ‘big old ball and chain’, known as extra baggage.

When we let the actions of our past determine our future and label ourselves as something that we once were, we withhold the true freedom and happiness we deserve.

And so with each moment in your life where you are holding onto guilt, regret or shame always remember:

1.You are not the person who were in the past

We are not the same people as we were yesterday and the way that we think about ourselves truly determines the outcomes of our future. While a period of reflection can be beneficial, dwelling in the past causes us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Continue reading

How to Ground Yourself When Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out or anxious ever? It’s pretty common in our society today and more and more people are prescribed medication to try to relieve these symptoms. Whether it be from common social conditions or even due to the massive surge of spiritual awakenings. Knowing how to soothe yourself is essential to re balancing.

Personally, I can’t count the amount of times during mine own spiritual awakening, where people told me I needed to get grounded. After much contemplation, I asked myself “how does one ground themselves?”

While the obvious answer is to implore a root chakra meditation, there are a few other ways to easily ground yourself, that will also leave you feeling great!

1. Get Creative

Painting, drawing, and even colouring are some of the best ways to ground. It gives your mind the creative outlet it needs to unleash that pent-up energy you have flowing through you, with no escape route. Continue reading

10 Beautiful Things That Happen When You Trust in The Universe

The law of attraction is a rather simple law. It’s the use of visualization to manifest the things in life that you want. In order to truly understand it, you must put a lot of work into it. No one is perfect at it, but these are signs you’ve learned to fully understand the laws of attraction.

1. You can see synchronicity.

Synchronicity is a fascinating thing. It is defined as the simultaneous occurrences of events that appear significantly related but don’t have a clear connection. This is the universe trying to send you messages, and if you see it, you’re getting the message.

law of attraction2. Having fun is a top priority.

You can’t hope to have a good, happy life without having some fun.

Hard work is important, but all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy, right?

3. You don’t carry baggage.

Negative baggage doesn’t serve to do anything for us. It weighs us down and keeps us from reaching our fullest potential. If you’ve left your baggage behind, you’re on the right track.

4. You take time to enjoy life.

It’s all about stopping and smelling the roses. Life isn’t a race. It’s about enjoying each moment and living life fully.

5. You enjoy the company of others.

And it’s not just a superficial thing either. You deeply enjoy the presence of other people. Strangers get a smile and even people you don’t know that well get a hug.

6. You expect great things to happen.shutterstock_381803809

This is a key part of the law of attraction.

You don’t fret about the future and expect the worst to come true.

In fact, you expect the best to come true! It leads you down a path of working hard and getting what you need.

7. You’re thankful.

The universe provides us a bounty, but universe giveth and universe taketh away.

Showing gratitude sends the right kind of energy out into the universe.

8. You keep things positive.

Petty gossip and nasty talk like that has no place in your life and it shouldn’t. Keeping things positive will keep the positive things flowing.

9. You go with the flow.

It’s an important lesson to realize that you, my friend, are not in control of everything. There are things in your life you have sway over, like what you’re doing and who you’re with, but that’s just about it. Go with the flow.

10. You take responsibility for your life and actions.

It’s all you have control over. And if you mess something up, it’s okay to admit it.

Stopping Loneliness in a Relationship – Remember That You are Your Own True Love

 A relationship is never the answer to your loneliness. Any emptiness, unhappiness, depression, and self-hate you have, is already inside you. People tend to create new relationships not from something they want, but something they miss. They plan dreams, ‘I will be happy when I find someone’.


When they do find someone, and it is fulfilling for three months, maybe a fews year, eventually they might start blaming the other person for their loneliness, depression, self-hate, and their unhappy life.
Or take their light away that they bring to this world, by claiming energy, time, and your personality.
It is their fear, their pain and their depression chasing you; sucking your energy, imprisoning your beautiful free soul. Maybe you do the same because of your emptiness.
No relationship and no other person will bring you happiness or the Love of your life. You are Your own hero, your own lover, your own answer to your prayers, and your own True Love.

Nothing outside of yourself will ever satisfy you.

Today is the day you become your own True Love. Start to love every dark and every light aspect of you. Start to love your own personality, become your own best friend. Take a walk in the forrest. Talk to the spirits. Laugh about a movie in your bed. Start to draw, start to look around you. In Every moment is something sacred. Continue reading

This Strange Butterfly Shaped UFO Was Caught On Film – & It’s One Of The Clearest Video’s

This particularly shaped “black craft” was sited by a father and son who were just leaving a restaurant that is located near the border of Ohio and Kentucky in the USA around the time of 7 PM (local time).Screen Shot 2015-10-31 at 10.46.35 PM

Tom and Christopher, the father and son, had allegedly claimed that two “military helicopters” proceeded to follow the strange UFO after they filmed the craft passing by.

Tom, the father who filmed the event, commented on the craft slowly gliding by and then as it reaches a certain point in the video, there’s a flash of light that appears on either side of the craft. Continue reading

5 Signs You’re in A Toxic Relationship & How to Break Out of It

For many people, romantic relationships aren’t the positive experience that they should be. However, there’s a difference between a bad relationship and a dangerously toxic one, but it is important that you understand how to spot when the relationship you’re in is toxic.

If you’re in a toxic relationship, there is always the chance that you will be able to get out of it and go on to form a happy and stable relationship in the future. This article will help you spot if your relationship is toxic, and will help you to work out how you can get out of it.

1. You feel unfulfilledsigns-of-a-bad-relationship

A relationship should be a partnership between two people that is mutually beneficial to them both.

If you can’t remember what it felt like to be in love, and you certainly don’t look forward to seeing your partner at the end of a long day, there is every chance that your relationship could be toxic, and could be doing you more harm than good in the long term.

2. You’re constantly criticized

bad-relationship-better-than-notIt can sometimes be quite subtle, but one of the signs of a toxic relationship is when one partner is always criticizing the other. It may be a comment such as “You’re not wearing that again are you?”  Continue reading