The popular TV Show Host, Jon Stewart, stepped down from the Daily Show this past April, to open a not for profit animal sanctuary on the families 12 acre land in Middletown, New Jersey.
Since 2013, the couple has been working meticulously and in just a few short months, Bufflehead Farm will become home for dozens of rescued cows, goats, turkeys, sheep, pigs and other animals that were once factory farmed.
For Jon’s wife Tracey, an avid animal activist, the project has been a dream in the making. “If everyone did a bit more, if they fell in love a little bit more, so much could happen,” she said. “It doesn’t have to be going vegan. You can advocate for them. You can show tenderness. You can play music for them. I really hope people can connect with animals the way most of us did as children.”
A former veterinary technician, Tracey has been tirelessly working to promote animal welfare issues, supporting organization such as Farm Sanctuary and now she has a place to call home, for as many as she can save.
Throughout the years on the Daily Show, Jon has also been a spokesperson for animal welfare once (1) devoting an entire comedy segment to the foolishness of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s refusal to sign a bill that would end the lifelong confinement of pigs in crates too small for them to turn around.
Currently, the Stewart’s have four pigs including two piglets, (Maybelle and Anna) who were rescued from the side of the road last year in Georgia, after falling out of a truck upon transport.
While the farm is still awaiting approval as a non profit, the Stewart’s are moving forward with their plans to bring in more animals in desperate need of rescue. A variety of animals including four sheep are set to arrive at the farm shortly.
The Stewart’s plan to eventually open Bufflehead Farm to the public in hopes to educate others about the importance of the sanctuary. “Our hope is to get a lot of school groups in,”.
by LJ Vanier
It is said that we are a product of our environment and when we are young, lasting impressions are burned into our minds about what love is, how the world works and what we ought to do when we are older.
As if settling down, getting married and having children is the benchmark for success. But who is really to say what happiness is and what it looks like?
Maybe some of us are perfectly happy, just being alone…
1. Dogmas and social conditioning don’t phase you
You have navigated the emotional concourse of societal expectation and found that it just doesn’t resonate with you. Instead you listen to your heart and follow your inner voice, wherever it might lead.
2. You screen your phone calls.
If you find yourself waiting to respond to text messages and emails after they light up on your screen, this is a sure-fire sign that you prefer your privacy. Setting your own boundaries for what you allow into your personal zone and when. Continue reading
How many times you have made a decision to change or simply start a new way of life? Do you remember your last New Year’s resolution and what it was all about? It probably sounded something like this: “From now on I’ll start eating healthy food, I’ll be working out 3 times a week, I’ll take yoga classes, I’ll start meditating and I am going to read a book a day!”
It’s OK, every single person had been enthusiastic about something similar and failed to accomplish it at least once in their life. It’s very common and recommended that you set certain goals in life as it is normal to fail at some of them. But if this is happening frequently, it can be rather frustrating, especially if you are a procrastinator.
“I’ll do it later; I better do this next month; I’ll make sure I do that after 3 months.” Let’s face it, you’re never going to finish what you haven’t started yet.
Why is this all happening? Because sometimes reaching your goals is hard or even boring, and the habit of doing a particular thing isn’t developed yet. Now, no need to look for more information elsewhere, the answer is here!
A genius Japanese method called Kaizen is all about continuous improvement. The Kaizen method is famous for the so-called 1-minute principle and it works like this: Continue reading
How many of us remember our dreams? How many of us can control them?
People who have lucid dreams know they are dreaming and they have the ability to control their dreams.
According to Nick Polizzi of The Sacred Science:
The lucid dreamers I know are able to navigate their dreamscape with an awakened mind, asking characters they come across pretty insightful questions about their spirit path. They can run, jump, and fly at will, gaining profound inner wisdom from the experience.
If one wants to dream more at night and maybe even experience the allusive lucid dream, there are three herbs one can take before bed that will help. These herbs have been used for centuries as both medicines and dream enhancers. Continue reading
When you think about purchasing a cotton pad, or gauze from your local drug store, you tend to think that it ought to be a sanitary product, right?
Wrong. According to a recent Argentinian study, they found that 85% of tested tampons, swabs, balls, wipes and other sanitary products, scored positive for none other than a probable carcinogen, typically found in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide.
“Eighty-five percent of all samples tested positive for glyphosate and 62 percent for AMPA, which is the environmental metabolite” Dr. Damian Marino told Télam news agency.
Among these shocking findings, the team at Socio-Environmental Interaction Space (EMISA) of the University of La Plata in Argentina, also found that 100% of the sterilized cotton gauze that was analyzed, showed evidence of glyphosate.
Continue reading