Category Archives: News

When You think You’re Not Good Enough, Remember THIS:

 1. Life isn’t about being perfect.

Life isn’t about being perfect, rather it is more about being happy. You should be enjoying yourself and appreciating what you have. Be yourself, strive for the excellence you want.

2. You have got some Control.relax_your_mind1

You must remember that whatever the situation is, you have a control over that. At any given point of time you have got the power to stand up and say “This isn’t how the story is going to end for me.”

You can’t obviously predict the future, but you can still put in efforts at present to build a better and more desirable future.

3. You can make a shift in your thinking process.

You simply can. There’s nothing that can stop you from thinking the way you want. You can replace any negative thought or a bad situation with a more positive and thinking about any great memory you have.This will reprogram your subconscious to think more good about life and this will help you to handle problems quite well. Continue reading

15 Powerful Quotes That Will Change Your Attitude Towards Life

Life is all about perspective. What’s difficult to someone is simple to another. All it takes is looking at something in a new way to have a shift in attitude; and that makes all the difference in the world

Change your attitude and change your life. Here is the collection of quotes that will remind you about the changes needed in your life.

“The battle you are going through is not fueled by the words or actions of others; it is fueled by the mind that gives it importance.” 

– Unknown

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” 

– Walt Whitmanwalt-whitman

“Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” 

– Paulo Coelho Continue reading

How to Use Smoke to Cleanse Negative Energies

Since humans have existed on this wonderful blue and green planet, smudging and the burning of incense has been used as a way to cleanse and purify the energy of spaces. While its practice has been most associated with that of indigenous tribes, religious and secret societies, and hippie or new-age subcultures, its use and its benefit belongs to all people, the way water and oxygen do, and can be used a way to provide greater comfort and ease within living spaces and shared environments.

Smudging is neither voodoo, nor magic. It requires no belief system or breaks from any known cultural tradition. The decision to smudge, burn incense or not is a practical one, really. It’s simply a matter of how free and clear of negative energies do you wish the spaces you spend time in to be.

Smudging is the burning of sacred herbs, with sage being the most commonly used. The smoke produced from its burning, or the burning of incense is what naturally cleanses and purifies an area of negative energies. When it comes to smudging or burning incense, it’s all about the smoke, not the flame. Smoke cleanses in the same manner as water, by dispersion and elimination.Smudge-Picture

Negative energies are pervasive in our civilized society and are found in most living areas, work environments and shared spaces. Negative energies, unlike what is portrayed in the movies, generally consists of self-judgments, judgments of others, fears for the future, regrets from the past, hidden resentments and emotional suppression. Continue reading

The 3 Causes of Spiritual and Emotional Illness

It is clear that flu, colds, bruises, cuts, infections, broken bones or even cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis etc. are disturbances that belong to the physical plane. Serious illnesses are constantly reminding us of the death of our physical body and they are all to be seen as part of what it means to be an embodied living being. But you haven’t thought that these illnesses are just effects, and if you were a shaman you would be interested in the cause.

Suppressing the effects of illness with medications on the physical plane will do no good. Instead, the causes of the illness must be addressed in order for the true healing to occur.

In other words, the ultimate causes of all illness are found within the imaginal realms. Seen from the shaman’s perspective, the causes of illness are not viruses, bacteria or microbes. The true causes are actually the negative internal states that appear within us in response to traumatic or negative life experiences. Thus, three classic causes of spiritual illness can be listed:

1: Disharmony


It’s experienced when life suddenly loses its meaning or in a case when we have lost an important connection to life.

For instance, if a person loses another person with whom he or she shares a deep bond. Let’s say a death of the spousal partner. The survivor may go into crisis because of the unbearable grief and within a short time he or she may face some medical challenge, like cancer. Continue reading

How Micro-Beads in Body Wash Are Destroying Our Oceans

I have to admit, I love the feeling of scrubbing down with those tiny beads, that open up the pores, exfoliating and really getting down into that tough dirt. Nothing feels better.

But did you know that those tiny beads are usually made of synthetic plastic? and that everyday, millions of these tiny beads are washed down the drain, contributing for a large percent of the plastic contamination in our oceans?

Researchers state that there are 360,000 pieces of plastic for every square mile of the ocean and 12.7 million metric tons of plastic find their way to the ocean every year.

While most of the plastic found in oceans is from waste products such as bottles and food waste wrapping, a study released in the journal of marine pollution bulletin states that micro-beads could result in 80 tons of micro plastic waste, as these tiny beads pass easily through sewage treatment plants. Continue reading