Category Archives: News

9 Surreal Facts About Your Brain You Haven’t Heard Before

Did you know that your subconscious mind makes up over 80% of your brain matter? It’s true! Also, the subconscious controls over 95% of what you perceive and how you behave. Maybe those dreams really are meaningful.

Here are 9 more wild and interesting nuggets of truth about your gray matter:

You are in control.130702_SCI_BrainScanDopamine.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-large

Do you think someone or something can force you to do what you don’t want to do? Do you feel like life is out of your hands?

Think again! No one and nothing can force you to think, say, or do what you don’t choose to do. There is also some evidence to suggest that mind over matter is a real phenomenon.

The brain can handle approximately does 10 quadrillion processes per second on average.

In contrast, your typical quad-core PC can do about 10 billion per second. The fastest computer in the world was clocked at 360 trillion operations per second.

Your subconscious is constantly aware.meditation builds brain cells

This part of your brain is always analyzing and processing that which is going on around you in the background. This is the reason why it completes so many processes per second!

Your conscious mind is the source of free will.

The small percentage of your brain consisting of conscious thought is the part of you that determines what you will do in life and how you think and reason.

The conscious mind is blind to what it does not want to see.

Your brain wants the things it perceives in the world to match up with what it has already experienced. In this way, it will disregard patterns with which it is not familiar. This is called inattentional blindness.

brain-chipThe conscious mind is the source of self-determination.

You choose your thoughts and impress these upon your subconscious mind. In this way your placement in the world is determined and also where you are going to go next. Conversely:

Your subconscious is silent.

The subconscious mind only understands images and patterns. This is what makes holding pictures of successful outcomes in your mind so important. Your subconscious will come to believe that what it is told is true. In this way…

…your subconscious can’t separate fact from fiction.

When you’re dreaming, most of the time your mind is tricked into thinking those events are really happening. The subconscious can’t tell the difference between a car and an image of a car, or between fantasy and real life.

You can train and re-train your mind.

Sometimes we have addictions or habits that are harmful, but we can train our brain through repetition and consistency. Once you have an idea, if you convince your brain enough times on a consistent basis that it is true, it will become so. We can set goals of happiness, abundance, or finding love by continuing to impress upon your brain the things you desire for your life!

The 5 Phases of Healing After A Bad Breakup & How to Stay Balanced

Our struggles are essential for our continued development and spiritual growth. All experience is just opportunity; it enables us to learn and develop. At this point you may think that we’re just saying this so that we can look at struggle in a positive light, and of course, why wouldn’t we? Nothing good comes from perceiving struggles as something negative. You see, as soon as we accept that struggle is negative, we draw in negative energy. Don’t add to your struggles by doing this.

“You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative events.” – Joel Osteen

Heartbreak following an unsuccessful relationship is a great example of a tough time. Usually after bad breakups, individuals can feel lost, hurt and disappointed. Here are some common things which occur after these breakups, when your emotions and thoughts are running wild:


There can be a tendency to be in denial; being unsure if it’s really the end. Sometimes your brain will tell you to try and make things work because you don’t want to give up on love.

out of the dark

Although there are a number of relationships that are stronger than ever, after an initial breakup, you have to ask yourself if the person that you’re involved with is healthy for your being.

Your gut instinct is usually a good indicator of whether they are or not. You see, energy doesn’t lie. Behind all our conscious thoughts, after silencing the mind, we can listen directly to our soul. Our soul always knows what’s best for us. Continue reading

10 Powerful Steps To Forgiving Yourself

Knowing how to forgive yourself can be very challenging. Guilt is something that a lot of people struggle with for many different reasons, and if you know that you’ve done something you’re not proud of at some point in the past, there’s a chance that this is a feeling that you know only too well.

However, the good news is that it really doesn’t have to be this way. If you know how, you should find that you are able to use some key tips to let go of the past, and this should mean that you are able to live your life in a much better, and guilt free way without letting things that you cannot change take over your experience of the future.

These handy tips, which are easy to implement into your life, will help you to reclaim your life, and should mean that you are able to enjoy yourself again.

1. Know that you cannot change what has happened

love what you doThe one thing that is certain in life is that we can never go back to the past and change anything that has happened, as much as we might want to at times – so living in the past is never something that is going to bring you any happiness in the present or in the future.

You should accept that what’s done is done, and that there is no way to change that. Once you have done so, you should find that your head is a little clearer to allow you to move forward slowly but surely so that you can work through the things that have happened in the past.

“When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future.” – Bernard Meltzer Continue reading

Our Emotions Can Cause Physical Pain; Here’s The Proof:

Article written by Christina Sarich and originally posted by

In the ancient arts of Chinese Medicine, Yoga, and Ayurveda, there was no doubt among practitioners that anger could cause a heart attack, or chronic sadness could cause dementia. It was not unusual for a master to exterminate chronic pain in different joints and muscles, or even to cure liver, kidney, or stomach diseases by addressing deeply held emotions like fear, frustration, jealousy, and anxiety.

These feats have been dismissed by modern medicine as placebo, or simply glazed over with the latest pharmaceutical prescription at most doctors’ offices, but new evidence has emerged that proves our emotions directly affect our physical health.

Is Your Sadness Causing Your Symptoms?

The phenomenon of emotional health being inextricably linked to physical health has been negated by modern medicine repeatedly, with only small allowances made in integrative medicine, and extremely few studies which support this idea making their way into mainstream publications.

Nonetheless, the Pharmageddon trend plagues this country. We’re quick to admit that we are depressed, too. The makers of depression drugs are raking it in, enjoying over $14 billion in annual sales, with antipsychotics remaining the top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the US. But the sick-care industry doesn’t really look into how our emotions cause sickness in the body.

I’m not talking about the idea that stress can cause disease, either. Modern health practitioners have largely accepted this general fact, with stress having a noticeable affect on heart disease and obesity rates. Continue reading

Is Your Dog Telepathic? This Cambridge Scientist Thinks So

Article originally written by and published at

If you’re a dog owner, you probably already believe that your dog and you have some sort of telepathic connection, and you’ve had some experiences which strengthen that belief.

Below is a video that was done by Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author of 10 books and more than 80 scientific papers. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge and philosophy and history of science at Harvard, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow.

He took a PhD in biochemistry at Cambridge and was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. He was also a Research Fellow of the Royal Society. From 1974 to 1978 he was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he worked on the physiology of tropical legume crops, and remained Consultant Physiologist until 1985.

He is one of many world class scholars who have dived into the realm of parapsychological (PSI) phenomenon. Continue reading

This Interesting Study Shows How Sugar Is More Addictive than Cocaine

43 cocaine-addicted laboratory rats were given the choice of cocaine or sugar water over a 15-day period: 93 percent, or 40 out of 43, chose sugar.

in 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a document called “TRS 916,” acknowledging that less than 10% of your daily calories should come from added sugar.  They say “less than” because many scientists believe 0% added sugar is necessary.  Our bodies produce enough glucose from starch and carbohydrates received elsewhere.

The WHO suggestion is as follows:

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