Category Archives: News

This Brilliant 13 Year Old Won Google’s Science Fair With A Water Purifier Made Out of Corn Cobs

Lalita Prasida Sripada Srisai is a 13-year-old genius. She’s only in 9th grade, attending DPS Damanjodi, a school in a small town in the Koraput district in the Indian state of Odisha.
She won the ‘Community Impact Award’ at the Google Science Fair in California for her incredible invention.
She won in the 13 to 15 year old age group and received 10, 000 USD as her prize. She also has the opportunity to be supported by Google to help build her project. 

Lalita created a low cost bio-absorbent based water purifier. How does it work? Surprisingly, is uses corn cobs to purify the water!

Corn cobs are incredibly absorbent, making them perfect for collecting contaminants like salts, detergents, different floating particles, coloured dyes, and even some heavy metals. 

IMG_20150516_111235“If the drain pipe of the household is connected to a chamber having different layers of corn cobs in partition layers or to an S-trap pipe having corn cobs, it will separate about more than 70-80 % of contaminants including suspended particles from the waste water,”

-From the report published about her project on the Google Science Fair website. Continue reading

7 Important Reasons to Eat Cucumbers Every Day

Cucumbers have some pretty extraordinary health benefits. Like us, they are mostly made up out of water! You can put them in water with lemon to create the most delicious hydrating drink, or simply eat them and either way you will absorb it’s nutrients. This watery vegetable eliminates toxins and hydrates the body; here’s how:

  1. Reduces Cellulite


The battle against cellulite requires consumption of plenty of water during the day.

As mentioned in the very beginning, cucumber is mostly made of water, so consuming this vegetable supports the excretion of water from the body and eliminating toxins.

Moreover, consumption of this watery vegetable helps treating kidney stones.

  1. Prevents Bad Breath

Problems with bad breath can be easily overcome with this amazing vegetable, as it helps in killing off bacteria responsible for bad breath. Just hold a piece of cucumber in the mouth for about 30 seconds. As simple as that! Continue reading

How Stress Affects us Physically and Spiritually

 When thinking of contemporary societies, work, streets, public transport, traffic jams – one word emerges in our minds: “stress”.  Everyone is constantly accompanied by it in our modern world. But what is the core of what it represents?

The Physical Aspects of Stress

Physically, stress is a complete neurophysiological reaction of organisms against certain physical, mental and other types of irritations. In general, stress has positive effects on organisms – when organisms are exposed to conditions thought to be extreme or trouble, they overcome these conditions and are prepared to respond to eventual problems.DebtStressGetty460

There are two types of stress – positive and negative. For instance, positive stress is when a person does something that they like and expects a positive result. Examples of negative stress are fear and paranoia. According to Selye’s classification positive stress is stress, and negative stress is distress.

Organisms exposed to the influence of external factors try to adapt to them – a process leading to a reaction which was called by Kenan “an alarm reaction”, and Hans Selye called it “a stress reaction” – the name which is popular nowadays. Stress reactions are organisms’ normal responds to stress factors. To normalize the condition of organisms the stress factor is necessary to be eliminated. Continue reading

Harvard Psychiatrist: Extraterrestrial Contact With Humans Is “Literally & Physically Happening”

This article was originally written by and published at Posted here with their permission.

“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack(source)

John Mack was a Harvard professor, psychiatrist, and Pulitzer Prize recipient. He, like many other academics, became very interested in the alien abduction phenomenon. One can see how this sparked his interest; after all, he was a professor of psychiatry. If you told a psychiatrist you’d had contact with beings from another world, you’d probably be handed a diagnosis of schizophrenia or psychosis along with a handful of medication.

This is a disturbing thought, given the tremendous amount mack2hr-s-conway-copie-153of evidence that’s now available to suggest that people are actually having legitimate experiences with extraterrestrial beings, or at the very least, are being completely genuine in their accounts. That’s not to say that some people do not suffer from hallucinations, but there are a lot of people out there who are actually having real experiences as well. John Mack was well aware of this evidence, and this is why he is one of the key pioneers of abduction research.

“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” – Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor (source)

Before you continue, it’s important to note that Mack was well aware of the UFO phenomenon, which has been disclosed by dozens of governments around the world by high level officials and documents. You can see some of those documents and statements in articles that are heavily sourced HERE and HERE. Continue reading

The Suppression Of Science: Why The Science Of Spirit Is Not “Pseudoscience”

Article originally written and posted by Posted here with their permission.

Despite the fact that a tremendous amount of scientific research exists -from independent to peer-reviewed -that clearly shows a definitive link between consciousness and our physical material world, this type of study has remained controversial. Again, despite the wide range of substantiated scientifically valid results, it’s sometimes grouped in the realm of “pseudoscience.”

Pseudoscience is referred to as the incorrect use of the scientific method. Various realms of study that branch underneath consciousness, one of them being parapsychology, which involves studies ranging from telepathy, psychokinesis, out of body experiences, human intention, paranormal phenomena, how consciousness and (what we perceive to be) our physical material world are interconnected, and more are usually accused of this. Although many studies that branch underneath these topics cannot be scientifically explained from a mainstream point of view, they have nonetheless been observed repeatedly in hundreds of laboratories across the world using the scientific method as a basis for investigation.

Digital Universe“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote:

“The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion: the universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University ,  “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud. ” – Dr. Carl Jung

To date, CE has provided a large amount of evidence to clearly show this connection, and how it has no business being grouped in the realm of “pseudoscience.” Even though it is not entirely understood, closing off what we don’t understand is not a proper use of science.

More and more scientists are having absolutely no doubt that consciousness and parapsychological phenomenon are extremely valid subjects when it comes to scientific inquiry, and the importance and implications of this are far reaching. Continue reading

Need Some Inspiration? Here’s The Most Intense Motivational Video Ever

The design of our world is not an accident. Society is engineered to keep us busy, distracted, constantly moving in an ever-shifting direction towards success. What is success? It is a matter of perception. Money, power and popularity can be a tool for incredible transformation when used in the benefit for humanity. 

It’s easy to feel like giving up; who wants to live in this world? A world where the politicians argue in front of millions about immigrants, when this Earth belongs to everyone. A world where the most brilliant minds don’t have the time to change the world; they have bills to pay. A world where children are taught to still in school and given ADHD medication when they want to move their bodies; it’s only been 7 hours.

A world where getting up to work in a concrete jungle is not only normal, it’s desirable. It’s not our fault we’ve been programmed, yet we have forgotten we are the programer. We can shift our global systems, but just like the video says: You have to want it bad enough.

They who say they can and they who say they cant, are both right. Which are you? 


“Pain is temporary – it might last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year; but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it will last forever.”